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OPINION                                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 10

        analyzing  and  assessing  threats  and
        challenges  in  their  respective  areas
        of interest. Each of the Quad mem-
        bers  have  their  space-based  assets
        for maritime surveillance, which are
        supplemented by their airborne and
        land-based sensors.
            In addition, the Quad countries
        support/operate   regional   fusion
        centers.  These  include  India’s  IOR
        IFC,  Australia-sponsored  Pacific
        Fusion  Centre  in  South  Pacific,  Ja-
        pan’s  MDA  Situational  Indication
        Linkages (MSIL) and the US Navy’s
        SeaVision  platform.  Protocols  exist,
        as it is, for information-sharing and
        by creating more linkages with other
        such mechanisms, the initiative aims
        to develop the ability to predict pat-
        terns for big picture analyses.

          KEEPING CHINA IN CHECK                           Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaking at the Quad Leaders Summit in Tokyo (ANI Photo/PIB)
            IPMDA  is  an  effort  to  supple-
        ment  existing  arrangements  and  is
        a  reiteration  that  habits  of  cooper-                                                             space-, air- or land-based surveillance
        ation  and  trust  among  like-minded   about data processing. IPMDA aims   LIMITATIONS OF THE        assets  required  for  such  constant
        countries can help augment regional   to address this gap via pooling of re-  INITIATIVE              tracking or queries on how demands
        capacities through rapid distribution   sources.                        Critics have argued that the an-  for additional resource mobilization
        and processing of shared data.        While the stated goal is to con-  nouncement was the lowest hanging   will be met, requires further elabora-
            Official  statements  explain  that   tribute towards an effective deploy-
        integration of three regions—South   ment of maritime assets by regional   fruit  the  Quad  countries  could  de-  tion. India, for one, is already setting
                                                                                                              up coastal surveillance radar stations
                                                                            liver on, given that the collaborative
        East  Asia,  South  Asia  and  the  Pa-  partners to respond to humanitarian   efforts this initiative aims to institu-  (CSRS) in strategically located IOR
        cific—and being responsive to their   and natural disasters, and combat il-  tionalize  are  already  in  play.  How-  countries,  but  has  faced  problems
        needs  as  to  what  “is  happening  in   legal fishing, the signpost of ‘We are   ever, the fact is that regional MDA   where demand has exceeded supply.
        countries’  territorial  waters  and  in   watching you’ to China is not explicit-  remains far from comprehensive and   For Quad to succeed as a force of
        their  exclusive  economic  zones”  in   ly stated but is implicit. It is no secret   extensive  gaps  remain  in  terms  of   public good, a strategic buy-in from
        real time, drove this effort.     that  fishing  fleets  from  China  have   information sharing. To deter China   South  East  Asia  is  essential.  Given
            Illegal, Unreported and Unreg-  aggressively  targeted  Indo-Pacific
        ulated  (IUU)  Fishing  has  emerged   waters  and  have  sparked  outrage   actively  at  sea,  investments  for  the   the  region’s  skepticism  towards  the
                                                                                                              Quad  and  apprehensions  about  the
                                                                            long haul in terms of persistent track-
        as  a  major  area  of  concern.  Many   with  frequent  clashes.  The  IPMDA   ing  of  the  vast  span  of  Indo-Pacific   Quad’s rhetoric on ASEAN central-
        regional  countries  are  endowed   initiative  would  in  practical  terms   are essential for realizing the stated   ity, the IPMDA could serve as a re-
        with vast Exclusive Economic Zones   assist in not just identifying Chinese   goals.                  assuring  platform  to  deliver  on  the
        (EEZ) but have limited resources for   actions but also help push back on its   Clearer  answers  on  how  Quad   most  fundamental  requirements  on
        effective monitoring of these zones.   grey-zone activities.        members  will  mobilize  necessary   regional maritime security and prove
        IUU Fishing has led to many coun-                                                                     its effectiveness. However, time will
        tries  losing  fiscal  revenues  and  has                                                             be  of  essence,  as  Quad  countries
        had disastrous consequences on con-                                                                   divvy up responsibilities and resourc-
        servation and sustainability efforts.                                                                 es  while  managing  the  crunch  of
            The  scale  of  the  challenge  is
        compounded  given  that  most  fish-                                                                  post-pandemic economies.
        ing vessels are not obligated to carry                                                                 Shruti Pandalai is Associate Fellow at
        any vessel tracking system, i.e., Au-                                                                 the Manohar Parrikar Institute for De-
        tomatic Identification System (AIS)                                                                    fense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        or Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).                                                                     Cmde Abhay Kumar Singh (Retd) is
        Even when they are mandated, as in                                                                     Research Fellow at the Manohar Par-
        the case of vessels more than 300 me-                                                                  rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        ters, illegal actors go dark by either                                                                        Analyses, New Delhi
        switching  their  tracking  system  off                                                                Views expressed are of the author and
        or  transmitting  false/spurious  data                                                                 do not necessarily reflect the views of
        as spoof. Identifying such illegal ac-                                                                 the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        tors  requires  persistent  monitoring                                                                       Government of India.
        of  relevant  areas  with  high  resolu-
        tion,  surveillance  sensors.  It  is  only                                                            This is the abridged version of the In-
        when you process this data that illicit                                                                troduction of the book which appeared
        actors’  patterns  of  behavior  can  be                                                                first in the Comment section of the
        identified.  Therefore,  the  challenge                                                               website ( of Manohar Par-
        in identifying illegal actors at sea is         China has become the biggest naval force in the world  rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        as much about data collection as it is                                                                Analyses, New Delhi on June 24, 2022.

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