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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 32

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                         BALKRISHAN ‘BK’ KALRA                                       BHARGAV BHATT & KARUNA MANTENA

             Indian-American to be the                                         Duo wins Infosys Prize 2023

                       CEO of Genpact                                         for maths and social sciences

                                                                               nfosys Science Foundation (ISF) recently announced the winners of the
                                                                               Infosys Prize 2023 in six categories – Engineering and Computer Science,
                                                                            IHumanities, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and
                                                                            Social Sciences, honoring the accomplishments of the recipients and awarded
                                                                            them for their contributions to scientific research and scholarship impacting
                                                                                The prize for each category comprises a gold medal, a citation, and a
               enpact, the Global professional services firm, announced that Balkris-  prize purse of USD 100,000 (or its equivalent in INR). The event was hosted
               han ‘BK’ Kalra, will succeed N V ‘Tiger’ Tyagarajan as the third chief
        Gexecutive officer (CEO) of Genpact. He will take charge from Febru-  at Infosys Science Foundation’s office in Bengaluru.
        ary 2024. Kalra currently serves as global business leader, financial services,
        consumer, and health care at the company.                           The winners of the Infosys Prize 2023 were announced by the
            Since joining Genpact in 1999, Kalra has served in a variety of leadership   trustees of the Infosys Science Foundation — Mr. Kris Gopal-
        roles overseeing operations across consumer goods, retail, and life sciences
        verticals at the company. He has also served as the global operational leader  akrishnan (President, Board of Trustees), Mr. Narayana Murthy,
        for banking and insurance at General Electric.                      Mr. Srinath Batni, Mr. K. Dinesh, and Mr. S. D. Shibulal.
           “In planning for Tiger’s retirement, the board undertook a robust pro-
        cess, assessing several internal and external candidates. In the end, BK stood
                                                                                The prize in Mathematical Sciences is awarded to Bhargav Bhatt, Fern-
        out as the natural successor. He understands the importance of investing in   holz Joint Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton Uni-
        emerging trends and technologies with a particular focus on Genpact’s efforts   versity, for his outstanding and fundamental contributions to arithmetic ge-
        around advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled solutions.   ometry and commutative algebra.
        BK’s strategic vision and deep understanding of our clients and business is ex-  The prize in Social Sciences is awarded to Karuna Mantena, Professor,
        actly what Genpact needs as we enter this new chapter,” said James Madden,   Political Science, Columbia University for her groundbreaking research on
        chairman of Genpact’s board of directors.                           the theory of imperial rule, and the claim that this late imperial ideology be-
           “BK has been an integral part of Genpact’s success, and I am confident
        that, under his leadership, we are well positioned for the next phase of our   came one of the important factors in the emergence of modern social theory.
                                                                                As per the release, Prof. Mantena’s book Alibis of Empire and related pa-
        journey and future growth,” Tyagarajan said.                        pers are landmark publications in political theory with implications for all so-
            A certified Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt with a Master of Business Adminis-
        tration in finance, Kalra graduated from Punjab University with a Master’s   cial sciences. Her impactful book helps to understand that the dramatic shift
                                                                            in imperial policy, following the 1857 rebellion in India was not a straightfor-
        degree in Business Administration. He began his career as an investment   ward reaction to this traumatic event but legitimated by a new ideology of
        banker in New Delhi. He will continue to render his services to Genpact as
        its Global Business and Digital Transformation leader until he takes office as   indirect imperial rule that was carefully crafted by the ingenious conceptual
                                                                            work of thinker-administrators such as Henry Maine.
        CEO on February 9, 2024.
                                                                                                                     Continued on next page... >>

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