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BUSINESS EYE JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 40
Gen Next takes charge as Mukesh Ambani
quits Reliance Jio Board
Akash Ambani has been closely involved with the disruptive and inclusive growth path charted
by the digital services and consumer retail propositions the group
OUR BUREAU Akash Ambani, who has gradu-
ated from Brown University with a
New Delhi/Mumbai
major in Economics, has been close-
eliance Industries chairman ly involved with the creation of the
Mukesh Ambani has resigned digital ecosystem around Jio’s 4G
Rfrom the board of Reliance Jio proposition. He was closely involved
handing over reigns to his elder son with a team of engineers in inventing
Akash Ambani, who will be Chairman and launching an India-specs focused
of the Board of Directors. Jiophone in 2017 which became quite
In a stock exchange filing, Reli- a revolutionary device to take many
ance Jio Infocomm said the company’s people out of 2G to 4G.
board has approved the appointment Akash personally led the key ac-
of Akash M Ambani, non-executive quisitions made by Jio in the digital
director, as chairman of the board of space in the last few years and has
directors of the company.” It said that also been keenly involved with the
the Board of Directors in their meet- development of new technologies
ing held on June 27 noted the resig- and capabilities including AI-ML and
nation of Mukesh D Ambani as Di- blockchain.
rector of the company effective from He was integrally involved in the
the close of working hours on June 27, trailblazing global investments by tech
2022. majors and investors in 2020, which
Akash has been closely involved in many ways catapulted Jio onto the
with the disruptive and inclusive global investor map.
growth path charted by the digital ser- Akash is expected to continue to
vices and consumer retail propositions Mukesh Ambani with his grandson Prithvi and son Akash operate on the cutting-edges of inno-
of Reliance group and is now leading vation and technology to encourage
the creation of the ‘convergence div- liance Jio Infocomm recognizes the Mukesh Ambani will continue to an ecosystem that will further digi-
idend’ for over 500 million consum- specific contributions made by him be the Chairman of Jio Platforms Ltd, tal solutions and make the power of
ers, digitally and with high-inclusivity to the digital services journey and re- the flagship company that owns all Jio data and technology more accessible
across geographies and income levels. dedicates him to even higher levels of digital services brands including Reli- to all, including those who are still at
His elevation as Chairman of Re- responsibilities, going forward. ance Jio Infocomm. the margin.
Reliance to bring Pret A Manger to India
eliance Brands on Thursday are seeking fresh and organic ingre- on customers’ evolving spending
announced its entry into the dient-led dining experiences which habits and an ambitious expan-
Rfood and beverage space have been synonymous with Pret’s sion plan, RBL’s first foray into
through a long-term master fran- core offering.” the food industry will bring the
chise partnership with UK-based Pret A Manger CEO Pano much-loved Pret dining experi-
fresh food and organic coffee chain Christou said: “Two decades ago, we ence to one of the biggest retail
Pret A Manger. It has entered into opened Pret’s first shop in Asia and markets,” it said.
a strategic partnership with Pret it’s been an inspiration for all of us to RBL began operations in
A Manger to launch and build the bring our freshly made food and 100 2007 with a mandate to launch
brand in India and plans to open the per cent organic coffee to new cities and build global brands in luxury
food chain outlets across the coun- MD Darshan Mehta said: “Our across the continent. RBL are a great to premium segments across fash-
try starting with major cities and partnership with Pret is rooted in partner to help us do just that, bringing ion and lifestyle. It has a portfolio
travel hubs, said a joint statement. the strong growth potential of both their years of expertise in the market of brand partnerships of leading
Started in London in 1986, Pret Pret as a brand as also of the food to help our brand succeed in India.” global brands, including Arma-
A Manger now operates around & beverage industry in India. RBL RBL, the country’s largest luxury ni Exchange, Burberry, Canali,
550 shops in countries, including closely follows the pulse of Indian to premium retailer, is a subsidiary of Coach, Diesel, Dune, Emporio
the UK, US, Hong Kong, France, consumers and there is an increased Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd -- the Armani, Gas, Giorgio Arma-
Dubai, Switzerland, Brussels, Sin- consciousness of what we eat -- rap- retail arm of billionaire Mukesh Am- ni, Hamleys, Hugo Boss, Jimmy
gapore and Germany. idly making food the new fashion. In- bani’s Reliance group. Choo, Michael Kors, Versace,
RBL (Reliance Brands Ltd) dians, like their global counterparts, “With its rich cache of insights Villeroy & Boch, and West Elm.