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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
GOPIO Northeast USA Chapters and Indian
Consulate Celebrate Yoga Day with Happy Life Yoga
The event celebrates the International Yoga Day and 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence
OUR BUREAU One of the major highlights of
the Happy Life Yoga event was the
New York, NY
knowledge sessions moderated by
n the occasion of Interna- Malik who is known for his ability to
tional Yoga Day 2022, GO- engage with his audience using the
OPIO Northeast chapters in right mix of banter and substance.
cooperation with the Indian Consul- The distinguished speakers in-
ate in New York and Emmy-nom- cluded Prof. Indrajit Saluja (Chief
inated filmmaker and Happy Life Editor/Publisher, The Indian Pan-
Yoga speaker Tirlok Malik hosted orama), Indu Jaiswal (Chairperson,
a highly interactive and informa- Indian American Forum), Sangeeta
tive Yoga Zoom event on June 23rd Agarawal (CEO and Founder, Help-
featuring experts and speakers from sy), Dr. Jaya Daptardar (Author
various walks of life. Mr. Randhir and Ayurveda Practitioner), Domini
Jaiswal, Consul General of India Monroe (Model and Actress), Dr.
in New York sent his best wishes to Tara Shajan (President, Nurse Asso-
GOPIO and Malik for celebrating The event was energetic, knowl- Indian Consul Vipul Dev said, ciation), Prakhar Gupta (Podcaster),
the International Yoga Day 2022. edgeable, inspiring, and celebratory “Yoga has become very popular in Dr. Renee Mehrra (Reenbow Media),
The chief guest Indian Consul Vipul in nature. While emphasizing upon our life and personally I feel great that Anil Narang (Vegan Ambassador),
Dev, who looks after Political, Press, the growing importance of Yoga in something like Yoga from my country Anna Pillai (Ayurveda Practitioner),
Information and Culture at the Indi- today’s times, Malik explained his has been adopted and owned by the and Victoria Moran (Founder,
an Consulate, New York (USA) and vision behind Happy Life Yoga and rest of world.” He also added that Main Street Vegan Academy).
special guest Congressman Subrama- its underlying philosophy, “A way Yoga brought positivity in his life. He The event ended with a thunder-
nian Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Indi- of living inspired by the wisdom of also mentioned that the Indian Con- ous applause even as Malik prom-
an-born American businessman who Ayurveda, Yoga and Indian Philos- sulate in New York has been celebrat- ised to bring more Happy Life Yoga
has been serving as the U.S. repre- ophy, Happy Life Yoga is beneficial ing Yoga Day with community groups events in the near future. Happy Life
sentative for Illinois’s 8th congressio- for one and all. The pandemic has starting in the first week of June, Yoga is the creation of Tirlok Malik.
nal district since 2017, were present made the world realize that it is of including one at the Niagara Falls. It is essentially an educational plat-
on the occasion. GOPIO-Manhattan paramount importance to have a In his brief remarks, Congress- form that offers a unique holistic
Secretary Bhavya Gupta was the MC good health, physically and emotion- man Raja Krishnamoorthi congrat- approach to health and happiness
for the event which was hosted in the ally, and the Happy Life Yoga plat- ulated GOPIO and Tirlok Malik for using tools from Ayurveda, Indian
presence of Dr. Thomas Abraham, form can show how to achieve it.” propagating the power of Yoga glob- Philosophy, and Yoga to help better
Chairman of GOPIO International GOPIO Chairman Dr. Abraham ally through the Happy Life Yoga manage modern-day challenges such
as well as distinguished members of in his welcome remarks said, “Yoga event. “Today, the International Yoga as work, finances, relationships, fam-
GOPIO International and its chapter has now become an international Day has evolved into in major annual ily and other social pressures. It was
officials from the Northeast of USA brand after the UN declaration in event that’s celebrated all across the launched in June 2019 in New York.
and many viewers from all over the 2014 and Yoga Day is now celebrat- globe. The key is to celebrate Yoga Malik’s portfolio of work has won
world. The event was also support- ed all over the world.” Dr. Abraham as a health practice that is truly uni- many awards and has been acclaimed
ed by The Indian Panorama, Indian also complimented the Indian Con- versal. I would like to congratulate in media and people worldwide.
American Forum, GOPIO Chapters sulate for continuing to hold the cel- GOPIO and Mr. Malik for playing an Through his work he intends to in-
(New York, Central New York, Cen- ebration at the Times Square in New active role in propagating the power spire others to live happier and health-
tral Jersey, Edison and Connecticut). York City. of Yoga.” ier lives and the journey continues.