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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 26
ITServe’s Women’s Panel Discusses
‘Direct Client Engagement in the World of
Contingent Workforce’
Atlantic City, NJ
panel of distinguished wom-
en leaders from across the
United States were part of a
high-powered discussion on ‘Direct
Client Engagement in the World of
Contingent Workforce’ on the final
day of ITServe Alliance’s flagship
Synergy 2023 at the world-famous
Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City in
New Jersey on Friday, October 27,
Keisha Stephens, CCWP, Direc-
tor of People Operations, Empower-
ing Employees for Success & Driving
Operational Excellence, SIA DE&I
Influencer and Contingent Work-
force Program Game Changer; Pa-
mela Randall, CCWP, a Talent Solu-
tion Strategist, Change Agent with
Sustainable Results and Making Pos-
sible a Better Future; Jamhali Por-
tus, a Global Contingent Workforce
Management Professional, who is
passionate about creating the best-
in-class contingent workforce man-
agement program with a focus on “What made this event more special
Quality, Efficiency, Cost and Risk; was that it was an all women’s panel,
and, Semonie Kong, a CWP Program highlighting the diverse perspectives
Manager, Atlassian, were the panel- and talents that are driving innova-
ists at the lively and enlightening dis- tion in our industry.”
cussion that focussed on empowering ITServe Alliance Synergy 2023
women. has marked a significant milestone in
its 13-year history, and one couldn’t
Moderated by Shabana Sir- be more thrilled with the outcome.
This event brought together an
aj and Lavanya Poosarla, the impressive lineup of keynote speak-
distinguished speakers on the ers who covered a diverse array of
topics, ranging from leadership and
panel shared with the audience technology to startups, immigration,
a wealth of knowledge about PAC, M&A, and the CIO & CTO
this crucial topic, and it was ITServe had esteemed speakers
heartening to see a packed au- such as @Steve Forbes from Forbes,
@Jack Kass from OpenAI, Kevin
dience who found it to be one O’Leary from Shark Tank, @Sheila
of the standout sessions. Blair from FDIC, former Secretary forward to continued collaboration Key ITServe members who
of State Hillary Clinton, and @Pra- and growth in the years to come, par- were instrumental in organizing the
neesh Murthy, former CEO of IG- ticularly for all the efforts by Vinay discussions included; Hima Kola-
“Personally, one of the event’s ATE, sharing their valuable insights Mahajan, President of ITServe; nagireddy, Deepali Sontakke, Jyoti
highlights for me was moderating and expertise. Venu Sangani, Synergy Director; Vazirani, Pushyami Duvvuri, Divya
the panel discussion titled ‘Direct “Thank you to everyone who Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect Bala, Ruchi(Joshi) Anand, Anna
Client Engagement in the World of made ITServe Alliance Synergy ITSErve; and Vinay Parachuri,” said Kolluri, Ranjani Mohana, Nazeera
Contingent Workforce,” said Siraj. 2023 a resounding success. Looking Poosarla. Dawood, and Sangita Datta.