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NATION DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 6
India that is more Bharat:
How Indian diplomacy is
navigating a fractured world
Foreign Minister S Jaishankar underscores that India supports a re-globalization that is diversified,
democratic, fair and market-based
New Delhi
rime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednes-
day expressed confidence that G20 will con-
Ptinue to move forward with a “human-cen-
tric approach” under Brazil’s G20 Presidency and
that members of the grouping will give priority to
food security, health security and sustainable devel-
opment. In his closing remarks at the virtual G20
summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also ex-
pressed confidence that G20 will continue to work
for the expectations of the Global South.
Meanwhile, External Affairs Minister S Jais-
hankar said that the efforts made by India during
its G20 presidency this year under its theme of
‘One Earth, One Family, One Future” will not end
with its presidency and affirmed that it will contin-
ue to work for the vision of inclusive global growth.
“The endeavours undertaken during India’s
G20 Presidency, under our theme of ‘One Earth,
One Family, One Future’, will not end on Novem- Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivers opening remarks at the G20 Leaders’ Summit, in New Delhi in September (ANI)
ber 30th 2023. With your support it will continue
to be heard as we work to realize our vision for a
world where truly no one is left behind anywhere responsive. This is an India that is more Bharat,” democratic, fair and market-based.
in the world,” he said. he added, He said, “The world is now addressing
While addressing the Foreign Ministers Ses- Reiterating India’s approach towards the over-concentration that emerged in the inter-
sion of the Second Voice of the Global South, neighboring countries in tough times of crisis, national economy. Participating in resilient and
Jaishankar underlined that India took over its G20 EAM said that India’s concept of “extended neigh- reliable supply chains has consequently become
presidency at a time when world was facing a lot of borhood” has deepened roots in ASEAN, the a key Indian goal. Similarly, ensuring trust and
challenges. Gulf, Central Asia and the India Ocean. transparency is vital in the digital domain. India is
Also, S Jaishankar on Friday referred to key He said further, “In that process, India demon- preparing for an era of artificial intelligence and
developments in the country, including cashless strated during 2023 how to navigate the east-west the arrival of new tools of influence. We support
payments, lunar landings and woman empower- polarization around Ukraine and bridge the north- a re-globalization that is diversified, democratic,
ment and emphasized that “this is an India that is south developmental divide. The impact of skewed fair and market-based.”
more Bharat,” and said that in the last decade, In- globalization, Covid damage, conflict in Ukraine, While referring to the changes being made
dia has nurtured authentic and grounded politics big-power competition, climate events and now vi- domestically in the country, including policies for
by deepening its Indian democracy. olence in the Middle East have certainly made the ease of doing business and promoting ease of liv-
Jaishankar made these remarks in his arti- world far more volatile and unpredictable.” ing, he said that “India’s increased visibility abroad
cle for The Economist and said, “The deepening He added, “To rise in such challenging circum- is also because of what is changing at home.”
of Indian democracy has also nurtured authentic stances requires nimble and “multi-vector” Indian He said, “The pandemic saw not just a mas-
and grounded politics. While valuing culture and diplomacy. Working with partners on agreed issues sive public-health response but deep reforms as
heritage, the embrace of technology and moder- was evident in the Quad mechanism, the Indo-Pa- well. Establishing digital infrastructure on scale
nity are equally visible in the progress of the last cific Economic Framework, BRICS expansion has transformed delivery of socio-economic ben-
decade. Today’s India is one of cashless payments, and creative Middle East initiatives. We support a efits and public services. So, too, has the quality
of 5G networks, of lunar landings and of digital re-globalization that is diversified, democratic, fair of governance since 2014, making it easier to do
delivery.” and market-based.” business and promoting ease of living. This is now
“It is equally one of women’s political repre- Highlighting the unbalanced economic supply buttressed by a nationally integrated infrastruc-
sentation and “leaving no one behind”. This is a chains in the world, Jaishankar underscored that ture initiative, improved skill development and
society that is now more confident, capable and India supports a re-globalization that is diversified, encouragement of innovation and start-ups.”