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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

          Healthy Aging Fair shows older New Yorkers why

         New York City is a Great Location to Age-In-Place

        More than 500 Residents Took Part in Demonstrations Designed to Promote Active Lifestyles

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              day’s Healthy Aging Fair to provide
        New York, NY                                                                                          information about the state’s medical
                                                                                                              cannabis program, educating old-
              he Department for the Aging                                                                     er New Yorkers about the potential
              joined by the Department of
        THealth and Mental Hygiene,                                                                           health  benefits  of  cannabis  to  sup-
                                                                                                              port their well-being,” said Cannabis
        NYC Health + Hospitals and a host                                                                     NYC Founding Director Dasheeda
        of other public and private sector or-                                                                Dawson.  “We also encouraged those
        ganizations today held a comprehen-                                                                   interested in exploring new opportu-
        sive Healthy Aging Fair for older New                                                                 nities to consider employment and
        Yorkers at Asphalt Green, on Man-                                                                     entrepreneurship in the expanding
        hattan’s Upper East Side.                                                                             legal cannabis industry. As this sector
            Over 500 residents from across
        the city attended to participate in a                                                                 grows, Cannabis NYC will continue
                                                                                                              working to ensure that older adults
        day filled with free screenings, activ-                                                               and all New Yorkers can reap the
        ities, and demonstrations designed                                                                    health and economic benefits of can-
        to promote healthy and active life-                                                                   nabis legalization.”
        styles, and help them confidently age                                                                     “At GrowNYC, we’re thrilled to
        in  place.  More  than  sixty exhibitors                                                              partner with the New York City De-
        offered classes including cooking,                                                                    partment of Aging to provide edu-
        dance and yoga, as well as the op-                                                                    cational resources that connect our
        portunity to ask health professionals                                                                 city’s older adults with regional ag-
        medical and prescription drug advice,                                                                 riculture and increase their access to
        and free blood pressure, hearing, and                                                                 fresh, locally grown fruits and vege-
        dental screenings.                                                                                    tables” said Daneille Foster-Russell,
            The event took place during na-
        tional Falls Prevention Awareness                                                                     director of education, GrowNYC.
                                                                                                                  “At  Asphalt  Green,  our  mis-
        Week, designed to educate older                                                                       sion is to transform lives and build
        adults about the dangers of falling                                                                   community  through  sports,  fitness,
        and how to prevent related injuries.                                                                  and play for all. We help bring old-
        Participating organizations distribut-                                                                er adults together in community and
        ed educational materials and resourc-                                                                 help them to live healthier lives. We
        es on how to prevent falls at home,                                                                   are grateful for partners such as the
        during activities, and while running                                                                  Department for the Aging in help-
        errands, to support their well-being                                                                  ing make this possible,” said Jordan
        and continue living independently.                                                                    Brackett, chief executive officer, As-
            “Older adults are the founda-  missioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez.  ment for the Aging to promote and
        tion of so many families and com-  “By partnering with our colleagues  even celebrate health.”        phalt Green. “We are proud to host
                                                                                                              this year’s Healthy Aging Fair, an
        munities across the city” said Deputy  in government and the private sec-  “New York City is a great place to   event that will showcase how Asphalt
        Mayor for Health and Human Ser-   tor,  residents  experienced  firsthand  grow old, and the City’s public health   Green and other health and wellness
        vices Anne Williams-Isom. “Today’s  the community-care model we im-  care system is proud to support the   organizations build community for
        Healthy Aging Fair showcased the  plement every day. If residents want  Healthy Aging Fair,” said NYC H+H   our city’s older adults.”
        vibrancy of this community as well  to learn how to access aging services  President and CEO Mitchell Katz,   “We are proud to support NYC
        as resources and supports for older  and resources, they can call Aging  MD. “Everyone knows that we take   Department of Aging in promoting
        adults,  caregivers,  and  family mem-  Connect at 212-AGING-NYC (212-  care of all New Yorkers without ex-  health and wellness through a focus
        bers. Ultimately, our administration  244-6469) for more information.”  ception, and the screenings and activ-  on  important  prevention  activities
        is committed to delivering what New   “We want New Yorkers to have  ities today are a great first step to ac-  to continuously improve health out-
        Yorkers need to thrive at every age.  more years in their lives as well as  cessing care that everyone deserves. I   comes in the communities where we
        Congratulations to NYC Aging and  more life in those years,” said New  want to thank Commissioner Cortés-  serve our members. Humana is com-
        all their partners on a wonderful  York City Health Commissioner  Vázquez for her commitment to old-  mitted to achieving the best health
        event.”                           Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “But what does  er New Yorkers, and to ensuring they   for seniors and events such as these
            “The Healthy Aging Fair high-  health  really  look  like?  In  practice,  have the information and resources
        lighted the wide range of resources  it is events like these. It is staying  to make important decisions about   make the most direct impact to that
                                                                                                              goal” said Vaishali Patel regional vice
        the city offers to support New York-  up to date on screenings, it is learn-  their health.”          president, operations, Humana Inc.
        ers and their caregivers, and how  ing healthy recipes, and it is staying   “Older adults are a vital part
        easily accessible they are, regardless  active. It is also joyful, with dancing,  of our community, and prioritizing   Photo Credit: New York City
        of where you live or your culture or  celebration,  and  togetherness.  I  am  healthy aging ensures they thrive.   Department for the Aging
        heritage,” said NYC Aging Com-    so happy to partner with the Depart-  Cannabis NYC was proud to join to-

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