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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 19

            Curbside Composting is coming to

                  Five Boroughs of New York City

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              YC Department of Sanitation,
               Office of Ethnic and Commu-
        Nnity media held a roundtable
        ahead of launch of Five-Borough
        Curbside Composting. DSNY Com-
        missioner Jessica S. Tisch addressed
        the virtual roundtable attended by
        media persons and answered their
        queries. Curbside Composting is
        currently available to all residents in
        Brooklyn and Queens. The service is
        year-round every week, and collec-
        tion is on the recycling day.
            Commissioner Jessica S. Tisch
        joined the NYC Department of San-    DSNY Commissioner Jessica S. Tisch                   Curbside composting in the city
        itation (DSNY) in April 2022, fol-
        lowing over a decade of experience
        transforming government agencies to   Commissioner Tisch informed  2024, DSNY diverted 260 million    that there are 400 smart bins avail-
        work more efficiently and effectively  that leaf and yard waste, food scraps,  pounds of compostable material from   able across all 5 boroughs. There are
        for New Yorkers.                  and food soiled paper can be compost- landfill, 65 percent increase from two   few misconceptions also with regard
            The Department of Sanitation   ed. However, metal, glass, plastic and   years ago. And that’s just from Brook-  to composting like it attracts rats and
        (DSNY) collects leaf and yard waste,  medical waste cannot be composted.  lyn and Queens! The Citywide rollout   other rodents; it is complicated, meat,
        food scraps, and food-soiled paper  This is the largest, easiest compost- of the largest, easiest curbside com-  dairy cooked food can’t be compost-
        and  turns  it  into  compost  or  renew- ing program ever where you simply  posting program ever will increase   ed. Through this informative session,
        able energy.                      place your material out and where all   these numbers even more. Curbside   DSNY spread the word and cleared
            It keeps New York City clean,  residential buildings must participate   composting is also available at ev-  the misconceptions about curbside
        safe,  and  healthy  by  collecting,  recy- including single family homes, small   ery public school in New York City,   composting. They are also doing
        cling, and disposing of waste, cleaning  apartment buildings, and multi-unit  which are 1,950 unique public schools,   door-to-door canvassing to make the
        streets, attacking the scourge of illegal   residential buildings.   plus some private and charter schools.  New Yorkers aware of the process of
        dumping, and clearing snow and ice.   She further added, in Fiscal Year   Commissioner Tisch reiterated   composting.

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