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BUSINESS EYE JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 41
Samsung releases first rugged Snapchat + announced, a premier
smartphone with 5G compatibility membership at $3.99 per month
amsung has released the first A 4,050 mAh battery is installed napchat formally unveiled tion will allow us to deliver new Snap-
rugged smartphone with 5G on the device and is hidden under a Snapchat+, a premium mem- chat features to some of the most
Scompatibility with the new plastic rear that can be removed for Sbership at USD3.99/month passionate members of our commu-
Galaxy XCover6 Pro. According to quick battery changes. The phone service that will give users access to nity and allow us to provide priori-
GSM Arena, the XCover6 Pro’s 6.6- accepts proprietary accessories that unique features including the op- tized support,” the company said.
inch PLS LCD screen has an FHD+ connect via the two pogo pins on the tion to alter the app icon and the It’s not yet apparent how
resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate bottom and may be charged up to ability to know who has rewatched Snapchat intends to distinguish
as its primary display. The XCover6 15W with the included connection. your stories. between features made avail-
Pro’s display can be readily used with Only a USB-C cable and no char- According to TechCrunch, the able to beta testers and those
gloves on and on wet hands thanks ger are included with the phone in company said earlier this month that made available to subscribers.
to its improved touch sensitivity. the box. Speaking of unique features, it is testing this capability, although To increase their income, several
The most recent version of Corning XCover6 Pro also includes a push-to- it did not provide any information. It social media sites are experiment-
Gorilla Glass, Victus+, also shields talk button that can be customised. has now formally established Snap- ing with subscription-based services.
the display. The phone is MIL- A 50MP primary camera with chat+. With additional nations to Twitter’s Twitter Blue service made
810H compliant and IP68 water and an f/1.8 aperture sits next to an 8MP be added shortly, the new subscrip- its debut in Canada and Australia
dust resistant, true to XCover form. ultrawide camera with an f/2.2 ap- tion plan will debut in the United last year before being made available
The phone weighs a substantial 235 erture in the camera department. A States, Canada, the United King- in the United States and New Zea-
grammes and has reported dimen- 13MP selfie camera is hidden in a dom, France, Germany, Australia, land, as reported by TechCrunch.
sions of 168.8x79.9x9.9mm. waterdrop notch up front. OneUI is New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and the The messaging service Telegram
Additionally, XCover6 Pro sup- placed on top of Android 12 to cov- United Arab Emirates. “Today we’re also introduced a paid premium ver-
ports Wi-Fi 6E and 5G. It has a Snap- er the software front. A headphone launching Snapchat+, a collection of sion earlier this month with features
dragon 778G CPU, 6GB of RAM, connector, speaker boost option, and exclusive, experimental, and pre-re- including additional conversation
and 128GB of additional storage compatibility for Samsung DeX are lease features available in Snapchat folders and the capacity to transfer
through microSD. further noteworthy features. for USD3.99/month. This subscrip- files up to 4GB in size.