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SPECIAL FEATURE SEPTEMBER 27, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
Mahant Swami Maharaj:
The Embodiment of Divine Humility
aintliness, or sadhuta, is not a mundane de- Afterward, when the children came to offer
gree, honor, or title. It is a supreme virtue flowers, Swamishri had them offer the flowers to
Sthat bestows inner peace, purity, and happi- Bhagwan first. Only then did Swamishri feel sat-
ness. To transform and elevate a debased person isfied. During the assembly, youths created a gar-
requires a moralizing catalyst, and to exalt a moral land of unity by joining their hands with Swamishri,
person into a saint requires spiritual sadhana and but Swamishri first placed the image of Bhagwan
divine grace. in his lap to ensure that Bhagwan was included, as
India is a mosaic of diverse people, beliefs, He is the center point of all forms of unity. Again,
practices, and much more. Among this wide spec- when various devotees brought different offerings
trum, swamis have been revered as the custodians onto the stage, Swamishri had them place all the
of culture and faith, and the liberators of souls. offerings at Bhagwan’s holy feet.
The Hindu shastras sing eloquently about asso- At all moments during his daily activities, Swa-
ciating with a bona fide sadhu for moksha. Even mishri is constantly aware of one fact: all honors
spiritual poetry and bhajans proclaim the glory that I receive are actually honors for Bhagwan—I
and virtues of a God-realized sadhu. am nothing but His humble servant.
Swami Keshavjivandasji, popularly hailed by
countless as Mahant Swami Maharaj, lives for the This profound sense of humility was again
good of others. His persona is simple, straightfor-
ward, and natural. There is not an iota of flamboy- witnessed on another historic occasion.
ance about him. He speaks, but never to impress On September 3rd, 2017, the ceremonial
or overwhelm anyone. Complaints, demands, or
expectations have never been a part of his life. He placement of the first pillars inside BAPS
is neither vexed by hardships and discomforts, nor Swaminarayan Akshardham North America
puffed up with pride in times of honor and praise.
He harbors no hate or infatuation for anyone or in Robbinsville, New Jersey were placed.
anything. He respects all, sincerely and heartfully, After the ceremony, during the assembly,
and showers all with his selfless love and compas-
sion. Though soft-spoken, his discourses are born decorative pillars were placed on the stage
of deep reflection, unique insight, and divine ex- to symbolically represent the pillars that
perience. His pristine humility and divine radiance
convince one that he is from a divine realm. would support the vast Akshardham. The
Mahant Swami Maharaj, the sixth spiritual pillars depicted Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s
successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, exemplifies
true humility in every aspect of his life. This was disciples, Muktanand Swami and Nishkula-
beautifully demonstrated during a memorable nand Swami.
event in Nadiad, where his response to a heartfelt
question left a lasting impression on all present.
Mahant Swami Maharaj was eating a meal. Stu- When Mahant Swami Maharaj entered the
dents of the BAPS hotel sang a devotional qawwa- stage, he appreciated the decorative pillars. Little
li which had previously been sung before Pramukh did he or the audience know that the stone disci-
Swami Maharaj: “The Sun is asking, the Moon is ples depicted on the pillars were actually children.
asking, the Stars shining in sky are asking... Who is Although surprised, Mahant Swami Maharaj saw
Pramukh Swami? Who is Mahant Swami?” them as if they were the original disciples of Bhag-
Then, the students said, “After singing this qa- wan Swaminarayan, and he touched their feet.
wwali Pramukh Swami Maharaj was asked about Even after the assembly, when the two chil-
his identity. He described himself in an unexpect- dren asked for blessings, Mahant Swami Maharaj
ed way that revealed his true identity. But, today, humbly responded, “Who am I to bless you? I
we are asking for your identity: Who is Mahant should bow to you and touch your feet.” His ability
Swami? Please answer this question.” ment on everyone’s faces as they welcomed Ma- to see divinity and greatness in everyone allowed
Everyone paid close attention, and as soon hant Swami Maharaj. In the beginning, children him to touch the feet of a child in a packed assem-
as the microphone was held before Swamishri, he came with the traditional arti to honor Mahant bly. Truly, he is the epitome of humility.
said, “Das no das (servant of servants).” Swamish- Swami Maharaj. However, he seemed slightly up- As we celebrate his birthday on September
ri reply revealed his true humility towards God, set—something was bothering him. After a few 26, 2024, we honor Mahant Swami Maharaj as the
guru and the satsang community. moments, everyone realized that Bhagwan was embodiment of divine humility. His life teaches us
This remarkable humility was again evident too far away during the welcome. The traditional to serve selflessly, live with simplicity, and see di-
during another memorable event. On June 16, welcome was meant for Bhagwan, not for himself. vinity in all.
2028, during the welcome assembly in Sarangpur, Swamishri himself got up to bring Bhagwan closer, Lenin Joshi
a small village in Gujarat, India, there was excite- but by then, the arti had already finished. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha