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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 18

        those attending 2024 National Unity
            By elevating AA and NHPI voic-
        es, encouraging civic engagement and
        advocating for the issues that matter
        most to your communities, each one
        of you demonstrates a commitment
        to our country that continues to pro-
        pel our great American experiment
        ever forward.”
           “People like you and events like
        this are a big part of the reason why
        I have been never more optimistic
        about the future of this nation. As
        you gather for 2024 National Unity
        Summit,  I  hope  you  are  filled  with
        pride not only in the remarkable
        achievements of those around you
        but also of AA and NHPI people all
        across America,” President Biden
        continued.                          AAUC Award recipients with officials. Front row (from left to right): Suraj Kulkarni, Jency Malena Mesik, Elizabeth de Leon-Gamboa, Sewa
            On September 20th, during sev-  -AIFW Co-Executive Director Dr. Darsharath Yata, Suffolk County Police Department Asian Jade Society President Edwin Hugh, Philanthropist
        eral meetings with the Congressional
        officials,  the  AAUC  advocated  for                       and Businessman Evan Chen, Team Aid Founder Mohan Nannapaneni
        various causes such as racial discrimi-
        nation, civil rights, hate crime preven-  Immigration Visa Efficiency and Se-  for immigrants from all countries   honored with the Dilip Singh Saund
        tion, immigration, and Asian Amer-  curity Act) and its Senate counterpart   without adversely affecting anyone.  Award for Political Leadership.
        ican history education. Delegates   (S3291 - Eagle Act). These bills aim   Several distinguished individuals were  •  US Rep. Andy Kim (New Jersey)
        from 27 states participated.      to gradually eliminate discriminatory   recognized for their contributions during   was honored with the Norman Mi-
            The summit marked the launch   and arbitrary country caps over a ten-  the summit:                  neta Award for Public Service.
        of the mobile responsive online   year period, ensuring fair treatment  •  US Rep. Judy Chu (California) was  •  Suffolk County Police Asian Jade
        AAPI Community Hub.                                                                                     Society (Long Island, New York),
            During the Summit at the Cap-                                                                       SEWA-AIFW (Minneapolis, Min-
        itol on September 20th, the AAUC                                                                        nesota),  Team  Aid  (Boston,  Mas-
        presented its resolution on the Alien                                                                   sachusetts), and Elizabeth de Le-
        Land Laws. Additionally, the AAUC                                                                       on-Gamboa (Las Vegas, Nevada)
        also highlighted the power of the on-                                                                   were honored with the Community
        line AAPI Community Hub.                                                                                Service Award.
            At the Summit at the Capitol, one                                                                •  Mr. Evan Chen of Long Island was
        of the affected Indians in the immi-                                                                    recognized as Philanthropist of the
        gration backlog, Mr. Sathyanarayan                                                                      Year.
        Krishnamurthy   highlighted  the                                                                     •  Ms. JencyMalena Mesik (An-
        challenges faced by immigrants and                                                                      chorage, Alaska) and Mr. Suraj
        their family members who are stuck                                                                      Kulkarni (Los Angeles, California)
        in the Employment-Based Green                                                                           received  the  President’s  Young
        Card backlog, despite having lawful-                                                                    Person and Youth Awards, respec-
        ly resided in the USA for decades.                                                                      tively.
        Despite having been approved for a                                                                        The AAUC has made significant
        Green Card long ago, the discrimi-                                                                    contributions to the AAPI communi-
        natory 7% per-country cap in current                                                                  ty by organizing national conferences,
        version of INA is preventing many                                                                     assembling a diverse working board,
        of them from obtaining one. Unfor-                                                                    developing monthly newsletters and
        tunately, due to their birth in large                                                                 podcasts, and creating an online hub
        populous countries like India, some                                                                   that connects over 15,000 AAPI non-
        may never receive their Green Cards                                                                   profits across all 50 states.
        in their lifetime.                                                                                        The AAUC is a nationally oper-
            Krishnamurthy also emphasized                                                                     ating  501c3  nonprofit  organization
        the plight of half a million children                                                                 with a mission to unite our diverse
        who face the risk of aging out and po-                                                                Asian American Native Hawaiian
        tentially self-deporting to unfamiliar                                                                and  Pacific  Islander  (AANHPI)
        countries. These children arrived in                                                                  communities around common goals
        the USA as dependents of legal im-                                                                    to amplify collective voice through
        migrant parents from India and other                                                                  advocacy, collaboration and educa-
        Asian countries when they were in-   (Top) New York Congresswoman Grace with AAUC officials. Below: Ohio Congressman Brad   tion. AAUC envisions a world where
        fants or toddlers                   Wenstrup with AAUC officials and delegates from Suffolk County Police Department Asian   AANHPI achieve economic and so-
            Furthermore, Krishnamurthy ad-   Jade Society. Rep. Wenstrup and Asian Jade Society Vice President Thomas Joy served   cial success and equal political repre-
        vocated for bipartisan support for the                     together at the Iraq war.                  sentation, regardless of race, ethnici-
        Common Sense Bill (HR6542, the                                                                        ty or nationality.

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