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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 24
Joyous Diwali Celebration held at BAPS
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Chicago
OUR BUREAU tivities, allowing younger generations
to bond with their cultural roots while
Chicago, IL
partaking in the festivities. These en-
he celebrations of culture, compassed storytelling sessions, craft
spirituality, and community workshops, and traditional games to
Tthat began with the opening of engage all that took part in the cel-
BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham ebrations. Similar to this local com-
in New Jersey continue to resonate in munity celebration, BAPS mandirs
all BAPS Mandirs throughout North across North America welcomed
America this Diwali. The BAPS Shri visitors with the glow of lights, bright
Swaminarayan Mandir in Chicago, colors, and a festive ambiance as they
IL hosted a grand Diwali celebration took in the colorful and joyful spirit
on November 13, 2023, allowing the of Diwali. The multiple days of Diwa-
local community to immerse them- li are steeped in traditions and rituals
selves in the deep-rooted traditions that symbolize new beginnings and
of this beloved Festival of Lights. a renewed commitment to family.
Diwali, the revered Hindu ‘festi- The spiritual head of BAPS, His
val of lights’, celebrates the triumph Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj
of light over darkness, and good over sent blessings to all devotees and
evils a time for reflection, rejuvena- Diwali Celebration at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Chicago well-wishers for Diwali. He encour-
tion, and celebration for millions aged all to find the light within them
across the world. This year, the local Devotees and visitors were wel- munity’s unwavering devotion for and make it shine brighter by incor-
BAPS Mandir presented an expe- comed with a vibrant and traditional God and for the New Year, celebrat- porating unity, values, spirituality,
rience that seamlessly wove age-old reception at the Mandirs entrance, ed by some Indian Americans from and a spirit of giving.
traditions with contemporary expres- where colorful decorations, includ- the northern and western regions of Reflecting on the day, the spirit
sions of faith, culture, and community. ing a beautifully intricate rangoli, an India. Devotees, young and old, had of Diwali was palpably felt not just
“I just love the fact that this is ornate floor design crafted from col- poured weeks of preparation into in the surroundings of the mandir,
such a family and community-ori- ored powder. This artistic display not ensuring the Annakut was a feast for but in the hearts and souls of every
ented space. I think that often times only added to the festive atmosphere, both the eyes and the soul. “The An- visitor. The celebration marked a
when you are out in the world, you but also served as a fitting introduc- nakut preparation begins very early renewal of finding the good within
can feel disconnected or that you do tion to the rich cultural heritage cel- in the morning for us,” explained Jas- and maintaining goodwill towards all
not belong anywhere. Spaces like this ebrated locally and nationally at the mine Patel, a BAPS youth volunteer. around us. The BAPS Shri Swamina-
bring people together and remind BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham The vegetarian food is traditionally rayan Mandir remains a pillar of cul-
them that they are connected, and in Robbinsville, NJ, a landmark of arranged in tiers or steps in front ture, community unity, and spiritual
that there are people out there that Hindu architecture and culture. of the sacred images of God. Today enrichment. As the lights of Diwali
share the same traditions and values. Another awe-inspiring feature over 1,000 food items have been of- continue to glow within our memo-
That is really important especially was the Annakut, where hundreds fered on this day of celebration and ries, the mandir extends its deepest
for the youth,” shared Karina Villa, of vegetarian dishes were offered as appreciation.” gratitude to all who made this cele-
IL State Senator representing the 25 a token of gratitude to the divine, For families, volunteers orga- bration a cherished moment in time.
th District. symbolizing abundance and the com- nized an array of children's ac- --Asian Media USA