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COVER STORY                                                       FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    5

        in the form of development,” he said.                                                                 AAP to join BJP months ahead of
            “Today, there is excitement and
                                                                                                              the polls, won from Bijwasan assem-
        relief in the minds of the people of                                                                  bly constituency. He defeated AAP’s
        Delhi.  Excitement  for  victory  and                                                                 Surender Bhardwaj with a comfort-
        relief  is  for  making  Delhi,  AAP-da                                                               able margin.
        free...I bow my head and thank the                                                                        Some other prominent winners
        people of Delhi for believing in Mo-                                                                  of BJP included Vijender Gupta from
        di’s guarantee,” he added.                                                                            Rohini, Kapil Mishra from Karawal
            PM  Modi  termed  BJP’s  victory
        as “historic”. “This is not an ordinary                                                               Nagar and Ravinder Singh Negi from
                                                                                                              Patparganj. Union Home Minister
        victory.  The  people  of  Delhi  have                                                                Amit Shah expressed gratitude to the
        driven out ‘AAP-da’. Delhi has been                                                                   people of Delhi for giving the man-
        freed  from  the  ‘AAP-da’.  The  man-                                                                date to BJP. “Delhi ke Dil mein Modi
        date of Delhi is clear. Today, devel-                                                                 (Modi in the heart of Delhi). This is
        opment, vision and trust have won in                                                                  a victory of ‘Modi ki Guarantee’ and
        Delhi.  Today,  ostentation,  anarchy,                                                                the faith of Delhiites in Modi ji’s vi-
        arrogance and the ‘AAP-da’ that had                                                                   sion of development. Heartfelt grat-
        engulfed Delhi have been defeated.                                                                    itude to the people of Delhi for this
        I congratulate every BJP worker and    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from the New Delhi Assembly seat, Parvesh Verma   massive mandate. Under the leader-
        all of you for this victory,” he said.                                                                ship of Modiji, BJP is determined to
            In New Delhi seat, BJP’s Parvesh   being welcomed by his daughters Trisha and Sanidhi on winning in the Delhi Assembly elec-
        Verma  defeated  Kejriwal  by  over                        tions on Saturday (ANI)                    fulfil all its promises and make Delhi
                                                                                                              the number-1 capital of the world,”
        4,000  votes.  Congress  candidate                                                                    Amit Shah said.
        Sandeep Dikshit got 4,568 votes. Ati-                                                                     “People  have  responded  to  the
        shi  defeated  BJP’s  Ramesh  Bidhuri                                                                 dirty Yamuna, dirty drinking water,
        by over 3,500 votes in Kalkaji. Alka                                                                  broken  roads,  overflowing  sewers
        Lamba of Congress got 4,392 votes.                                                                    and liquor shops open in every street
            “I  thank  the  people  of  Kalkaji
        for showing trust in me. I congrat-                                                                   with their votes. I heartily congratu-
                                                                                                              late all the workers of BJP Delhi who
        ulate  my  team  who  worked  against                                                                 worked day and night for this grand
        ‘baahubal’...We  accept  the  people’s                                                                victory in Delhi,” he added.
        mandate.  I  have  won  but  it’s  not  a                                                                 Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal
        time  to  celebrate  but  continue  the                                                               launched  a  scathing  attack  at  AAP,
        ‘war’ against the BJP,” Atishi told re-                                                               stating that that god “punishes” those
        porters.                                                                                              who commit crime against women.
            Sisodia  lost  from  Jangpura  to
        BJP’s Tarvinder Singh Marwah by a                                                                     Maliwal’s remarks are a veiled refer-
                                                                                                              ence to the assault case, wherein she
        narrow margin of 675 votes.                                                                           alleged AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal’s
            Conceding defeat, he said he
        hopes the winning candidate (Tarvin-                                                                  personal aide, Bibhav Kumar of ‘as-
                                                                                                              saulting’  her  at  the  then  CM’s  resi-
        der Singh Marwah) works for the                                                                       dence.
        constituency. Atishi expressed grati-                                                                     AAP swept the polls in the last
        tude to people for expressing support.                                                                two assembly polls. It won 62 out of
            Gopal  Rai  won  the  Babarpur
        assembly seat by a margin of 18,994        National Convener Arvind Kejriwal lost in the New Delhi constituency    the 70 seats in 2020 and got 67 seats
                                                                                                              in 2015.
        votes. He defeated BJP’s Anil Kumar                   in the Delhi Assembly elections (ANI)               Now, it’s BJP’s turn to rule the
        Vashisht.  Kailash  Gahlot,  who  left
                                                                                                              national capital.
            BJP workers across India celebrate historic win

                elhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Presi-  PM Modi’s guarantee... We will work for the de-  Modi... We have many challenges ahead of us,
                dent Virendra Sachdeva, MP Manoj Ti-  velopment of Delhi... AAP is finished... AAP has   but we have the support of the PM....” Verma
         Dwari, Bansuri Swaraj and other BJP lead-   no future in Delhi, Punjab and the country...” Ti-  said speaking to ANI.
         ers on Saturday celebrated the historic win at the   wari said.                              Workers  of  the  party  also  celebrated  the
         party headquarters in New Delhi.                BJP  leader  and  candidate  from  New  Delhi   victory in Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Ut-
             Manoj Tiwari expressed his gratitude to the   constituency Parvesh Verma and Manjinder Singh   tarakhand.
         people of the national capital and assured them   Sirsa offered prayers at the Gurudwara Bangla Sa-  Jairam  Thakur,  BJP  leader  and  Leader  of
         that the government would work for the devel-  hib in the national capital.               Opposition  of  Himachal  Pradesh  said  that  the
         opment.                                         Speaking to  the media, Verma thanked  the   win of the party was a historic win and thanked
             Tiwari  also  mocked  at  Aam  Aadmi  Party   people for supporting him and giving a huge man-  the people for the mandate.
         (AAP) and said that the party was ‘finished’ and   date to the party.                        “This is a historic victory. I congratulate PM
         had no future in the country or any state.      “Delhi’s  people  have  given  a  huge  mandate   Narendra Modi and party President JP Nadda
             “Words fall short to express our happiness.   to the BJP. We will respect it and I congratulate   and I thank the people of Delhi for this historic
         We express our gratitude to the people of Delhi...   the people of Delhi from the bottom of my heart...   mandate... The nation is celebrating BJP’s victo-
         The people of Delhi have expressed their faith in   The credit for this victory goes to Prime Minister   ry in Delhi...” Thakur said speaking to ANI.

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