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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 16
Chicago Shines Bright with Diwali Celebration
hosted by Mayor Brandon Johnson and
Indian American Business Council
OUR BUREAU tribution towards the development Alderwoman Shweta Baid , Ajeet Singh, President IABC, visionary leader of IABC team Keerthi
and progress of the city of Chicago. Kumar Ravoori, Sunil Shah FIA Chairman and Nag Jaiswal Chairman Salome Foundation
Chicago, IL
Keeping the beautiful Diwali tradi-
hicago Mayor Brandon John- tion alive, Mayor Johnson distribut-
son in collaboration with Indi- ed sweets amongst the attendees.
Can American Business Council Consul General Somnath
hosted a Grand Diwali Celebration at Ghosh talked about how the festival
City Hall Chicago on November 6, of Diwali, similar to Yoga Day, has a
2023. The celebrations were marked become a global celebration all over
by the attendance of Consul General the world. In his remarks Ghosh
of India Mr. Somnath Ghosh, elected added that India is an example of
officials and many prominent com- tolerance, coexistence and diversity
munity leaders. of language, religions and ethnici-
The distinguished guests who ties living peacefully and pursuing
graced the event were Chicago City individual and national dreams,
Treasurer Melissa Irvin, Alderwom- respecting democracy, respecting
an Shweta Baid, Alderman Deborah human rights, and universal broth-
Silverstein, Alderman Walter Bur- erhood. He added that Indians and
nett, Alderman David Moore, Alder- people of Indian origin strongly
man Lamont Robinson, Alderman stand with the City of Chicago, and
Pat Dowell, Aldermen Jason Irvin, all other elected authorities in the
Judge Sanjay Tailor, Judge Rena greater Chicagoland for peace, for
Vantine, Dr. Bharat Barai and Dr. development and for the prosperity
Sreenivas Reddy (Chair Il Medical of the city and its beautiful suburban whether it is mental health or vio- success and explained how IABC
Board). regions. lence. The dignitaries congratulated envisions to keep working in building
The beautiful ceremony started Dr. Barai wished Mayor John- the entire IABC for putting a beau- a better and stronger community by
with singing of national anthems, de- son, and everyone present a happy tiful event together signifying the vic- hosting such impactful events.
votional song along with invocational and prosperous Diwali and talked tory of light over darkness and good Keeping the beautiful Diwali
lamp alighting. about how the festival brings back over evil through this grand spectacle tradition alive, Mayor Johnson dis-
Ajeet Singh, President IABC the same joy and memories that ev- of Indian cultural heritage at the City tributed sweets amongst the attend-
welcomed everyone for joining the eryone experienced when Lord Ram Hall. ees. IABC envisions to keep work-
celebration and thanked Mayor came back to Ayodhya from exile. The ceremony closed with a ing in building a better and stronger
Brandon for celebrating Diwali with Dr. Sreenivas Reddy mentioned heartwarming vote of thanks by community by hosting such impactful
one Indian American Community. that beautiful celebrations like these the visionary leader of IABC team events.
Mayor Johnson extended his heart- are a reminder of how important Keerthi Kumar Ravoori who ex- Photographs by: Indian Ameri-
felt gratitude to the entire Indian it is to work together to fight the pressed his gratitude for each and ev- can Business Council
American community for their con- challenges the world is facing today ery one who made the event a huge --Asian Media USA