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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 15

        strategic sector. India and the USA   Sikh Guru’s and their teachings, and   Vishwa Sadbhavana event as ‘some-  lateral  relationships  have  attained
        do  more  bilateral  military  exercises   his  earnest  efforts  for  enabling  jus-  thing noteworthy’ and said that the   new  depth  and  momentum  ever
        with each other, today than with any   tice  and  prosperity  and  delivering   event has come at a time when the   since Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        other country.”                   upon the long-overdue mainstays of   entire world is looking at modern In-  has come to power in India.
            Ambassador  Sandhu  said  that   the Sikh community.            dia to bring peace across the globe.  “The  USA  has  always  consid-
        Modi has been impacting the global    The  other  book,  ‘Modi@20:                                    ered India as its natural ally. There
        decisions in developed nations and at   Dreams  Meet  Delivery’  by  famed   Sri Sri said that Sikh commu-  is so much that the two countries are
        the same time been the strong voice   Oncologist  in  America  Dr  Bharat                             doing together and will continue to
        of developing nations. “Be it the act   Barai, is a compilation of chapters by  nity  has been  the  backbone  do together.
        of  providing  the  entire  world  with   intellectual and domain experts, pro-  of Indian culture and that ev-  The  two  countries  are  continu-
        Covid-19  vaccines,  relief  missions   viding with an expansive exploration                          ously  deepening  the  major  defence
        in countries such as Afghanistan or   into the fundamental transformation  eryone must try to imbibe the  partnership,  encouraging  econom-
        hand holding nations in education or   of Gujarat and India over the last 20   valour and compassion that   ic  engagement,  and  expanding  the
        space research; be it his stance during   year due to his unique kind of Gov-                         partnership  on  global  health,  pan-
        COP26  Global  Leaders’  Summit  in   ernance.                      is unique to Sikh community.  demic preparedness, and critical and
        Glasgow or during World Economic      First  to  be  organised  offshore,   Sri Sri hailed the NID founda-  emerging technologies,” said the se-
        Forum’s  Davos  Summit,  Narendra   the Vishwa Sadbhavana was the lat-                                nior senator from Wisconsin.
        Modi has truly shown the world the   est  in  the  series  of  such  events  or-  tion for coming up with the   S. Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chief
        way forward,” said the Ambassador.  ganised by the NID foundation and   book ‘Heartfelt: The Legacy of   Patron,  NID  Foundation  hailed
            Ambassador   Sandhu,   along   picks up from the legacy of last event                             Prime  Minister  Modi  as  an  illustri-
        with  spiritual  leader  Sri  Sri  Ravis-  held at New Delhi in April this year,  Faith’ which he said will bring  ous leader, highly experienced strat-
        hankar also internationally released   wherein  a  contingent  of  138  high-  to light to our society the great   egist but above all a great humanist
        two books depicting Prime Minister   ly  decorated  Sikhs  from  India  and                           and expressed gratitude for the pro-
        Narendra Modi’s unique and hugely   abroad met the Hon’ble Prime Min-  achievements of the current  Sikh decision under the current dis-
        successful  governance,  and  his  love   ister at his official residence.   government, under the leader-  pensation. Sandhu said that the book
        and affection for humanity in gener-  In his address, Gurudev Sri Sri                                 ‘Heartfelt-The  Legacy  Of  Faith’  by
        al and Indians in particular, irrespec-  Ravishankar  said  that  Sadbhavana  ship of Prime Minister Naren-  the  NID  Foundation  is  an  honest
        tive of region or religion.       means wellness, well-being, and unit-  dra Modi.                    attempt at documenting the facts of
            Brought  out  by  NID  Founda-  ing people and Sadbhavana is what                                 the  history  of  the  Sikh  community
        tion, the book ‘Heartfelt-The Legacy   this world needs the most today.                               and  the  teachings  and  philosophies
        Of Faith’ documents Prime Minister    Sri  Sri,  who  was  the  guest  of   Speaking  on  the  occasion,  Ron   of the Sikh Gurus.
        Shri Narendra Modi Ji’s belief in the   honour at the event, underlined the   Johnson noted that the US-Indo bi-  --Asian Media USA

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