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OPINION                                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye                     8

         Quad’s Maritime Domain Awareness

                  Initiative Needs Time to Deliver

           Given the vast expanse of the ocean and resources required for comprehensive surveillance at sea, a collaborative

           approach for information-sharing and domain awareness has remained a major ask. The end goal is to develop
                        among like-minded countries a shared understanding of developments and threats at sea

        SHRUTI PANDALAI &                                         The leaders of Quad nations at their recent Summit in Tokyo (ANI Photo/PIB)
                                          maritime boundaries.              Dialogue in New Delhi. For a group-  ty-building  measures  like  IPDMA
              he Quad is often criticized for   China’s  muscle-flexing  in  the   ing like the ASEAN, which finds it-  could augment strength.
              underplaying its security agen-  South  China  Sea  was  discussed  by   self at the receiving end of the strate-
        Tda for the greater good of con-  India and the ASEAN leaders during   gic fallout of US–China competition   AIMS OF THE IPMDA
        sensus-building.  The  Tokyo  Summit   the recently held Foreign Ministers’   and  Chinese  belligerence,  capaci-  Simply  put,  Maritime  Domain
        in May 2020 may have changed that,                                                                    Awareness  (MDA)  is  about  having
        with an announcement which is being                                                                   comprehensive  position  and  inten-
        seen as a clearest signal yet to China                                                                tions of all actors at sea in the given
        on its aggressive tactics at sea.                                                                     area  of  interest.  This  requires  cre-
            A collaborative effort by the US,                                                                 ation of compilation, correlation and
        India, Japan and Australia—the In-                                                                    fusion of surveillance data collected
        do-Pacific Maritime Domain Aware-                                                                     from  diverse  sources,  i.e.,  satellites,
        ness  (IPMDA)  Initiative—is  aimed                                                                   radar, reconnaissance planes or hu-
        at delivering on the promised goals                                                                   man intelligence, in order to detect
        of  enhancing  maritime  security  and                                                                and identify actors with irregular or
        shared domain awareness  in the re-                                                                   threatening behavior.
        gion via technology and training sup-                                                                     Given  the  vast  expanse  of  the
        port.  Capacity-building  of  regional                                                                ocean  and  resources  required  for
        countries  to  guard  against  Chinese                                                                comprehensive surveillance at sea, a
        misadventures  near  their  waters,  in                                                               collaborative approach for informa-
        essence, is the focus of this effort.                                                                 tion-sharing  and  domain  awareness
            South  East  Asia  is  among  the                                                                 has remained a major ask. The end
        key  focus  regions  of  this  initiative.                                                            goal is to develop among like-mind-
        The White House read-out outlines                                                                     ed countries a shared understanding
        that the IPMDA will share commer-                                                                     of developments and threats at sea.
        cially available satellite data and alert                                                                 The key to this line of effort is
        smaller  Southeast  Asian  states  on                                                                 to link up existing regional collabo-
        possible territorial intrusions or illicit                                                            ration mechanisms which are already
        activity such as illegal fishing, smug-  The South China Sea remains a bone of contention for the countries in the region
        gling or piracy in waters within their                                                                       Continued at next page... >>

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