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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 29

        AAPI’s Historic 40th Convention Concludes in San Antonio

        OUR BUREAU
        San Antonio, TX
              he historic 40th annual conven-
              tion  organized  by  the  Ameri-
        Tcan  Association  of  Physicians
        of  Indian  Origin  (AAPI)  concluded
        at the world-famous Riverwalk Hen-
        ry B Gonzalez Convention Center in
        San  Antonio  in  Texas  on  Saturday,
        June  25th,  2022  with  a  Gala  Bolly-
        wood Nite, during which a new Lead-
        ership  Team  led  by  Dr.  Ravi  Kolli
        assumed charge of the four decades   lows Section (MSRF). Dr. Anupama
        old  premier  Medical  Organization,   Gotimukula will serve as the Immedi-
        representing the strong and powerful   ate Past President of AAPI.
        120,000 physicians of Indian heritage.   Dr.   Anupama   Gotimukula,
            The  four  days  long  annual   the  Immediate  Past  President  of
        convention  and  scientific  assem-  AAPI  said,  “Our  leadership  team
        bly,  attended  by  over  10,000  AAPI   has  worked  diligently  on  so  many
        delegates,  while  celebrating  the   wonderful  projects  and  activities  in-
        achievements  of  the  Indian  Ameri-  cluding  educational,  philanthropic,
        can Physicians, focused on the theme,   legislative,  networking,  and  many
        “Physician Heal Thyself” with several   more activities benefitting our mem-
        unique and first-of-a-kind opportuni-  bers and communities. This has been
        ties to help AAPI members self-care,   possible  because  of  the  incredible
        especially  in  the  context  of  Covid   work and support from the dedicated
        related  physicians  burn  out,  paid   team  of  leaders,  members,  and  our
        tributes and celebrated freedom and   supporting office staff,” the only 4th
        democracy, honoring India and its  75   woman President of AAPI in the four
        years of Independence Day celebra-  decades long history of AAPI, said.
        tions- co-sponsored by the Embassy    “Our  physician  members  have
        of India & the Consulate General of   worked very hard during the covid 19
        India (CGI) – Houston.            pandemic. The 2022 convention is a
            “AAPI’s  strength  is  its  numbers   perfect time to heal the healers with
        and  members.  Our  Sakthi  is  in  our   a special focus on wellness,” said Dr.
        Samkhya and our Sabhyas,” Dr. Ravi   Jayesh Shah, Chair of AAPI Conven-
        Kolli stated in his inaugural address   tion 2022. Dr. Shah praised the ded-
        immediately after he assumed charge   ication and generosity of each mem-
        as the 41st President of AAPI. “You   ber for giving their best, to make this
        are  that  powerful  threads  of  this   Convention  truly  a  memorable  one
        colorful and strong fabric, and your   for every participant.
        participation  and  contributions  are   Put together by a highly talented
        essential for its continued success. So,   and  dedicated  team  of  Convention
        thank you all,” Dr. Kolli told AAPI   Committee members, the convention
        delegates  and  distinguished  guests   was filled with programs and activities
        who had packed the Ball Room at the   that cater to the body, mind and soul.
        Henry Gonzalez Convention Center   The Convention was a unique expe-
        during the Presidential Gala.     rience  for  everyone,  Dr.  Sathessh   serverships, community service proj-
            Dr. Kolli will work with Dr. An-  Kathula, Secretary of AAPI said.   ects,  entrepreneurships,  innovation
        jana Sammadar, President-Elect; Dr.   During  the  BOT  luncheon    developments, etc.:
        Satheesh  Kathula,  Vice  President;   chaired  by  Dr.  Kusum  Punjabi,  the   Each day of the convention had
        Dr.  Meherbala  Medavaram,  Secre-  youngest  ever  to  hold  the  position,   a  specific  theme.  On  Thursday,  the
        tary and Dr. Sumul Raval, Treasurer   handed  over  the  office  to  the  new   theme chosen is “Unity in Diversity”
        of AAPI for the year 2022-23. Dr. V.   Chair, Dr. Vishweshwar R. Ranga. In   and  the  delegates  showcased  one’s
        Ranga will serve as the Chair, AAPI   her address, Dr. Punjabi highlighted   own state dress code. Heritage India
        Board of Trustees. Giving represen-  the many initiatives under her leader-  was  the  theme  for  Friday  honoring
        tation  and  strengthening  the  voice   ship. She said, “The Board of Trust-  and  celebrating  India’s  rich  culture
        of young physicians of Indian origin,   ees this year has launched the AAPI   and diversity. On Saturday, the focus
        Dr. Pooja Kinkhabwala will serve as   Medical Project Grant (MPG). The   was  on  the  much-loved  Bollywood
        the  President,  AAPI  Young  Physi-  purpose of this grant is to financial-  with special performance by popular
        cians Section (YPS) and Dr. Ammu   ly  support  AAPI  medical  students/  Bollywood singer Shaan, The cuisine
        Susheela  is  the  President  of  AAPI-   residents/fellows/young physicians in   served each will day match the theme
        Medical  Student/Residents  &  Fel-  various medical projects such as ob-  chosen for each day.

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