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OPINION                                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 10


             A Strategic Overview of

                                  the Indian Epic

            The Mahabharata is not a prescriptive text nor is it a myth or a tale, nor is it merely a story about war and

            warfighting. The epic is guided by the overarching principle of idealism and its functional implementation
                       through realism. It focuses on the concept of dharma as guidance for force application

        VIVEK CHADHA                      seen from the prism of history and   This Brief will attempt to ad-  been one of the pioneer institutions
                                          sociological development and there-                                 and  studies  on these  subjects  have
              he recent past has witnessed   fore are “more a guide for political  dress  some of the misgivings   been on for well over a decade. Inter-
              an animated debate  around   leadership”. Three, “fascination with   voiced in opposition to the   estingly, user response to research at
        Tthe relevance of ancient Indi-   the study of ancient texts is at best an                            MP-IDSA further suggests that these
        an texts for modern militaries. Mul-  academic exercise in self-pride”.  study  of ancient  Indian texts   themes have consistently remained
        tiple opinions were voiced soon after   The misgivings voiced by some   and simultaneously highlight   amongst the most  read,  indicating
        the launch of Project Udbhav by the   senior commentators and military                                interest from a wide cross-section of
        Indian Army. The project “aims to   professionals raised fundamental  their strategic significance, us-  national and international audiences.
        delve into India’s military history,   questions regarding the study of an-  ing the Mahabharata as a case   It is pertinent to quote the US
        strategy, and strategic concepts, fos-  cient texts, especially by military of-                       War College course guide in this
        tering an indigenous strategic culture   ficers at two levels. Is the Indian en-  study.              context. The curriculum includes the
        rooted in our rich heritage”.     deavour to study ancient texts unique                               study of “ancient masters” to better
            The critique that emerged point-  and founded on a questionable intel-  The answer to the first question   understand their thoughts on “the
        ed out misgivings at multiple levels.   lectual  foundation? Further,  is  the   is perhaps easier to formulate. The   nature  and  character  of  war,  and
        This included “the irrelevance of an-  study of ancient texts relevant in   study of ancient texts is neither new   about strategy”. It goes on to say that
        cient weapons, tactics and military   modern times, wherein, warfare has   nor a recent initiative. The Manohar   “we do so not simply to find historical
        planning for a ‘tech-heavy battle-  undergone a perceptible change in   Parrikar Institute for Defence Stud-  perspective, but because these theo-
        field’”. Two, ancient texts should be   character?                  ies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) has           Continued on next page... >>

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