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OPINION                                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 11

        rists set the foundation for the study   written form, the epic did not remain   through  realism.  This  exemplifies   ta emphasises the importance of
        of war, strategy, and statecraft, and   static and evolved through distinct   an approach that is relatable to the   achieving  victory  through  flexible
        their concepts continue to resonate   elements unique to different regions   practical needs of decision-making.  ways and means.
        in the contemporary international   and languages.                      Fourth, the Mahabharata en-       It is in this context that the use
        security environment.”                There exists a general consen-  courages debate and deliberation   of surprise, deception and deceit are
            This brings up the second ques-  sus amongst scholars that the eigh-  as  the  basis  for  making  decisions   clearly  evident  prior  to,  during  and
        tion regarding the relevance of an-  teen-day Mahabharata war took   instead of being bound by the    after the war. This reflects a realistic
        cient  texts  for  strategic  studies  and   place sometime between 900 and   words  of  a  divine  voice.  This  pro-  approach to competition and con-
        more specifically in the military do-  1300 BCE. This period can be located   vides an opportunity to better ap-  flict, within the wider ambit of dhar-
        main. This question will be answered   between two established bookends of   preciate persuasive arguments on   ma. In other words, the Mahabhara-
        using the rich resource of knowledge   history. The Iron Age is associated   both sides of the divide, thereby   ta finds no contradiction between the
        provided by the Mahabharata. Since   with 900 CE and the Puranas indicate   enabling an informed understand-  pursuit of dharma and its implemen-
        this epic has not been as much a fo-  a period of a little over 1000 years be-  ing of the decision-making process.  tation following the tenets of artha.
        cus of strategic analysts, as a prelude,   tween the coronation of Mahapadma   The  Mahabharata  provides  Evidently, there remains a correla-
        a brief introduction to the epic would   Nanda in 382 BCE and the birth of   several examples of key players em-  tion between idealism and realism,
        be in order.                      Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu.  ploying ingenious means to achieve   with no contradiction in the pursuit
            The Mahabharata is not a histo-   The Mahabharata is distinctive   their ends. From a limited perspec-  of either.
        ry in the purest sense. It becomes a   in character and along with the Ra-  tive of artha, success is achieved   The nature of society in the an-
        problem when the epic is compared   mayana, it gets placed in a unique   by competing sides in their own   cient period witnessed frequent use
        to a text like the Peloponnesian War   category of itihasa. The term itihasa   ways. Shakuni’s plan of challeng-  of force. It was a tool for seeking
        from ancient times. Similarly, it is   suggests neither history nor mytholo-  ing Yudhishthira in a game of dice   power  and  influence,  resisting  up-
        not a prescriptive text that provides   gy. Quite literally, it implies, “It hap-  was  far  more  effective  than  fight-  heavals and resolving differences.
        a suggested solution to common mil-  pened like this.” In other words, the   ing the Pandavas on the battlefield.  Despite  the repeated employment
        itary issues, as is the case with Sun   text is rooted in events that actually                        of military means, the Mahabhara-
        Tzu’s Art of War.                 did take place. Yet, the Mahabhara-  Similarly, Krishna’s choice to   ta lays down guidelines for avoiding
            The epic is not a myth or a tale   ta cannot be classified in the literal                         the use of force, limiting its use and
        that was someone’s figment of imag-  sense of a historiography.     infiltrate into Magadha with      eventually its responsible applica-
        ination. It does include didactic ele-  In addition to this effort, the   Bhima and Arjuna to chal-   tion. These guidelines, yet again,
        ments, which are meant to draw rel-  Mahabharata has possibly remained                                focus  on  the  concept  of  dharma  as
        evant lessons. This inclusion should   the most popular epic in Indian con-  lenge Jarasandha in a wrestling   guidance for force application. This
        therefore neither take away from the   sciousness. From Amar Chitra Katha   match  instead of fighting  him   goes beyond the principles of jus ad
        seriousness of the text nor dilute its   comics to repeated attempts at pop-                          bellum and jus in bello. While this
        strategic import.                 ular outreach through television se-  in a war accrues multiple ben-  does not suggest the scrupulous pur-
            The Mahabharata is not a reli-  rials and from individual stories to   efits. This includes the place-  suit of these principles, yet, its prev-
        gious text. Even the Bhagavad Gita,   divergent views from the perspective                            alence and relevance remain deeply
        in addition to being a guide for ksha-  of major characters, the text has been  ment of a favourable ruler on   enshrined in the consciousness of
        triya dharma, is considered spiritual   interpreted in multiple ways.  the throne and garnering the   major actors in the epic.
