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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 24

               Smart Village Movement raised $680,000 for

                      sustainable rural development in India

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            wards redefining rural development
                                                                                                              in India. The guests were then treat-
        Cerritos, CA
                                                                                                              ed to an engaging talk “Unleash the
              he  Smart  Village  Movement                                                                    Power  of  your  Subconcious  Mind”
              is  a  collaborative  process  fa-                                                              by  Master  Mind  Guru  Dr.  Jitendra
        Tcilitated  by  organization  with                                                                    Adhia  from  Ahmedabad,  Gujarat.
        Berkeley-Haas  Center  of  Growth                                                                     Musical  entertainment  was  per-
        Markets  to  create  a  Smart  Village                                                                formed by singers Nauzad Sadry and
        ecosystem.  They  partner  with  Gov-                                                                 Raahul Jatin.
        ernment,  Academia,  Corporations                                                                         Rural underdevelopment is one
        and  Rural  Communities  to  foster                                                                   of the main drivers of global poverty
        independence  and  sustainable  rural                                                                 and forced migration to crowded ur-
        development  in  Indian  villages  and                                                                ban areas. In many parts of the world,
        other emerging markets.                                                                               rural areas are lagging behind urban
            Their focus on Open-innovation,                                                                   areas in terms of economic develop-
        indigenous technologies and natural                                                                   ment, access to essential services and
        economic forces builds a well-devel-                                                                  quality of life. Bridging the rural-ur-
        oped  SVM  ecosystem  that  empow-                                                                    ban gap is at the core of SVM’s mis-
        ers rural communities to provide for                                                                  sion in socio-economic development
        themselves  through  entrepreneur-  was honored with a plaque of appre-  behalf of the 50th Assembly District   in India. “Our mission is to empower
        ship,  job  skills  and  access  to  global   ciation for his work in philanthropy   of  the  State  of  California  Richard   rural people through digital technol-
        markets.                          and  social  innovation  by  Assembly   Bloom and from City of Beverly Hills.  ogies and open innovation platforms
            SVM’s  first  fundraising  event   member Sharon Quirk-Silva.       Vandana Tilak expressed the im-  to  access  global  markets.”  says  Dr.
        and they raised a total $680,000 that   Leading  Indian  American  Ra-  portance of sustainable giving. Bhai   Anil  Shah,  SVM  Executive  Chair-
        goes  towards  piloting  innovative   jendra  Vora  Founder  &  President   Saheb  Satpal  Singh,  Ambassador   man. SVM has launched pilot proj-
        technologies  and  sustainable  rural   Jain Social Group Beverly Hills pre-  for  Sikh  religion  in  USA,  extended   ects  in  Andhra  Pradesh,  Arunachal
        development projects in India.    sented  Proclamations  to  Anil  Shah   his support to SVM. Dr. Anil Shah   Pradesh  and  now  actively  in  Me-
            The event began with lunch, and   MD in recognition of an exemplary   then led a successful live pledge ses-  ghalaya.  Other  states  in  India  like
        a  networking  session  and  musical   dedication  to  philanthropy  and  a   sion where a matching donation was   Gujarat,  Uttar  Pradesh,  Nagaland
        entertainment by Nauzad Sadry and   commitment to build a better tomor-  announced  by  generous  support-  have also expressed an interest in the
        Raahul Jatin. It was held at the Cer-  row through various partnerships to   ers Manubhai and Rikaben Shah of   SVM  model  for  their  unique  rural
        ritos Performing Arts Center where   ensure  the  founding  and  success  of   MSI Surfaces resulting in a total of   challenges and efforts are now scal-
        SVM Chairman Dr. Anil Shah, MD    The  Smart  Village  Movement,  on   $680,000  in  pledges  that  will  go  to-  ing throughout India.

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