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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 26

        OUR BUREAU                         Inc Leader Praises Congressman
        Washington, DC
               n the last day of the Illinois
               Primary  Election  Campaign,         Raja’s Inclusive Leadership
        OIndia’s  Main  Opposition
        Party  Leader  (of  Indian  National
        Congress  of  Sonia  Gandhi)  Adarsh
        Shastri praised U.S. Rep. Raja Krish-                                                                 others Spoke at the event.
        namoorthi  ‘s  INCLUSIVE  Leader-                                                                         Republican  Mayor  of  Hanover
        ship to all sections of the Community,                                                                Park Rodney Craig, Pakistani Amer-
        yesterday June 26 when he personally                                                                  ican  Youth  leader  Hamza  Razzak
        met Congressman RAJA in Chicago,                                                                      ,17-year-old  Indian  American  Stu-
        USA.                                                                                                  dent  Leader  Sathya  Padmanabhan
            Adarsh Shastri of Indian Nation-                                                                  from  Phoenix,  Arizona,  African
        al  Congress,  New  Delhi,  India  and                                                                American  Woman  Activist  Dr  Ze-
        the grandson of India’s former Prime                                                                  nobia Sowell and Jewish Community
        Minister  Lal  Bahadur  Shastri  who                                                                  leader Richard Jenkins paid glowing
        signed  the  famous  Tashkent  Agree-                                                                 tributes to Raja’s inclusive leadership.
        ment in 1965 between India and Pa-                                                                        Association of Indians in Amer-
        kistan congratulated & thanked Con-                                                                   ica  -AIA  Illinois  Chapter  Treasurer
        gressman  Raja  Krishnamoorthi  for                                                                   Nilabh Dubey stated that the actions
        his  inclusive  leadership  and  efforts                                                              at  these  two  events  on  June  25  &
        to strengthen ties between all South                                                                  June 26 confirms and PROVES that
        Asian communities.                                                                                    Congressman Raja serves all and Ra-
            On June 25 at Kolachi Tandoor                                                                     ja’s inclusive leadership reached out
        Grill  at  Hanover  Park,  American                                                                   to all sections of the community.
        Multi  Ethnic  Coalition  hosted  a                                                                       Nilabh  Dubey  strongly  con-
        United  For  RAJA    2022  reception                                                                  demned the false rhetoric repeatedly
        which exemplified RAJA’s leadership                                                                   being  circulated  by  some  vested  in-
        to  the  Christians,  Muslims,  Hindus,                                                               terests  that  Congressman  Raja  has
        Jews and Sikhs Communities of the 8                                                                   strong ties to RSS, & BJP which was
        th Congressional district.                                                                            causing a divide among our commu-
            A host of South Asian Commu-                                                                      nities here in 8 th Congressional Dis-
        nity  Leaders  led  by  Yussuf  Razzak,                                                               trict. Raja is an Indian American and
        Syed  Nizami,  Neil  Khot,  Syed  Hus-                                                                strives to work towards strengthening
        saini,  Madhu  &  Jug  Uppal,  Ham-  Hina  Trivedi,  Rakesh  Malhotra,  Hans Uphadyay, Rohan Ali, Manne   U.S. - India ties and also strengthen
        za  Razzack,  Rakesh  Asthana,  Altaf  Vijender  Doma,  Syed  Ali,  Chenna  Lingaiah, Seeta Bala, Padmanabhan   ties  with  all  South  Asian  communi-
        Bukhari, M. Kanapathy, Tariq Khan,  Kesavulu,  Qasim  Mehdi,  Sudha&  Venkatesan & Neelam Saboo among   ties, he added.

                      Hindu Heritage Month 2022 Attracts

         Partnerships, Invites More for October Event

        OUR BUREAU                        kept  up,  Dr.  Jai  Bansal,  Vice  Pres-  Among those signing on as part-  size and promote inclusivity through
                                          ident  of  Education,  World  Hindu   ners  is  the  Coalition  of  Hindus  of   the concept of family.”
                                          Council  of  America,  said  that  the   North  America  (CoHNA).  Its  Pres-  The  month-long  festivities  will
               rganizers  of  the  second  an-  website  was   ident, Nikunj Trivedi said, “CoHNA   be based on the “open source” mod-
               nual Hindu Heritage Month   now live and active for organizations   is  excited  and  honored  to  join  the   el,  with  each  participating  organi-
        Ocelebrations  said  the  re-     to register themselves as partners.  Hindu  Heritage  Month  and  looks   zation  free  to  do  the  programming
        sponse  they  had  received,  after  the   Echoing  Bansal’s  sentiments,   forward to celebrating our beautiful   of  their  choice.  The  event  could  be
        announcement  of  the  event  being   Amitabh  Mittal,  General  Secretary,   heritage with Hindus from all walks   held  in-person  or  online  and  could
        held in October, had been immensely   World  Hindu  Council  of  Ameri-  of life. HHM is an excellent time to   be  in  the  form  of  theater,  music,
        supportive.                       ca  said,  “I  encourage  our  brothers   showcase our heritage and contribu-  dance,  fashion  show,  webinars,  or
            Rutvij  Holay,  California  Coor-  and sisters in Dharma to spread the   tions to society and remove miscon-  walkathons  –  in  short  as  diverse  as
        dinator, Hindu Policy Research and   message  of  Hindu  Heritage  Month   ceptions about us as people.”  Hindu  civilization  itself.  Hindus  are
        Advocacy  Collective,  and  an  orga-  around the world.”               The  McGill  Dharma  Society   among the fastest-growing immigrant
        nizer of HMM said with excitement,    The  Hindu  Heritage  Month   at  McGill  University  in  Montre-  communities in the US and Canada.
        “We  have  Hindus  all  the  way  from   (HMM)  event  aims  to  facilitate  the   al  has  also  signed  on  as  a  partner.   Known  for  their  rock-solid  family
        Indonesia to Norway who are ready   showcasing of the diversity and rich-  Its  Co-Presidents,  Nancy  Kaul  and   structure and love for education, they
        to participate, and I’m excited to see   ness of Hindu civilization, and for this,   Shreya  Mahesenan,  while  echoing   continue  to  enrich  society  with  out-
        what the 2022 HMM will bring.”    has called on Dharmic organizations   the  sentiments  of  the  others,  said   standing  professional  contributions
            Calling for the momentum to be   across the globe to join in the effort.  their hope was “to especially empha-  and rich cultural heritage.

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