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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 20

           Indian consulates in New York and

         Chicago celebrate 8th Ayurveda Day

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              also showcased live on social media.
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                                  The Consulate General of In-
              he Consulate General of In-                                                                     dia, Chicago, also organized the 8th
              dia  in  New  York,  in  partner-                                                               Ayurveda Day 2023 on 10 November
        Tship with Elements, hosted an                                                                        2023. The event was attended by close
        event to  mark the Ayurevda Day on                                                                    to 100 Ayurveda enthusiasts from
        November 18, 2023 at the Consulate.                                                                   the Midwest region. Recognition of
        The theme for this year was “Ayurve-                                                                  Ayurveda and Ayurvedic products as
        da for One Health” with the tagline                                                                   holistic approach to health was the
        “Ayurveda for everyone on every day”                                                                  main focus of discussion.
        focusing on interface among human,                                                                        The program began with the
        animals, plant and environment. The                                                                   chanting of Dhanvantri Stavan and
        emphasis of the day was on ways to                                                                    lighting of lamp by the Consul Gen-
        incorporate everyday natural ingredi-                                                                 eral Somnath Ghosh along with Swa-
        ents/ items for betterment of wellness                                                                mi Ishatmananda, Vivekananda Ve-
        and health and also also highlight                                                                    danta Society.
        Ayurveda’s adaptability to contem-                                                                        Consul General Somnath Ghosh,
        porary lifestyle. Prominent members                                                                   in his opening remarks stressed the
        of the Ayurveda and yoga fraternity,                                                                  relevance and importance of Ayurve-
        and members of the community &                                                                        da, which is one of the most ancient
        media,  besides  people from diverse                                                                  and well documented system of med-
        backgrounds, attended the event.                                                                      icine which is very relevant also from
            In his welcome remarks, Consul                                                                    commercial angle in modern times.
        General Randhir Jaiswal spoke on                                                                          A distinguished panel of speak-
        how Ayurevdic principles and their                                                                    ers from different parts of US Mid-
        applications in modern life can be of                                                                 west included Swami Ishatmanan-
        immense benefit. Insightful remarks                                                                   da, Vivekananda Vedanta Society,
        from keynote speaker Dr. Bal Ram                                                                      Vaidya Greeshma Varghese from
        Singh, Professor at Institute of Ad-                                                                  Naperville, Dr KV Rao, Anesthe-
        vanced Sciences, highlighted the pro-                                                                 siologist and Pain Medicine spe-
        found significance and proven bene-                                                                   cialist, Dr. Colleen Seen, Culinary
        fits of Ayurveda.                                                                                     Historian who specializes in writing
            Ayurevda experts from various                                                                     about food of Indian subcontinent,
        fields  held  interactive  DIY  sessions                                                              Vaidya Pushpalata Biradar, Vaidya
        on herbal remedies, and mindful liv-                                                                  Ulka  Nagarkar.  The  program  was
        ing. Ms. Shadoh Punnapuzha, found-                                                                    moderated by Vaidya Deepti Suri,
        er of Taila Skincare, demonstrated   can boost mental health, productivity   and Ms. Ruchika Lal of Art of Living   certified  Ayurveda  practitioner  in  a
        how Ayurvedic ingredients in skin   and aid with sleep and stress. Ms. Alak   Foundation, led a short  meditation   very skilful manner. Dr. Colleen Sen
        oil can promote better skincare and   Vasa and Mr. Kushal Choksi of Ele-  session to focus on mental & spiri-  presented a book titled “Bloomsbury
        blood circulation. This was followed   ments, spoke on mindful eating and   tual approach of Ayurveda to health.   Handbook of Indian Cuisine” to the
        by a session on how the right colors   its health benefits. Mr. Aniket Gune   The event was well attended and was   Consul General.

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