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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL                                                        JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 36

             Get ready for Sanjay Dutt vs Ranbir Kapoor

                                        spectacle in ‘Shamshera’

         Directed by Karan Malhotra, this action extravaganza has been produced by Aditya Chopra

                            and is set to release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on July 22, 2022

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            villain and Karan Malhotra loves to
                                                                                                              give me characters like these. I guess
                                                                                                              people love to see me as a villain on
              anbir  Kapoor  is  playing  a                                                                   screen  and  I’m  happy  that  all  the
              larger-than-life  quintessential                                                                films in which I have played a villain
        RHindi film hero with the action                                                                      have been loved. I wish the same for
        entertainer Shamshera. Ranbir, who                                                                    Shamshera  because  Karan,  Ranbir
        is coming to the big screen four years                                                                and the entire team have worked re-
        after  he  delivered  the  blockbuster                                                                ally hard on the film.”
        Sanju, is relishing the casting coup in                                                                   Ranbir says Sanjay’s presence in
        the film that pits him against Sanjay                                                                 the film as an antagonist has made
        Dutt. Sanjay, who has delivered some                                                                  Shamshera  an  anticipated  project
        of the most epic villains on screen, is                                                               amongst audiences. He says, “I have
        thrilled to give us a more evil, mer-                                                                 so much love for him and so much
        ciless,  cold-hearted  brute  force  of                                                               respect for him. He is such an amaz-
        nature, Shuddh Singh in Shamshera.                                                                    ing actor. You know even though he
        Sanjay Dutt vs Ranbir Kapoor makes                                                                    has played the antagonist in so many
        Shamshera a big screen spectacle to                                                                   films, he still makes it different, he
        watch out for.                                                                                        still makes it believable. It goes back
                                                                                                              to  the  old  notion  that  a  hero  will
        Ranbir says, “It’s amazing that                                                                       only be impactful if the villain has a
                                                                                                              looming presence and I don’t think
        Sanjay  Dutt is  my antagonist!                                                                       there is any actor in the Indian film
        When I was 10 or 11, I had                                                                            industry who has the presence that
                                                                                                              Sanjay Dutt has on screen.”
        Sanjay Dutt’s poster in my cup-                                                                           Ranbir,  in  a  freshly  dropped

        board. Then eventually getting     Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt with actress Vaani Kapoor at the trailer   behind the scene video titled ‘Ran-
                                                                                                              bir Kapoor as Balli and Shamshera’
        to play him in a biopic direct-           launch of their upcoming movie ‘Shamshera’ in Mumbai (ANI Photo)  that released recently, says, “Sham-
        ed by Rajkumar Hirani was a                                                                           shera is one of those films that when
                                                                                                              the  narration  got  over,  I  knew  for
        dream come true.                                                                                      a fact that I had to be a part of the
                                                                                                              film.  It’s  amazing  that  I’m  playing
            And finally getting an opportu-                                                                   two characters in one film! Both are
        nity to work with him, to act with him,                                                               very different and unique but their
        where I am the protagonist and he is                                                                  heart and their head is very similar.
        the antagonist, it’s incredible! Sanjay                                                               The  transition  from  Shamshera  to
        Dutt has given us some epic villains                                                                  Balli was very interesting for me as
        with his brilliant acting performanc-                                                                 an actor.”
        es and people are going to love him                                                                       Ranbir also reveals an interest-
        as  Shuddh  Singh  in  Shamshera!”                                                                    ing detail of his character Balli, the
            The story of Shamshera is set in                                                                  son, in Shamshera! He says, “While
        the  fictitious  city  of  Kaza,  where  a                                                            Shamshera is a part of a tribe, the
        warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved                                                                 leader of the tribe, Balli is born in
        and tortured by a ruthless authoritar-                                                                the prison of Kaza!” This highlights
        ian general Shudh Singh. This is the                                                                  the huge emotional conflict present
        story of a man who became a slave, a   seen  before  Ranbir  Kapoor,  who   this  action  extravaganza  has  been   in  the  film  since  Shamshera  also
        slave who became a leader and then   plays Shamshera in the film! Sanjay   produced by Aditya Chopra and is   fights for his tribe to be free.
        a legend for his tribe. He relentless-  Dutt  plays  Ranbir’s  arch-enemy  in   set  to  release  in  Hindi,  Tamil  and   About  his  intense  Shamshera
        ly fights for his tribe’s freedom and   this huge casting coup and his show-  Telugu on July 22, 2022.  look in which he is sporting some grey
        dignity.  His  name  is  Shamshera.  down with Ranbir will be something   Sanjay is collaborating with di-  hair, Ranbir says, “We greyed him a
            The    high-octane,   adrena-  to  watch  out  for  as  they  will  fero-  rector  Karan  Malhotra  again  after   bit because he was in his late 30s or
        line-pumping  entertainer  is  set  in   ciously go after each other with no   Agneepath.  Sanjay  had  given  us  a   early 40s. It’s the same actor who is
        the 1800s in the heartland of India.   mercy.                       villain for the ages as Kancha in that   playing  both  these  parts  but  both
        It  has  the  big  promise  of  a  never   Directed  by  Karan  Malhotra,   film. Sanjay says, “I love playing the   had  to  look  distinctively  different.

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