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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 22
From East to West Coast, community celebrates
Chhath Pooja with traditional fervour
Bihar’s biggest festival comes alive on the shores of Papaianni Park in Edison, NJ
NEERAJ DHAR of Fremont to worship the Sun God
as part of the Hindu festival of Chhath
New York, NY/Fremont, CA
Puja. The four-day Chhath Puja began
n a vibrant display of religious de- on Nov 17. During the festival, devotees
votion, hundreds of Indian-Amer- fast and gather on the banks of rivers and
Iicans from New Jersey and New ponds to offer prayers to the Sun God.
York converged on the serene shores Hundreds of Indian-Americans
of Papaianni Park in Edison, New joined the celebrations in Fremont,
Jersey, to celebrate the revered #Ch- California. This year, the organisers in
hathPuja, Bihar’s biggest festival. The Fremont offered free tickets for entry
flower decorations were seen at the to the lakefront for the Chhath Puja
park, where women decked in Indian celebrations. According to the organ-
attire carried out the traditional ritu- isers, the free tickets were grabbed
als, as they celebrated the auspicious within hours of the system being
festival of Chhath on November 19. opened up, with a large number of
The Chhath Pooja is a festival people on the waiting list.
dedicated to the sun that sees devo- Chhath Puja is one of the
tees worshipping and making offer- most auspicious festivals in Bihar,
ings to the setting and rising sun. On Jharkhand and Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
November 20 morning, the fasting carried Daura (bamboo basket), con- Also in California, keeping their The festival is dedicated to Sun God,
devotees would be making offerings taining traditional offering made to family tradition of generations alive, which people believe sustains life on
to the rising sun and break the fast. the Lord Bhaskara and Chhathi Mai- hundreds of Indian-American techies the earth. The puja is also performed
Moreover, the members of the yaa during #ChhathPuja, as they gath- along with their friends and families to seek blessings from the Sun God to
community and their family members er at the #Chhath Ghat in Texas, US. gathered at a lakefront in the US city live a long, healthy, prosperous life.
Clang Rose Film Festival: Global spotlight for
narrative and wedding filmmakers
Acknowledging Wedding Filmmakers, The Clang Rose Film Festival echoes a resounding message:
wedding filmmakers deserve recognition, appreciation, and celebration.
OUR BUREAU More than a showcase, the fes-
tival is a hub of creativity and learn-
East Brunswick, NJ
ing. Meticulously curated workshops
n the captivating world of cinema, delve into the intricacies of wedding
where love stories unfold through cinematography, offering a space for
Ithe lens, the Clang Rose Film filmmakers to refine their skills and
Festival emerges as an unparalleled explore new horizons. Thought-pro-
celebration of wedding cinematog- voking discussions elevate the dis-
raphy. This festival, a beacon of ar- course around this unique craft,
tistic brilliance and narrative finesse, fostering an environment of collab-
takes center stage, showcasing the oration and growth. Networking
often-overlooked masterpieces craft- opportunities abound, connecting
ed by wedding filmmakers worldwide. filmmakers with industry profession-
Beyond the glitz and glamour of tra- als and enthusiasts, creating a glob-
ditional film festivals, the Clang Rose A Global Showcase the Clang found stories of love they tell. al community passionate about the
Film Festival, under the visionary Rose Film Festival is not merely an This festival brings together art of capturing love on film. It is a
stewardship of Carmelo Soberano, event; it’s a transformative experi- diverse cultures, perspectives, and stage where these storytellers, often
transcends regional boundaries to ence. Across borders, it honors the storytelling techniques, creating an confined to the sidelines, step into
become a global platform. This annu- unsung heroes of wedding cinema- immersive experience that captivates the spotlight. Their work, which en-
al extravaganza is a testament to the tography, providing a stage for film- audiences worldwide. Workshops, capsulates the essence of human con-
artistry, innovation, and emotion em- makers to present their narratives, Discussions, and Networking Oppor- nection, is acknowledged, celebrated,
bedded in wedding films. each frame a testament to the pro- tunities and embraced by a global audience.