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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 26

          Sankara Eye Foundation, USA hosts Annual Donor

            Appreciation and Fundraiser Gala to support the

           mission of eliminating Curable Blindness in India

           The event featured legendary cricketer Sunil Gavaskar as the Keynote Speaker, and visionary
            entrepreneur and Founder CEO of Bollant Industries Srikanth Bolla as the Guest of Honor

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            USA is giving people a chance to re-
                                                                                                              gain that fundamental gift”, Gavaskar
        Edison, NJ
                                                                                                              emphasized  during  the  fireside  chat,
               n  September  14, 2024, San-                                                                   urging everyone to continue their
               kara Eye Foundation (SEF),                                                                     support for this noble cause. Sunil
        OUSA, which is the world’s                                                                            Gavaskar’s gesture of presenting au-
        largest free eye care program, hosted                                                                 tographed cricket bats, and bats +
        its Annual  Donor Appreciation and                                                                    books authored by him to donors do-
        Fundraising Gala celebrating a night                                                                  nating over $5K and $10K, respective-
        of generosity, inspiration, and hope.                                                                 ly, created an outpouring of generous
        The event, held at the Raritan Center                                                                 donations as well as assurances of con-
        Sheraton in Edison, New Jersey, fea-                                                                  tinued support and key partnerships in
        tured legendary cricketer Mr. Sunil                                                                   the future.
        Gavaskar, as the Keynote Speaker, and                                                                     Bolla, the CEO of Bollant Indus-
        visionary  entrepreneur  and  Founder                                                                 tries, shared his inspiring personal
        CEO of Bollant Industries, Mr. Sri-                                                                   journey of overcoming the challenges
        kanth Bolla as the Guest of Honor.                                                                    of being born visually impaired. Aca-
            The  gala  was  attended  by  a  re-                                                              demically brilliant, he faced systemic
        cord 250 supporters, donors, and                                                                      barriers to studying STEM in college,
        sponsors, who united for SEF, USA’s                                                                   which led him to a legal battle that
        cause. Thanks to their generosity, the  difference in the lives of thousands of   At a fireside chat hosted by Man-  won the right to higher education in
        event raised over $425K which will go  people. Having Sunil Gavaskar and  preet Sulaja and Minal Patel of SEF,  STEM for the blind in India.
        towards providing free eye care to un-  Srikanth Bolla as part of our event  USA, Sunil Gavaskar, and Srikanth   Today, Bolla is a leading advocate
        derserved communities across India.   added  immense  value,  reminding  us  Bolla shared inspirational stories of  for inclusivity and accessibility in the
            SEF, USA’s Vision 2030: March  all of the importance of resilience and  perseverance and dedication that cap-  workplace. He emphasized the power
        to a Million is an all-India initiative  compassion.”               tured the essence of SEF, USA’s bold  of vision, not just in a physical sense,
        to perform One Million free eye sur-  SEF, USA has several new up-  mission to eliminate curable blindness  but as a driving force behind progress
        geries annually by 2030. In 2024,  SEF,  coming hospital projects, like the R.  in India and beyond.   and  change,  reflecting  SEF,  USA’s
        USA will perform more than 400,000  Jhunjhunwala Sankara Eye Hospital,   Gavaskar, renowned for his  mission to eliminate curable blindness
        free eye surgeries through a network  Varanasi, to be inaugurated in Octo-  accomplishments in international  in India.
        of 27 hospitals in 14 states in India!   ber 2024, the Kalyanam Karoti Eye  cricket, spoke passionately about the   Sole event sponsor Axtria un-
            Murali Krishnamurthy, Found-  Hospital, Mathura (inaugurating Nov  importance of giving back and the par-  derscored their commitment to this
        er and Executive Chairman, of SEF,  2024), the H.V.Desai Eye Hospital,  allels between his career and the SEF,  important cause.  SEF, USA has been
        USA expressed his deep gratitude to  Solapur (Inaugurating April 2025),  USA’s mission.               awarded a four-star rating from Char-
        donors and supporters:  “We  are  in-  and a major expansion of the Guntur   “Just as a cricketer’s vision is cru-  ity Navigator nine years in a row for fi-
        credibly thankful to our supporters,  Eye Hospital (inaugurating mid-2025)  cial on the field, sight is vital to living  nancial transparency, governance, and
        whose contributions make a tangible  that are progressing rapidly.    a full life. Sankara Eye Foundation,  accountability.

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