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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 30

         Indie Films World—New OTT Platform for

                    Independent Filmmakers–Kicks Off

                            A Star-Studded Launch Celebration held at Club Nebula in NYC

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he  Red  Carpet  and  Launch
              Party at Club Nebula was filled
        Twith  celebrities,  models,  ac-
        tors, filmmakers, and directors ready
        to celebrate Indie Films World (IFW)
        a one-stop Over the Top (OTT) Plat-
        form for the new world of entertain-
        ment  in  streaming  movies,  web  se-
        ries, live TV, TV shows, podcasts, and
        much  more.  In  collaboration  with
        Unstoppable  Domains,  global  press
        covering the event included, but was
        not  limited  to,  the  following:  CBS,   a  streaming  service—resulting  in  a   • Monthly Plan: $3.99 per month  quickly  evolves  into  one  family’s
        TV  Asia,  Jus  Punjabi,  Chance  TV,   fruitless  waiting  game,  pain-staking   • Yearly Plan: $24.99 per year  biggest  fear  when  their  dad  goes
        and The Indian Eye, among others.  process and upside-down investment.  • TVOD: Customer can pay-per-view   missing  after  stopping  by  the  of-
            Award-Winning  Indian-Ameri-      As  an  industry  innovator,  Modi   without subscribing to any plan  fice that morning (based on TRUE
        can Filmmaker and Director Mukesh   decided to BE the change by launch-  • Free: Customer can view free con-  events).
        Modi’s  release  of  “The  Elevator,”   ing  a  widely  successful  streaming   tents without subscribing to any plan  • A Murder of Innocence: Based on
        starring Oscar-nominated Eric Rob-  service—Indie Films World (IFW)—     SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE         a true story, a community is rocked
        erts  and  Eugenia  Kuzmina  debuted   that not only creates a no-nonsense                              by a double-homicide and the po-
        in  theatres  on  streaming  platforms   solution  for  independent  filmmak-  • Genres:  Action,  Horror/Thriller,   lice struggle to find the killer. The
        with  a  successful  release,  but  more   ers, but also a portal of the latest and   Comedy, Drama, Short, Documen-  resident pastor helps his town over-
        importantly,  Modi  realized  a  major   top-rated variety of films for audienc-  tary, Web Series      come the aftershocks while his wife
        gap  in  the  process  that  oftentimes   es who have grown tired of the same   PREMIUM FILMS:          comes  to  grips  with  fear  through
        leaves filmmakers at a loss from dis-  collection of films available on main-                           her faith.
        tribution  to  return  on  investment.   stream platforms.          • The   Elevator:  Award-Winning   • Blood & Oil: A small Nigerian vil-
        While studios have been backlogged    IFW  is  dedicated  to  providing   Film Starring Oscar Nominee Eric   lage without drinkable water, sus-
        with a long list of films to be released,   content that is unique, dynamic and   Roberts  and  Recipient  of  Three   tainable farming or fishing has oil.
        independent  filmmakers  are  find-  difficult to find.               Awards for Best Film, Best Actor   Based  on  true  events,  the  violent
        ing  themselves  at  a  deficit  between   WHAT’S THE DEAL?           (Eric  Roberts)  and  Best  Director   havoc that ensued between the mil-
        securing   distribution,   financing,                                 “The Elevator” takes audiences on   itants and government due to greed
        placement/release,  and  giving  away   • Best of all, members can watch on-de-  an emotional journey when a seem-  has a ripple effect on the global oil
        a significant percentage of return to   mand or select an affordable plan.  ingly  exciting  birthday  weekend   industry.

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