Page 16 - The Indian EYE 092724
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
GOPIO Co-hosts Asian American Unity
Summit with AAUC at the US Capitol
President Biden’s Deputy Assistant Erika Moritsugu presented a message from President
Biden at the Welcome Dinner of the AAUC/GOPIO Summit in Washington, DC.
Washington, DC
he Asian American Unity Co-
alition (AAUC) organized the
T2024 National AANHPI Unity
Summit from September 19-20, 2024,
in Washington D.C. GOPIO Interna-
tional served as a co-host along with
eight other local and national Asian
American organizations. The summit
provided a platform for Asian Amer-
ican Native Hawaiian and Pacific Is-
lander (AANHPI) organizations and
leaders to interact and collaborate
on issues vital to their communities. (From left to right): WHIAANHPI Executive Director Kristal Ka’ai; Special Advisor for Public Engagement Kota Mizutani; President Biden’s Deputy
The Global Organization of People of Assistant Erika Moritsugu presenting a message from President Biden at the Welcome Dinner. Front Row (from left to right): Ramya Ramakrish-
Indian Origin (GOPIO) is a Found- nan of HAF, AAUC President Angela Anand, WH Deputy Assistant Moritsugu, AAUC Board Chair Dr. S.K. Lo, Marsha Golangco of APAPA, AAUC
er Member of Asian American Uni- VP Yen Marshal and CEO of My Sister’s House, AAUC Treasurer Jan Xie who is also President of ACAESUSA, and AAUC Bylaws/Board Develop-
ty Coalition (AAUC) which takes
up and campaign on broad issues of ment Committee Chair Dr. Thomas Abraham who is also GOPIO Chairman
Asian Americans.
In the morning of September AAUC President Angela Anand and what executive actions they can im- consider charging premium fees,
19th, a delegate group of 70 individ- Board Chair Dr. S.K. Lo to speak, plement in the short term even before may be as much as $5,000 per appli-
uals attended a White House Brief- who in turn invited representatives of the legislative measures can solve the cant, which will generate substantial
ing to discuss issues concerning our various co-hosting organizations who problem. The following are the sug- revenue for USCIS to enhance the
diverse communities, followed by a spoke on the various Asian American gestions: infrastructure to process these ap-
White House tour for 100 Summit issues such as immigration, need for While waiting for legislative ac- plications. AAUC and GOPIO have
attendees. In the afternoon, repre- education initiative, violence against tion from Congress, Dr. Abraham re- requested and urged the Biden Ad-
sentatives of the Department of Jus- Asians, and discrimination, etc. quested and urged the White House ministration to execute these admin-
tice (DOJ) and FB I met and listened All co-hosts presented various administration to use executive pow- istrative measures immediately and in
Asian American community repre- Asian American issues at the briefing. ers and implement these reforms in good faith.
sentatives at the Crowne Plaza Hotel In his address at The White House good faith immediately: President Biden’s Deputy As-
which was followed immediately by a event, GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thom- Instruct USCIS to remove the sistant Erika Moritsugu presented a
youth session discussing racial bias in as Abraham highlighted the legal im- “Compelling Circumstances” clause message from President Biden at the
schools and cross-cultural identities. migration issue on the huge Green for Employment Authorization Doc- Welcome Dinner of the AAUC/GO-
The White House Briefing start- Card Backlog. He said that there are uments (EADs) and Travel Docu- PIO Summit in Washington, DC.
ed with a warm welcome by Kristal two bipartisan Bills in Congress (HR- ments (Advance Parole) for approved In his message President Joe
Ka’ai, Executive Director, White 6543 and S-3269) that could reduce immigrant petitioners and their de- Biden wrote, “America has a heart
House Initiative on Asian Americans, this long waiting period. These bills pendents who have legally resided in and soul that draw from old and new.
Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Island- were included in the AAUC Summit the US for at least ten years. We all come from somewhere, but
ers (WHIAANHPI) who spoke on agenda. Instruct USCIS and Department we’re all Americans. And since our
the White House initiatives for Asian Dr. Abraham pointed out that of of State to create a Rule that will nation was founded, our spirit has
and Pacific American Islanders. This the 2 million immigrants in the back- Lock the age of dependent and non- been enriched by the immense con-
was followed by remarks from Special log, 1.2 million (62%) are Indians US born children as on the approval tributions and diverse cultures of the
Advisor to Public Engagement Kota followed by Chinese and Filipinos. date of the very first immigrant peti- Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians
Mizutani who spoke on how Asian GOPIO has taken up this campaign tion (I-140) so that these kids do not and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI)
Americans are engaged with the to help the affected people and sug- have to self-deport. communities - and that includes
White House. Mizutani then invited gested to the Biden Administration For EAD and Travel Documents, Continued on next page... >>