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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 32
Ragamala to present Sacred Earth as part of BRIC
On July 22, at the Lena Horne Bandshell, 9th Street & Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY
OUR BUREAU extensively throughout the U.S., In-
dia, and abroad, highlighted by the
New York, NY
Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C.),
acred Earth is an enchanting Joyce Theater (New York), Lincoln
work for seven dancers and five Center (New York), Jacob’s Pillow
Smusicians that explodes with col- Dance Festival (MA), Walker Art
or, rhythm, and ecstatic movement. Center (Minneapolis), American
Rooted in the expansive South Indian Dance Festival (Durham, NC), The
dance form of Bharatanatyam, Rag- Soraya (Southern California), Mu-
amala Dance Company manifests a seum of Contemporary Art Chicago,
kindred relationship between the an- International Festival of Arts & Ideas
cient and the contemporary. Sacred (New Haven, CT), Cal Performanc-
Earth explores the interconnected- es (Berkeley), Arts Center at NYU
ness of our physical environments and Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates),
our inner states of being. Performed Just Festival (Edinburgh, U.K.), Bali
with a stellar musical ensemble from by the National Endowment for the the vision of award-winning mother/ Arts Festival (Indonesia), Sri Krishna
India, the dancers create a sacred Arts, the National Dance Project of daughter artists Ranee Ramaswamy Gana Sabha (Chennai, India), and
space to honor the divinity in the natu- the New England Foundation for the and Aparna Ramaswamy. Over the National Centre for Performing Arts
ral world and the sustenance we derive Arts (with lead funding from the Do- last four decades, Ranee and Aparna’s (Mumbai, India), among others.
from it. Inspired by the philosophies ris Duke Charitable Foundation and practice in the South Indian dance BRIC is a leading arts and media
behind the ephemeral arts of kolam additional funding from the Andrew form of Bharatanatyam has shifted institution anchored in Downtown
and Warli painting, and the Tamil San- W. Mellon Foundation, the Commu- the trajectory of culturally rooted per- Brooklyn whose work spans contem-
gam literature of India, Sacred Earth nity Connections Fund of the MetLife forming arts in the United States to porary visual and performing arts,
is Ranee and Aparna Ramaswamy’s Foundation, and the Boeing Compa- create an exemplary company within media, and civic action. For over forty
singular vision of the beautiful, fragile ny Charitable Trust), and generous the American dance landscape. years, BRIC has shaped Brooklyn’s
relationship between nature and man. support from members of Ragamala’s Featuring Aparna Ramaswamy cultural and media landscape by pre-
Support for the creation of Sa- Rasika Circle. as Principal Dancer, Ragamala has senting and incubating artists, cre-
cred Earth was made possible in part Ragamala Dance Company is been commissioned and presented ators, students, and media makers.
Long Island Indo-American Lions Club holds installation ceremony
Long Island, NY
ong Island Indo-American Li-
ons Club organized its instal-
Llation ceremony on June 22nd
2022. PDG-T.J. Anand, PDG-Anthony
Paradiso, Immediate past district gov-
ernor-Terri Oster graced the occasion.
Emcee of the evening was Anju Shar-
ma, who welcomed all and highlighted
the amazing work done by the club.
President Indu Gajwani Recog-
nized & appreciated Lions for their Yogini Oza, Madhu Pareek, Vandana mance Award’ for outstanding work as Vice Presidents. Sanju Sharma Sec-
services towards Community. Krish- Kumar were awarded Recognition within short period of time. retary and Vijay Shah Treasurer for the
na Maddipatla was awarded “Lion awards for their services for the club. 38 New Members were inducted upcoming year. Krishna Maddipat-
of The Year”. Community Service Sanjiv Jindal Represented the of- at installation ceremony. President la, Dr. Kalpesh Amin, Saurabh Seth,
Awards were presented to Kanak Go- fice of Senator Anna Kaplan and Cita- Indu Gajwani introduced New In- Nand Panjwani, And Dr. Abhay Mal-
lia, Nand Panjwani, Bobby Patel, Jay tions were presented to Kanak Golia, coming President (2022-2023) Dr. hotra will serve as Board of Directors.
Shah, Anil Shah, Naveen Shah and Krishna Maddipatla, Anju Sharma, Sunil Mehra. She handed over the Dr. Mehra requested team mem-
Gary Sikka. Anju Sharma & Sanju Dr. Sunil Mehra, Rita Shah, Sanju Lions Bell and Gaval to Dr. Mehra as bers for their support for the club.
Sharma was recognized for Excel- Sharma, Indu Gajwani & Shyam Ga- responsibility of the club and wished He promised to continue to serve the
lent Leadership award. Rita Shah, jwani for their outstanding services. him all the best. She also promised to community and urged the members to
Gobind Bathija, Nimesh Shah, Vijay Shyam Gijwani ‘LCIF officer’ was ap- continue her support to the club. The work together to keep club at the posi-
Shah, Saurabh Seth, Pradeep Gosa- preciated and recognized for his sup- Executive committee of 2022-2023 tion of “Number One”. Vote of thanks
lia, Poojaa Makhijani, Dr. Kalpesh port and dedication throughout the was announced by Dr. Sunil Mehra. by given by Secretary Nimesh ‘Bunty’
Amin, Dr. Yogendra Saxena, Pawan years. Outgoing President Indu Ga- Kanak Golia, Gobind Bathija, Nimesh Shah. The program ended with Bolly-
Singla, Dr. Usha Tandon, Sital Shah, jwani was awarded ‘Excellent perfor- Shah & Anju Sharma were announced wood dance presentation.