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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                  SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 14

          Another Year of ‘Getting Stuff Done’

                                              for New Yorkers

        Overall crime rates have fallen over the last fiscal year, driven by another year of double-digit decreases
         in murders and shootings. Our police officers are working harder than ever to keep New Yorkers safe,

              with more felony crime arrests, more quality-of-life summonses, and more transit enforcement

                   ERIC ADAMS
           am proud to be a New Yorker, and
           as your mayor, I am even prouder
           to announce that our city is getting
        safer, stronger, and more affordable
        every day. But you don’t have to take
        my word for it: just look at the num-
        bers. We just released the annual May-
        or’s Management Report — our city’s
        report card. It details just how much
        progress we have made over the last
        fiscal year. We’ve driven down crime,
        removed tens of thousands of illegal
        guns and mopeds from our streets,   NYC is building more affordable and supportive housing than ever before. The city has more than doubled the number of affordable units
        built record amounts of affordable                                 built and preserved for seniors (Photo:
        housing and new school buildings,
        and, most  importantly, helped  put
        billions of dollars back into the pock-  And we know that public safety   oughs and expanding services to make   we helped more New Yorkers in shel-
        ets of working-class New Yorkers.  is more than just what our police of-  our city more affordable. Unemploy-  ters get into permanent housing.
            Our  economy  has  never  been   ficers are doing. We are determined   ment is down by 8 percent from the   This is a small sampling of the
        more robust, and our rising job num-  to keep people safe as they walk, run,  previous year, reaching a rate of just   good work we’ve delivered for New
        bers and falling crime rates signal a   and bike our streets. That’s why we   4.8 percent, with an approximate 30   Yorkers over the last fiscal year. Look-
        new era of safety and economic op-  installed 27 percent more protected   percent decrease in Black and Latino   ing over this report, we can see the
        portunity for all New Yorkers.    bike lanes and 94 percent more speed   unemployment.                last three years of hard work paying
            Overall crime rates have fallen   reducers. And it’s why we have seized   Our city is also helping put mon-  off  and  delivering  results.  We  know
        over the last fiscal year, driven by an-  more than 20,000 illegal mopeds and   ey back in your pockets, with 25 per-  there is a lot of work left to do, and
        other year of double-digit decreases   scooters — four times as many as last   cent more families signed up for sub-  we are committed to shining a light on
        in murders and shootings. Our po-  fiscal year. We are seeing positive re-  sidized child care, 19 percent more   every aspect of city government, so we
        lice officers are working harder than   sults already, with fewer traffic fatal-  young  people  who  live  in  NYCHA   can do an even better job delivering
        ever to keep New Yorkers safe, with   ities for pedestrians and traditional   housing getting connected with jobs,  for New Yorkers in the future. Our
        more  felony  crime  arrests,  more   bicyclists over the last year.  and 20 percent more New Yorkers   city is moving in the right direction —
        quality-of-life summonses, and more   We are keeping our city safer and   without insurance enrolled to receive   and I am proud to lead the team of
        transit  enforcement.  Last  fiscal  year,   cleaner, too. We doubled the rate of   low-cost or no-cost health services   city workers who are helping us get
        we also earned the authority to shut   lead abatement at NYCHA proper-  through NYC Care.             there.  Thanks to this administration,
        down illegal smoke shops and imme-  ties. We cleared catch basins 24 per-  We are also building more afford-  New York City isn’t just coming back,
        diately started “Operation Padlock   cent faster to protect New Yorkers   able and supportive housing than ever   and we’re not just back — we’re bet-
        to Protect.” Since then, we’ve shut   from flooding.                before. In fact, we more than doubled   ter than ever.
        down more than 1,000 illegal canna-   At the same time, we are creating   the number of affordable units we   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        bis shops.                        jobs and prosperity across the five bor-  built and preserved for seniors. And   New York City, NY

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