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North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023

         US Senators & Representatives join community

                  groups to celebrate Diwali at Capitol Hill

         The event was a unifying opportunity to celebrate Diwali in the nation’s capital, where attendees

                                 had the chance to reflect on the universal messages of Diwali

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC
              APS Public Affairs and multi-
              ple partner organizations, in-
        Bcluding the  Hindu  American
        Foundation (HAF), the Asian Amer-
        ican Hotel Owners Association (AA-
        HOA), Shrimad Rajchandra Mission
        Dharampur, Federation of Jain Asso-
        ciations in North America (JAINA),
        the American Jewish Committee
        (AJC), the US Indian Community
        Foundation, the US India Security
        Council  Inc,  and  the  Indian  Ameri-
        can Relations Council convened on
        Capitol Hill to celebrate Diwali. Over
        300 members of the Indian American
        community from across the United
        States gathered at the Dirksen Sen-
        ate Office Building, joining members
        of Congress in the celebration.
            Senators and US Representa-
        tives that attended the celebration
        included Sen Cynthia Lummis (Wyo-
        ming), Rep. Deborah Ross (NC-02),                      Representatives Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) and Donald Norcross (NJ-1) light a diya
        Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), Rep. Brad
        Sherman (CA-32), Rep. Ro Khanna   by lighting diyas, or traditional lamps   doing your duty - are good reminders   the spirit of the celebration.
        (CA-17), Rep. Anna Paulina Luna   to illuminate homes and prepare deli-  to people of all faiths.” “Celebration   The event was a unifying oppor-
        (FL-13), Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-  cious meals and pray for wisdom and   of this festival on Capitol Hill is not   tunity to celebrate Diwali in the na-
        08), Rep. Jim Costa (CA-21), Rep.  prosperity. Diwali not only fosters a   only a testament to the diversity and   tion’s capital, where attendees had
        Jen Kiggans (VA-02), Rep. Shri Tha-  sense of togetherness and gratitude   unity within our communities but it   the chance to reflect on the universal
        nedar (MI-13), Rep. Dan Meuser    but also showcases the rich cultural   is also an opportunity to showcase   messages of Diwali, while also in-
        (PA-09), Rep. Brian K. Fitzpatrick   diversity and traditions that make it a   the strength that comes from cultural   creasing awareness about the Indian
        (PA-01), Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-16),  cherished holiday for millions of peo-  preservation and understanding of the   American community and interfaith
        Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01), Rep.  ple around the world.           various communities,” shared Shri Jag   harmony. Additionally, attendees
        Steny Hoyer (MD-5), Rep. Maxwell      Elected representatives present   Mohan in his address to the assembly.  had valuable interactions with repre-
        Frost (FL-10), and Ohio State Sena-  at the celebration passionately em-  Suhag Shukla, Executive Direc-  sentatives on Capitol Hill, enhancing
        tor Niraj Antani. Also in attendance   phasized the vital role of diversity   tor of the Hindu American Founda-  the event’s impact and significance.
        were Roberts Peckar, Member of the   in their constituencies. They under-  tion shared, “Diwali is a time to re-  BAPS is a volunteer-driven
        Board of Governors of the American   scored the profound impact of sharing   flect on the good that is within each   spiritual organization committed to
        Jewish Committee, and Shri Jag Mo-  cultural traditions and celebrations,  of us and to let its light shine through,  fostering individual growth through
        han, Minister of Community & Per-  like Diwali, in promoting a deeper   allowing us to transcend our differ-  Hindu values of faith, service, and
        sonnel at the Embassy of India.   understanding, fortifying communi-  ences big and small, to alleviate the   harmony. Under the spiritual leader-
            Diwali, also known as the Festi-  ty strength and building connections   suffering of others, and to act with   ship of His Holiness Mahant Swami
        val of Lights, is a vibrant celebration   among diverse populations.  wisdom so that we can overcome the   Maharaj, BAPS nurtures Indian tra-
        widely observed in India by Hindu,    Indian-American Congressman   darkness of greed, hate, and violence.”  ditions in over 100 North American
        Jain, Sikh and Buddhist communities   Ro Khanna joined in the  diya light-  “May the festival of lights inspire   and 3,500 communities worldwide.
        around the world. This festival sym-  ing and shared his remarks on Diwa-  us to lift our communities with hope   Through these communities, it cham-
        bolizes the triumph of good over evil,  li, “The principles of Diwali - the tri-  instead of despair and stand up for   pions holistic personal growth, pro-
        light over darkness and knowledge   umph of good over evil, the triumph   what’s right. That’s what Diwali is all   motes social progress, and encourag-
        over ignorance. Diwali is celebrated   of righteousness, the importance of   about,” remarked Rep. Jim Costa on   es diversity by embracing all.

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