        in its scope.                         Having reinforced the continu-                                      Yesterday we called long-range
            The epic is not a recent obses-  ous availability of the Mahabharata  support of kings imprisoned by   artillery a game changer, today it
        sion, discovery, or rediscovery, as was   over the centuries and its social im-  Jarasandha for an eventual hu-  is drones and tomorrow it may be
        the case with some texts in the past.   pact on Indian consciousness, a log-                          something else. However, the princi-
        It has not only remained pervasive   ical question arises regarding its rel-  man sacrifice. What differen-  ples of warfighting remain the same,
        across the country but also beyond its   evance as a strategic text, especially   tiates the acceptability of this   even as its context changes. The na-
        shores, over centuries of its popular   for contemporary times.                                       ture of war itself remains the same,
        dissemination and distribution.       Prior to answering the question,  pursuit of power and wealth, is   even as its character changes. The
            The Mahabharata is not merely   it would be relevant to contextualise   its co-relation with dharma.  collective psyche of a nation follows
        a  story  about  war  and  warfighting.   the characteristics of the text, which                      a protracted cycle, which emerges
        While the text provides some of the   make the epic a timeless and unique   The idea of war has remained   from the ancient and has already
        most detailed and vivid descriptions   source of strategic thought.  endemic to human existence. It has   stepped into the future. Therefore,
        of  battles,  warriors,  battlefield  con-  First, unlike prescriptive texts,   also been considered one of the most   unless we can make sense of our past,
        ditions, vagaries of war, and use of   the Mahabharata relates a real-life   important determinants for any dis-  a reasoned understanding of the fu-
        weapons, it is as much, if not, more   story, marked by strategic challeng-  cussion on a nation’s strategic cul-  ture may at best remain murky.
        about strategic objectives of war   es and complex decision dilemmas.   ture. The epic delves into the threat
        and the ways in which these can be   These are resolved through different   of war at length. It clearly outlines   Col Vivek Chadha (Retd) is a Senior
        achieved. The  epic  also  delves  into   approaches that range from  deceit   the priorities that are ascribed to the   Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Insti-
        the implications and futility of war.  to righteousness and from realism to   option of waging war.    tute for Defence Studies and Analyses,
            The Mahabharata is not a text   idealism.                                                                     New Delhi
                                                                                At the conceptual level, the idea
        that explains right and wrong in      Second, in addition to the obvi-  of war is governed within the pur-  Views expressed are of the author and
        terms of strategic thought. Its focus   ous answers that some circumstanc-  view of dharma. Since dharma does   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        on context, nuance and circumstan-  es suggest, several incidents straddle   provide the philosophical moorings   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        tial decision-making throws up op-  the thin line between right and wrong   of the idea of war, it does not come   Government of India.
        tions that reflect the reality of chal-  making the resolution of issues a   as  a  surprise  to  find  war  avoidance
        lenges in everyday life.          challenge. This makes the context of   at its very foundation. This is accom-  The full version of thiis article first
            During  the  first  few  centuries   the decision as relevant as its guiding                       appeared in the Comments section of
        of its existence, the Mahabharata   principles.                     panied by the pursuit of rules of en-  the website ( of Manohar
                                                                            gagement prior to, during and after
        was not distributed in writing. It was   Third, the epic is guided by the   the war.  Eventually, when war does   Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies
        disseminated  verbally.  Subsequent-  overarching principle of idealism   become inevitable, the Mahabhara-  and Analyses, New Delhi on November
        ly, even after it became available in   and its functional implementation                                         22, 2023

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