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BIG STORY                                                          DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye                     5

        made the National Commission for                                                                      sembly elections in Telangana - 2023,
        Backward Classes (NCBC) a con-                                                                        as follows, with immediate effect,” the
        stitutional  body. We also gave the                                                                   party said.
        nation its first OBC Prime Minister.                                                                      The BJP knows the importance
        Congress never worked for backward                                                                    of this election and how important it is
        communities; they only made false                                                                     for the party in the 2024 national elec-
        promises to them.”                                                                                    tions. In fact, some leaders are already
            Amit Shah further hit out at the                                                                  talking about it. Maharashtra Deputy
        Gehlot government and said that he                                                                    Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis
        had never seen a more corrupt gov-                                                                    has expressed confidence in Narendra
        ernment in his entire life. “I never                                                                  Modi securing a third term as Prime
        witnessed such a corrupt government                                                                   Minister saying that the way he has
        in my life. Once a BJP government is                                                                  taken the country forward, his upcom-
        formed here which will have the vision                                                                ing tenure will be a defining moment
        of PM Modi, we will open an inves-                                                                    for India.
        tigation and all these corrupt people                                                                     Speaking about a training ses-
        will be punished,” he said.                                                                           sion organized in Bhayandar’s Uttan
            Meanwhile, down south, Union                                                                      for the election in-charge of the par-
        Minister and Telangana BJP Presi-                                                                     ty ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha
        dent G Kishan Reddy on Wednesday                                                                      elections 2024, Fadnavis said, “I in-
        confirmed  Prime  Minister  Narendra                                                                  formed party leaders in the meeting
        Modi’s visit to the poll-bound state                                                                  that the upcoming Lok Sabha and
        for the party’s election campaigning.                                                                 Vidhan Sabha elections are more
        Kishan Reddy said that the Prime   Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addresses a public meeting for the state Rajasthan Assembly   important for the nation than for the
        Minister will visit the state on three              elections in Rajkheda on Wednesday (ANI)          BJP. The  way Modiji has  taken the
        days, November 25, 26 and 27 adding                                                                   country ahead, his upcoming tenure
        that the state needs a “double-engine”                                                                between 2024 and 2029 will be a de-
        government.                       nataka to fund its election campaigns   In  another  development,  the   fining moment for India.”
            “PM Modi will participate in a   in Telangana, Chhattisgarh & Rajas-  Congress on Sunday constituted an   “Therefore, we have to strength-
        roadshow in Hyderabad on Novem-   than” Telangana BJP Chief Kishan   election coordination committee for   en the party at all booth levels and
        ber 27. Union Home Minister Amit   Reddy said.                      the  Telangana  assembly  polls  to  co-  constituencies before the Lok Sabha
        Shah will be in the state on November   The allegations come after sever-  ordinate the election campaign of the   election. We have to strongly back our
        24 and 26. BJP national president JP   al senior Congress leaders and minis-  star campaigners. As per the notifica-  alliance partners during elections. Ac-
        Nadda, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister   ters like Karnataka Deputy CM DK   tion issued by the party, Challa Vam-  cordingly, everyone in the party shall
        Yogi Adityanath and Defense Minis-  Shivakumar have been campaigning   shi Chand Reddy has been appointed   work keeping these things in mind,”
        ter Rajnath Singh will also be coming   extensively in Telangana for the Con-  as convener of the panel, with Mahesh   he added.
        to Telangana,” Reddy said.        gress. The BJP which unveiled its   Kumar Goud as co-convener.          Hitting back at Congress leader
            The BJP chief claimed that    election manifesto for Telangana on   The  committee  includes  three   Rahul Gandhi over his remark, blam-
        though Congress is eyeing forming a   November 18 has also attacked the   other members: Syed Azmatullah   ing Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        government in Telangana, the people   ruling BRS calling for the removal of   Husseni, Nuthi Shrikanth and  N   for India’s defeat to Australia in the
        will not “bless” the party.       the Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar   Preetham. “The AICC has approved   final of the cricket World Cup, Maha-
            “After Karnataka, Congress is   Rao.  “KCR  ko  hatao,  Telangana  ko   the proposal for the constitution of a   rashtra Deputy Chief Minister Deven-
        dreaming of forming the government   bachao, BJP ko jitao” Kishan Reddy   Coordination Committee to co-or-  dra Fadnavis on Wednesday said the
        in Telangana. The people of Telanga-  said while addressing a press confer-  dinate the  election campaign  of  the   PM may bring bad luck to ‘corrupt’
        na will not bless the Congress party.   ence in Hyderabad.          star campaigners, for the ensuing as-  leaders in the Opposition but people
        A double-engine government should                                                                     regard him as a ‘messiah’.
        come to Telangana so that the people                                                                      Fadnavis said, “Who is scared of
        of the state receive all benefits,” he said.                                                          PM Modi these days? It’s the corrupt
            He also dared the Congress par-                                                                   leaders and evil-doers who are living
        ty to make a person belonging to the                                                                  in fear of him. Hence, it is quite nor-
        Backward Community (BC) as Chief                                                                      mal for them to feel that way about
        Minister while vowing on the BJP’s be-                                                                him. However, for the common man,
        half to bring a BC person to the CM’s                                                                 PM Modi remains a messiah, the
        chair  if  the  party  is  voted  to  power.                                                          country’s savior from corruption.
            BJP  President  G  Kishan  Reddy                                                                  They regard Prime Minister Modi as
        on Monday launched a scathing at-                                                                     a leader who is determined to take the
        tack on the Congress alleging that it                                                                 country forward.”
        was taxing the people in Karnataka to                                                                     “As far as Rahul Gandhi is con-
        fund the election campaign in Telan-                                                                  cerned, not even his own party leaders
        gana. “Congress party came to power                                                                   take  him  seriously.  So,  even  I  don’t
        in Karnataka on the basis of five guar-                                                               take him seriously,” the Maharashtra
        antees. But they are not fulfilling these                                                             Deputy CM added.
        guarantees. Every section of the soci-                                                                    Who the electorate of Rajasthan
        ety in Karnataka is against Congress.                                                                 and Telangana and other states, which
        On the orders of Rahul Gandhi and   Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis addressing an election rally in Hy-  are going or gone to polls this month,
        Sonia Gandhi, Congress indulging in   derabad on Tuesday. Union Minister For Culture and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Telangana   will take seriously would be known
        corruption  is  gathering  crores  of  ru-         president G Kishan Reddy also present (ANI)        only on December 3. And that will
        pees by the way ‘election tax’ in Kar-                                                                also give a major indication for 2024.

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