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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 27, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
ITServe Members Meet 85 Key Democratic and
Republican Lawmakers During Capitol Hill Day 2024
Washington, DC
he Capitol Hill Day organized
by ITServe Alliance in Wash-
Tington, DC on September 18,
2024, was a highly successful outreach
effort,” said Nayan Joshi, Director
of ITServe Alliance Policy Advocacy
Committee (PAC). “We had over-
whelming support from the nearly
85 key US Representatives and Sen-
ators, including influential committee
chairs and members from both the
Democrat and Republican Parties for
the causes put forth by ITServe.”
The day-long event on Capitol
Hill organized by the ITServe
Alliance Policy Advocacy Com-
mittee (PAC) was attended by
over 70 ITServe members from
across the nation, who met ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill skilled workers. The U.S. has a large jobs that employers need to fill, and
Day has effectively served as a pow- skills gap - availability of workers vs the skills possessed by current pro-
with over 85 ley lawmakers and erful platform in educating policy- the openings for talent in IT. We need spective employees. As introduced,
their staff in their respective of- makers on important issues to our the brightest minds from all over the the bill would raise the current H-1B
world to keep our wide lead in tech-
limit from 65,000 to 130,000, remove
members and the business communi-
fices, who expressed their over- ty, ensuring that our needs and views nology and innovation. the H-1B cap for those with a Mas-
ter’s Degree or PhD, and create a
ITServe was born out of the ne-
whelming support to the policy are reflected in policy debates and cessity to protect the interests of the STEM grant program.
outcomes on Capitol Hill.
priorities that ITServe present- Amar Varada, ITServe Alliance member companies of ITServe. To Foreign (nonimmigrant) workers
ed to the US Lawmakers. Governing Board Chair said, “It was achieve our goals that benefit the IT fill a critical need in the U.S. labor
a historical day for ITServe Alliance, Sector companies, the labor force, market, particularly in the technolo-
which was born out of the necessity to and the larger US economy, our pro- gy field. Every year, U.S. employers
Several lawmakers and their staff be the voice of IT companies in the cess hinges on the 3 fundamental seeking highly skilled foreign profes-
recognized ITServe and its members United States and advocate for their pillars of the ITServe PAC: engage, sionals submit their petitions for the
from their encounters from the past rights as ITServe members engaged educate, and empower. pool of H-1B visa numbers for which
year, when for the first time ITServe in 85 meetings in a single day with A major objective of ITServe U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
had organized an in-person Policy the objective of educating lawmakers Alliance has been to protect its mem- Services (USCIS) controls the allo-
Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Com- working toward meaningful changes bers’ needs. To that end, ITServe cation. With a low statutory limit of
mitting to building on this momen- that will benefit the IT industry and Alliance, through its PAC team ad- visa numbers available, demand for
tum in the coming years, Jagadeesh the larger society across the nation.” vocates on Capitol Hill and with the H-1B visa numbers has outstripped
Mosali, President of ITServe said, According to Anju Vallabhaneni, US Administration. Capitol Hill Day the supply in recent years, and the
“This is still just the beginning of IT- President-Elect of ITServe, “A major serves as a perfect platform to com- cap has been reached quickly.
Serve’s proactive, ongoing efforts. In objective of the Capitol Hill Day was municate our collective voice with H-1B visa holders play a crucial
the coming years, we will be a driving to showcase to the lawmakers some key policymakers on important issues role in bolstering the U.S. economy,
force in getting things done for small of the significant contributions of to our members. fostering innovation, and enrich-
and medium businesses.” the ITServe members to the coun- ITServe Alliance expressed its ing the fabric of American society
Stressing the importance of IT- try's economy through Technology & overwhelming support and urged the through their skills, contributions,
Serve and the Legislative Day, “It Innovation, local employment, and lawmakers, among other initiatives, and diverse backgrounds. They bring
was an unforgettable experience as STEM education. The event also ad- to support H.R. 4647, the “High- diverse perspectives and knowledge
over 70 members of ITServe Alli- dressed key concerns faced by small Skilled Immigration Reform for Em- to American workplaces, facilitating
ance came together for Capitol Hill businesses, including the need for ployment (HIRE) Act,” introduced knowledge transfer and skills devel-
Day, advocating for the changes that high-skilled immigration reforms.” by US Congressman Raja Krishna- opment by engaging in research and
will shape our industry and future. The U.S. needs to maintain its moorthi, D-Illinois. The Bill would development activities, particularly
Together, we made our voices heard leadership in technology and innova- strengthen U.S. competitiveness by in STEM fields, which contributes to
on both sides of the aisle,” Mosali tion, One critical factor faced in the helping to close the skills gap – the scientific advancements and techno-
added. US Tech sector is the lack of high- space between the skills required for logical progress.