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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 34

          Gandhian Society hosts Interfaith Prayer Meet

        OUR BUREAU
        New Jersey
              he  Gandhian  Society  in  part-
              nership  with  Rotary  Club  and
        TZakir  Husain  Foundation  or-
        ganized  an  Interfaith  Prayer  meet
        and  Khadi  Fashion  show  in  Parsip-
        pany (New Jersey) on June 26, 2022.
        The event was organized to pray for
        peace,  understanding  and  spreading
        love/ brotherhood amongst all human
        beings and also to show cause the na-
        tional fabric of India - Khadi in a mod-
        ern way for the younger generation of
        American Indian’s. Khadi represents
        the  Indian  thinking  of  simple  living
        with elegance and dignity.        Gandhian  Society  Founder  Bhadra   lier role as Major Irrigation Minister   of  Mahesh  Wani,  Shravan  Nataka-
            The event was attended by most   Butala was instrumental in sponsoring   where he helped irrigate thousands of   la, Varsha Joshi, Dr. Deepak Naran,
        of  the  elected  officials  from  District   the show with support from sponsors.   acres of land that helped millions of   Asha Sawant, Shiv Kumar, Hasmukh
        11/ Morris County/ Parsippany includ-  The  Gandhian  Society  also  honored   farmers in South India.  Patel,  Vijaya  Nadella  and  others.  A
        ing District 11 House of Representa-  Dr. Satish Aanchan and Ramesh Ma-  The  Interfaith  and  Khadi  event   simple Gandhian lunch was provided
        tive  Candidate  (Republican)  -  Paul   ganti for their community service and   was mainly organized by Balaji Jilla,   for participants and devotional songs
        DeGroot,  Mayor  Jamie  Barbierio,   also honored them with a special cer-  Rajinder  Dichpally  and  supported   that Mahatma Gandhi used to listen
        Council  President  -  Michael  dePier-  tificate and Gandhian Statue. Ponna-  friendly  by  Santosh  Peddi  (Rotary   to were sung at the event. Free biog-
        ro, Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani,   la Lakshmiah was recognized for his   International  Club  members  of  Par-  raphies of Mahatma Gandhi were dis-
        Ponnala Lakshmiah (Indian Politician   role in helping rural India with his ear-  sippany). The Gandhian Society team   tributed at the event for participants.
        who earlier lived in Parsippany).
            The event started with the singing
        of  National  Anthem’s  for  USA  and     Pan Nalin to become first Gujarati to join
        India and continues with Devotional
        Songs that Mahatma Gandhi used to   the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
        have during his prayer meetings. The
        religious  leaders  from  many  diverse
        faiths  like  Christianism,  Hindu  (Isk-  OUR BUREAU                                                 dia  post  September.  The  Last  Film
        con)  Islam,  Jewish  (Hebrew),  Jain,   Los Angeles, CA                                              Show  is  the  first  Indian  film  which
        BAHA’i  and  many  faiths  prayed  for                                                                was acquired by American film com-
        peace, understanding and making the      irector Pan Nalin to become                                  pany Samuel Goldwyn Films, So, is
        world a better place.                    the  first  Gujarati  to  join  the                          Shochiku Films in Japan and Medu-
            This  was  followed  by  a  Khadi  DAcademy.  Also,  Tamil  Star                                  sa Films in Italy. The pride for Indian
        Fashion  designed/  conceptualized  by   Suriya, Bollywood actress Kajol, Os-                         cinema.
        designer Sonal Gadhavi and choreo-  car-nominated  documentary  makers                                    Pan Nalin Said: “I feel honored
        graphed  by  Bharat  Gadhavi.  Sonal   Sushmit  Ghosh  and  Rintu  Thomas,                            -and  empowered.  Somehow  many
        had a workshop with the kids prior to   and Indian American ‘Deadpool’ and                            years  ago  I  chose  a  path  that  was
        the fashion show to explain to them   ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ pro-                             difficult and unwalkable. Today is a
        the significance of Khadi and the de-  ducer Adiya Sood have been induct-                             glory day. What I did in my solitude
        signs  being  displayed.  The  fashion   ed into the Academy of Motion Pic-                           finally  echoes  in  multitudes.  Thank
        show  saw  many  American  Indian   ture Arts and Sciences, the body that                             you,  Academy,  for  believing  in  my
        children take part and display Khadi   presents the Oscars each year.  Film Chhello Show, (The Last Film   cinema  and  encouraging  me  to  go
        in  a  modern  and  elegant  manner.   Pan  Nalin,  known  worldwide   Show) which is creative magical mo-  on. I am super excited about this new
        Charkha  Boutique  sponsored  the   for Samsara and Angry Indian God-  ments  across  the  world  currently.   beginning. A new journey commenc-
        Khadi  clothes  for  the  fashion  show.   desses, and with his recent Gujarati   The film supposed to release in In-  es today.“

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