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NATION DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 8
Standing with Israel? Modi skips
Brics meeting as members call for
immediate ceasefire
India was represented by foreign minister S Jaishankar who raised the issue of terrorism
being a common threat to all countries
New Delhi
n a huge development, the BRICS
group of nations on Tuesday
Icalled for an “immediate” and
“sustained” humanitarian truce in
Gaza while expressing their deep
concern at the dire humanitarian situ-
ation. The Extraordinary Joint Meet-
ing of BRICS Leaders and Leaders
of the Invited BRICS Members was
held virtually on Tuesday, focusing on
the ongoing situation of the West Asia
conflict. “We called for an immediate,
durable, and sustained humanitarian
truce leading to a cessation of hostil-
ities,” the statement read.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
skipped the meeting. India was repre-
sented by foreign minister S Jaishan- The chair’s summary of the Meeting stated that all the member countries raised concerns at the latest escalation of violence
kar who raised the issue of terrorism since the October 7, 2023, attack (ANI)
being a common threat to all countries.
Among the BRICS members, both national human rights law,” it stressed. sian State media reported. “Russia’s BRICS countries on the West Asia
old and new, India and Ethiopia were The chair’s summary added, “We position is consistent and does not situation, Raisi said that the issue
the only two to abstain in the voting stressed the need to pursue account- change with the situation. We urge the of Gaza is the issue of humanity and
for the UN General Assembly Res- ability. We must ensure that indepen- international community to join forc- justice.
olution that called for humanitarian dent and transparent investigations es in order to ease tensions, ensure a And Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince
pause to allow for supply of food, fuel are conducted in accordance with in- ceasefire and find a political solution Mohammed bin Salman on Tuesday
and water to the Gaza Strip. All the ternational standards.” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” urged all nations to cease weapon ex-
other members had voted in favour. They further reiterated the need TASS quoted Putin as saying. ports to Israel, according to Al Arabi-
The chair’s summary of the Ex- for full respect for international hu- “BRICS nations and the coun- ya Post.
traordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS manitarian law and the need for full, tries of the region could play a key Saudi Arabia’s Crown Price
stated that all the member countries immediate, safe, unhindered, and sus- role in this work,” Putin said, adding, made this request during an extraor-
raised concerns at the latest escalation tained humanitarian access and the “This is why the participation of our dinary BRICS Joint Meeting, which
of violence since the October 7, 2023, provision of aid in accordance with colleagues from the Middle East in was being held virtually to address the
attack and the grave deterioration of the basic principles of humanity, neu- today’s meeting, who were invited to Israel-Hamas conflict.
the situation in the region, “in partic- trality, impartiality and independence join BRICS as full members earlier in South Africa is hosting the
ular the dire humanitarian situation established in the UNGA resolution. the year, is particularly important.” BRICS groups of nations to convene
in Gaza and the rest of the Occupied According to the statement, the The leaders of the BRICS coun- the virtual BRICS Extraordinary
Palestinian Territory, including East leaders also restated their commit- tries joined the meeting along with Joint Meeting.
Jerusalem and in Israel.” ment to the peaceful resolution of their counterparts from newly added Saudi Arabia further demanded
All the nations further con- differences and disputes “through di- member states. the start of a serious and comprehen-
demned the acts of violence aimed alogue and inclusive consultations in a Addressing the special meeting sive peace process to establish a Pales-
at Palestinian and Israeli civilians, coordinated and cooperative manner on the Israel-Hamas war, Iran Pres- tinian state along the borders of 1967,
including war crimes, indiscriminate and support all efforts conducive to ident Ebrahim Raisi slammed Israel, reported Al Arabiya Post.
attacks and targeting of civilian infra- the peaceful settlement of crises.” calling the Zionist regime “criminal,” “The Kingdom’s position is con-
structure, as well as all acts of provoca- At the meeting, Russian President and said that what is happening these stant and firm; there is no way to
tion, incitement, and destruction. Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called on days is a clear sign of an “unjust inter- achieve security and stability in Pales-
“We emphasised that civilians must the international community to join national system of the West.” tine except through the implementa-
be protected in accordance with inter- forces to find a political solution to In his speech at the virtual ex- tion of international decisions related
national humanitarian law and inter- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Rus- traordinary meeting of leaders of to the two-state solution,” he stressed.