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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 18
FIA – Chicago Celebrates
Advisory Board Members: Keerthi
Chicago, IL Reevori, Ajeet Singh, Suresh Bodi-
wala, Nag Jaisawal. FIA Chairman
he Federation of Indian Asso- & Founder President, Sunil
ciations (FIA - CHICAGO)
T501 (C)(3) celebrated 8th In- Shah in his speech mentioned, “To-
gether we can create abundance
ternational Yoga Day with Mindful of Peace, Joy, Healing energy and
Meditation Yoga in Naperville on spread it in Humanity by practicing
Tuesday, Jun 21st 2022. Yoga in our Daily lives!”.
All guests were ushered in by
the Welcoming Team, following
the Indian tradition with Chan- FIA President, Hitesh Gandhi,
dan kumkum teeka and flowers. congratulated Anu Malhotra
The yoga event began with the
opening address, by the hostess, for her dedication towards
President of Mindful Meditation Yoga and lauded FIA’s con-
Yoga and Vice President FIA, Anu
Malhotra, followed by a Welcome tinued commitment to bring
address by FIA Chairman & meaningful events to the
Founder President Sunil Shah, and
an eloquent speech by the Presi- community, and promoting
dent FIA-Chicago, Hitesh Gandhi, awareness about health and
followed by the addresses by Chi-
cago, Senator Laura Clymore Ell- wellbeing.
man, the two Guests of Honor, Dr good health and wellbeing of this en- tra Singh, Yash Chaudhary &
Vemuri Murthy, Chairman Chica- tire world. Deepti Suri, for their magnificent This was FIA-Chicago’s 5th
go Medical Society and Dr Sreeni- Blissful Aadi Yogi song perfor- support towards spreading Peace, Successful event within the last 6
vas Reddy, Chairperson of IL State mance by soulful singer Anil Jha, Joy & Vibrant Energy in the months. Dr Vemuri and Dr Reddy,
Medical Board 2022, and speech by filled the atmosphere with Yogic humanity and making world a bet- both mphasized on the positive im-
Special Guest, Consul Vinod Gautam. aura. And the inspirational talks by ter place to live in by their dedicated pact of Yoga on not just the physical
The Lamp Lighting ceremony leading voices of Chicago, to nonstop service. health but the mental health of an
was performed by the dignitaries, Powerful Yoga/ Meditation practice Other FIA members who at- individual as well. Anu Malhotra,
Sunil Shah, Hitesh Gandhi, Dr Red- by Anu Malhotra filled the room and tended and supported the event on behalf of FIA-Chicago thanked
dy, Dr Murthy, Ajeet Singh, Keerthi the hearts of 100 plus people in at- were, FIA General Secretary Ri- all the dignitaries and participants
Revoori, Vinod Gautam, along with tendance with vibrant energy! cha Chand, Cultural Secretary Pika for attending the International Yoga
the sacred chanting of the auspicious Appreciation Award Certifi- Munshi, Directors: Bharat Malhotra, Day 2022 Celebration at Mindful
Sanskrit hymns & mantras by cates were also presented to the Vibha Rajput, Ramesh Nair, Pra- Meditation Yoga.
Anu Malhotra, praying for the peace, Yoga Teachers Anu Malhotra, Chi- tik Deshpande, Julie Thakkar and --Asian Media USA