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SPORTS                                                                    JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 44

                                                            INDIA IN ENGLAND

         Bumrah get captaincy, Virat focuses on

            form & India eye Test Championship

                   As the Indian arrive to England for a Test, ODIs and T20s, some bits of action on and off the field

                                                                                                                  Talking about Kohli ahead of the
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              Test match against England Sharma
        Edgbaston                                                                                             said,  “Virat  will  be  back  with  great
                                                                                                              innings this time and I hope he will
              he  All-India  Senior  Selection                                                                back with a bang.”
              Committee has named Jasprit
                                                                                                                  There  is  no  health  advisory  in
        TBumrah as captain for the up-                                                                        place for Indian players currently in
        coming Test and Rishabh Pant as his                                                                   England for the fifth and final Test of
        deputy  as  Rohit  Sharma  has  tested                                                                the series which advises them to prac-
        positive for COVID-19. The fifth and                                                                  tice with low intensity due to fears of
        final Test against India will take place                                                              COVID-19.
        from July 1 onwards in Edgbaston.                                                                         “There  is  no  such  kind  of  info
            Pacer  Jasprit  Bumrah,  India’s
        captain  for  the  fifth  and  final  Test                                                            about medical guidance to play with
                                                                                                              the low intensity he is a player who
        against England at Edgbaston termed                                                                   can play big shots bluntly and he can’t
        his appointment as skipper as a “big                                                                  play with low intensity,” he said.
        achievement” and “big honour”.
                                                                                                                  Sharma  further  said,  “He  left
                                                                                                              the captaincy on his own because he
        “It is a big achievement, a big                                                                       wants to enjoy his cricket. And by re-
        honour. Playing Test cricket                                                                          laxing a bit, he wants to concentrate
                                                                                                              more on his batting. And I have full
        was my dream and getting an                                                                           hope that the way he is playing he will
        opportunity like this is a huge                                                                       perform well.”
                                                                                                                  Talking about the upcoming Test
        achievement for me. I am very                                                                         match against England, Sharma said,
        happy on being given this op-                   Jasprit Bumrah will lead India in the crucial Test (ANI)  “Look, this test match is going to be
                                                                                                              quite  tough.  Because  England  is  a
        portunity,” said Bumrah during                                                                        very strong team. But our team is also
        a press conference.               said that the side wants to focus on  an England side riding high on mo-  good and right now the Indian team’s
                                          its own job. “We do not want to think  mentum under the new leadership of   morale is also very high because we
                                          too much about the opposition. We  coach Brendon McCullum and cap-  are leading the series. And I hope In-
            The star pacer said that nothing
        changes for him as skipper.       know our strengths. If we do our job  tain Ben Stokes.              dia will do better and win this series.”
                                          well,  we  believe  we  can  win  in  any
            “You have to do your job to the                                 KOHLI’S COACH HOPEFUL OF A           ANDERSON RETURNS AS
        best of your ability. This is what I am   condition or place. We want to give   COMEBACK                  ENGLAND NAME TEAM
                                          more attention to ourselves. We have
        looking  forward  to  doing.  We  have   our plans and we will focus on what
        a very good team. We have a lot of   we  need  to  do.  Joe  Root  is  in  an   ndia  batter  Virat  Kohli’s  child-  ngland men have named their
        experienced  players.  I  have  a  lot  of   amazing form,” he added.  hood  coach  Rajkumar  Sharma        playing XI for the rescheduled
        players  who  were  there  to  help  me   Bumrah  said  that  Virat  Kohli   Isaid  that  the  former  India  cap-  Efifth Test against India starting
        out. I am looking forward to helping   and  Rohit  Sharma  are  leaders  and   tain will play a great inning in the last   at Edgbaston on Friday.
        the team to the best of my abilities,   play  a  massive  role.  “I  take  advice   and final Test match against England.   The  Three  Lions  make  one
        understand where the game is head-  from  everyone.  I  try  to  learn  from   The  rescheduled  fifth  Test  is  count-  change to the side that won the third
        ing and contribute to the best of my   every senior player but do what my   ed as the fifth match of India’s 2021   Test against New Zealand at Head-
        abilities,” he added.             instincts say,” he added.         series in England, which the visitors   ingley, with James Anderson return-
            Bumrah said that the side is fo-                                lead by 2-1. The fifth Test was post-  ing to the side in place of Jamie Over-
                                              The  rescheduled  match  is  a
        cused more on its preparations rather   part of last year’s five-match Test se-  poned at the last minute following a   ton,  despite  Overton’s  vital  97  on
        than thinking about the ball and how   ries that had to be delayed after the   COVID-19 outbreak in 2021.  Test debut at Headingley last week.
        it is going to behave. “The wicket in   fourth Test due to a COVID-19 out-  “Virat  Kohli  was  in  good  form   Ben Foakes has been ruled out after
        Leicester was different and this is a   break in the Indian camp. India led   against  England  before  the  Test  se-  failing  to  recover  in  time  from  the
        different wicket,” he added.      the series 2-1.                   ries was rescheduled. So, I hope that   COVID  diagnosis  that  caused  him
            Questioned  on  England’s  fine                                 he will continue this form for a long   to miss the second half of England’s
                                              India is on the brink of securing
        form  in  their  recent  Test  and  ODI   their  first  Test  series  victory  in  En-  time. So that he can smash a century   seven-wicket victory.
        showing  against  New  Zealand  and   gland since 2007. However, they face   and  end  the  of  everyone’s  anticipa-  India is on the brink of securing
        Netherlands  respectively,  the  pacer                              tion,” Rajkumar Sharma told ANI.         Continued at next page... >>

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