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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                    DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 12

             Saying “Yes” to New Zoning, New

         Businesses, and New Opportunities

                     The “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity” initiative includes plans to foster vibrant
                               neighborhoods with more kinds of businesses in more kinds of places

                   ERIC ADAMS

              ast month, New York City hit
              an economic milestone, with
        Lmore  total  jobs than  ever be-
        fore in our city’s history. Our admin-
        istration is proud of the work we have
        done to ensure our economy has made
        a full recovery — and we are deter-
        mined to keep working to create jobs
        and opportunity for all New Yorkers.
            Our “City of Yes for Economic   This plan will also address the ongoing issue of vacant storefronts in our city, getting more of them re-rented and re-activated by loosening
        Opportunity” proposal is one of the                         rules about which types of businesses can locate where (File photo)
        many ways we are aiming to create
        new pathways to prosperity. We are
        seeing transformative changes in   ic Opportunity” initiative includes   existed 60 years ago, and our pro-  and nightlife sector, the life sciences,
        how we live and work, and our city’s   plans to foster vibrant neighbor-  posal will update these rules to al-  film  production,  urban  agriculture,
        rules and regulations must adapt   hoods with more kinds of businesses   low businesses to grow in New York,  and more.
        to these new realities — especially   in more kinds of places. For exam-  providing good-paying jobs for New   From food to fashion to tech
        when it comes to antiquated zoning   ple, our plan would allow a success- Yorkers. Our plan will modernize   and  art,  these  small  and  specific
        laws from decades ago. Rules that   ful bakery to expand closer to your   regulations for New Yorkers who   changes will have an outsized impact
        made sense in the days of the rota-  neighborhood, rather than having to   want to run a business from their   on our economy. This new way of do-
        ry telephone are getting in the way   move to a different area zoned for   home and set new standards for us-  ing things will create a new and more
        of doing business in the age of the   heavy manufacturing and away from   ing  existing  buildings  in  new  ways,  collaborative culture going forward
        smartphone.                       customers  who  would  benefit  most   something that is clearly a priority  — one where city government is a
            We recently kicked off the pub-  from having that business nearby.  with the rise of remote work.  partner working to streamline solu-
        lic review process for this ambitious   The plan is also the largest ini-  This plan will also address the   tions, not an obstacle to be overcome.
        proposal to advance 18 essential   tiative  to support industrial  jobs   ongoing issue of vacant storefronts   That is what being a City of Yes
        changes to our citywide zoning code   and businesses in the history of New   in  our city,  getting more of  them   is all about. Yes, to new businesses,
        that will boost our economic recov-  York’s zoning, including by making   re-rented and re-activated by loos-  new industries, and new ideas. Yes,
        ery, help New Yorkers access goods   more space available for small-scale   ening rules about which types of   to new housing and opportunity. Yes,
        and  services  in  their  neighborhood,   clean manufacturing — including de-  businesses can locate where, and by   to change and creativity. And yes, to
        and make it easier to expand or start   signers, retailers, artists, craftspeople,  modifying a counterproductive regu-  ensuring that New York remains a
        new businesses. Over the next sever-  and makers of all kinds — and cre-  lation that prevents some storefronts   place where you can put your ideas
        al months, all New Yorkers will have   ating new zoning tools for industrial   from being reoccupied if they are va-  into action and succeed.
        the chance to learn  about  this pro-  businesses.                  cant for more than two years.
        posal and make their voices heard.    The current zoning was craft-     We are also upgrading and  re-          Eric Adams is
            The “City of Yes for Econom-  ed for the industrial businesses that   forming zoning to support our café   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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