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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
City of Bridgeport to support
construction of International Standard Cricket
Stadium and Practice Facilities in the city
OUR BUREAU cricket history” said Ravi Nichani, a
CCI principal. “The support and in-
Bridgeport, CT
terest of the municipal leaders is grat-
he City of Bridgeport, Con- ifying, and we look forward to a long
necticut, today announced its relationship between cricket and the
Tsupport for the development City” added Mr. Nichani.
of an International Standard Crick- Bridgeport Mayor, Joseph P.
et Stadium and Practice Facilities Ganim, offered strong support of the
in the city of Bridgeport, capable of City of Bridgeport to the future devel-
hosting International level matches opment of the cricket stadium in the
with an eye towards bagging a game city. “Bridgeport is impressed with the
or two in the 2024 Men’s T20 World experience and capabilities of the CCI
Cup to be jointly hosted by the US leadership and their proposed plan and
and the Caribbean. The stadium pro- looks forward to working together to
posal was presented by Connecticut achieve this goal of bringing the 2024
Cricket Inc. (CCI), who anticipate World Cup to Bridgeport, as well as es-
the successful completion of the new tablishing Bridgeport as an internation-
stadium in time for the 2024 Men’s al cricket location” Mr. Ganim said.
T20 World Cup in the hope of hosting Bridgeport, Connecticut is locat-
matches at the venue. ed 60 miles northeast of New York
CCI leaders find Bridgeport to City, adjacent to the Long Island
be the ideal location to bring top-lev- Sound and is well connected by Metro
el cricket to the Northeast United North, ferries to Long Island and in-
States. “Bridgeport has the perfect terstate highways that connect Bridge-
mix of accessibility, infrastructure and port to New York and New Jersey.
NJ Human Services Announces College Scholarships to
Four Blind, DeafBlind & Visually Impaired Students
Students from Bayonne, Blackwood, Weehawken and Scotch Plains Recognized for
Achievements During Helen Keller DeafBlind Awareness Week
OUR BUREAU Helen Keller DeafBlind Awareness toward advancing academic goals and tial of people who are blind, deafblind
Week, and a streaming of the Amer- personal success, and we are proud and visually impaired and to recog-
ican Masters documentary, “Becom- to recognize these students for their nize their achievements.”
potlighting the achievements ing Helen Keller”, in celebration of achievements thus far and award these This year’s awardees are:
of individuals who are blind, Helen Keller’s birthday. scholarships,” said Deputy Commis- • Angelina Solomon of Bayonne,
Sdeafblind and visually impaired, “It is an honor to celebrate the sioner Elisa Neira. “We look forward who is pursuing a Bachelor of
the Department of Human Services’ work of these students and provide fi- to seeing them reach their dreams and Science degree in Psychology at
Commission for the Blind and Visu- nancial support as they pursue higher explore the endless possibilities of what Montclair State University.
ally Impaired (CBVI) announced col- education, especially as we celebrate they are capable of as they continue • Mark Szafran of Blackwood, who
lege scholarships to four blind, deaf- the 142nd birthday of the social ac- their studies in higher education.” is pursuing a Master of Arts degree
blind and visually impaired students tivist, Helen Keller, whose work con- “We have a long history of help- in Education at Rowan College.
during a virtual event commemorat- tinues to positively impact the lives ing advance higher education for • Omar Tzic of Weehawken, who
ing Helen Keller DeafBlind Aware- of our blind, deafblind and visually students who are blind, deafblind or is pursuing a Bachelor of Science
ness Week in New Jersey. impaired residents,” said Commis- visually impaired, and we are proud degree in Exercise Science at New
The event, hosted this week in sioner Sarah Adelman. “We look to do it once again on the week Gov- Jersey City University.
partnership with the DeafBlind Com- forward to the continued success of ernor Murphy proclaimed it be Hel- • Gavin Morrobel of Scotch Plains,
munity Access Network of New Jer- these students and are excited to see en Keller Deaf Blindness Awareness who is pursuing a Bachelor of Sci-
sey, also featured a presentation of the positive strides they will make in Week in New Jersey,” CBVI Execu- ence degree in Business Adminis-
Governor Murphy’s proclamation our state.” tive Director Dr. Bernice Davis said. tration at the Rochester Institute
declaring June 26 through July 2 as “Higher education is a major step “It is important to promote the poten- of Technology.