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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 30

                   Ajay Banga among Time’s list of 100 Climate

                         Leaders including eight Indians & PIOs

        Time inaugural list offers a glimpse of most influential leaders driving business to real climate action

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                              Time 100 Climate Leaders include   under management.
        New York, NY                                                               following Indian, PIOs     • Jigar Shah; Director of the Loan
                                                                            • Ajay Banga; President, World Bank   Programs Office, U.S. Department
              ime magazine has released                                       -  who  began  his  five-year  term  as   of Energy - which is responsible for
              its first-ever list of the world’s
        Tmost  influential  leaders  who                                      World Bank Group president in     the public investment of hundreds
                                                                                                                of billions of dollars into clean in-
                                                                              June, is ushering in a new mission
        are committed to environment and                                      for the institution: eradicating pov-  frastructure and energy projects.
        driving business to real climate ac-                                  erty while fighting climate change.  • Manoj Sinha; CEO and co-founder,
        tion.                                                               • Bhavish Aggarwal; CEO and         Husk Power Systems - which oper-
            This list has featured 8 Indians
        and Indian-origin persons, including                                  co-founder, Ola - India’s largest   ates 200 minigrids across Asia and
                                                                                                                Africa and reached profitability in
                                                                              maker of electric two-wheel scoot-
        World Bank President Ajay Banga                                       ers, and a market leader in micro-  India and Nigeria this year.
        and co-founder of Ola Electric Bhav-                                  mobility generally, from taxis to   • Seema Wadhwa; Executive Direc-
        ish Aggarwal.                                                         ride-sharing.                     tor of Environmental Stewardship,
            TIME has worked extensively to
        identify the true changemakers, as                                  • Rajiv J. Shah; President, The     Kaiser Permanente - one of the
                                                                                                                largest health care providers in the
                                                                              Rockefeller Foundation - which
        solving climate change requires bold                                  now works to ensure that all initia-  U.S. By 2050, it aims to be net zero.
        new styles of business leadership.   pists, musicians, policymakers and   tives and investment strategies are   • Amit Kumar Sinha; CEO of Ma-
        Most of the times requiring massive   government officials from across the   focused through a climate lens.  hindra Lifespaces – is the real estate
        capital to implement practical solu-  world. This list  comes  as a  precur-  • Geeta Aiyer; President and found-  and infrastructure development
        tions and reduce emissions, restore   sor to the 2023 UN Climate Change   er, Boston Common Asset Man-  arm with an aim for entirely green
        nature, and improve quality of life.   Conference scheduled to take place   agement - a woman-led, employ-  portfolio,  prioritizing  water  effi-
            ‘Time 100 Climate’ list has prom-
        inent CEOs, founders, philanthro-  in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)   ee-owned  sustainable  investment   ciency, passive energy design, and
                                          from November 30.                   firm with nearly $5 billion in assets   renewables.

                  Piyush Goyal and Gina Raimondo address USIBC-CII

                                  collaborative effort on APEC sidelines

             ‘Innovation Handshake’ is a concept developed under the US-India Commercial Dialogue

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            customers, solve problems, and
                                                                                                              strengthen society,” she further said.
        San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                                  The ‘Innovation Handshake’,
              he US India Business Council                                                                    is  a  concept  developed  under  the
              (USIBC) and the Confedera-                                                                      US-India Commercial Dialogue. It
        Ttion  of  Indian  Industry  (CII)                                                                    was announced as a key component
        organized an industry-driven collab-                                                                  of the bilateral summit held between
        orative  effort  between the US and                                                                   US President Joe Biden and Prime
        India, promoting innovation and fos-                                                                  Minister Narendra Modi in Wash-
        tering the development of critical and                                                                ington in June.
        emerging technologies.                                                                                    “The Innovation Handshake sig-
            The collaborative effort was                                                                      nals a joint commitment to strength-
        organized on the sidelines of the                                                                     en the startup ecosystem and pro-
        Asia-Pacific  Economic  Cooperation                                                                   mote cooperation in Critical and
        (APEC) Leadership Summit here.    Director General of CII, in the pres-  vation Handshake’, both Washington   Emerging Technologies between In-
            The inaugural discussion round-  ence of American and Indian private   and New Delhi are demonstrating a   dia and the United States,” said Min-
        table on ‘Decoding the Innovation   sectors, respectively, alongside found-  renewed commitment to the partner-  ister Piyush Goyal. A CII-led delega-
        Handshake’, was addressed by US   ers and c-suite executives from over   ship needed to unlock the technology   tion of entrepreneurs and innovators
        Secretary of Commerce Gina Rai-   30 American and Indian companies.  of tomorrow,” said Clarke.       from across India also participated in
        mondo and Minister of Commerce        “The US Chamber of Commerce       “Fuelled by free enterprise and   the  programe,  highlighting  specific
        and Industry Piyush Goyal. Also in   is proud to be a part of this new ini-  enabled by pro-growth policies, this   opportunities and recommendations
        attendance were Suzanne Clark, pres-  tiative to increase innovation and   new initiative will ensure the US   that would ease operational and ear-
        ident and CEO of the US Chamber of   collaboration between the US and   and India work together to reward   ly-stage challenges faced by startups
        Commerce, and Chandrajit Banerjee,   India. With the launch of the ‘Inno-  those who develop solutions to serve   in both markets.

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