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OP-ED                                                                     JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 12

                         Why Udaipur incident

                                needs a good probe

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

             ollowing the gruesome murder
             of  Kanhaiya  Lal  in  Udaipur
        F –  which  was  plainly  an  act  of
        terrorism  –  the  course  of  investiga-
        tion suggests that governments think
        this was not an isolated local incident.
        GoI  yesterday  directed  the  National
        Investigation Agency to take over the
        probe, with the search for internation-
        al links being a key dimension. Rajas-
        than  CM  Ashok  Gehlot  echoed  the
        view. He said the murder was meant
        to spread terror and the information
        available indicated the two perpetra-
        tors have contacts overseas.
            It bears mention that the two ter-
        rorists, Mohmmad Riyaz Akhtari and
        Gaus  Mohammad,  who  have  freely
        admitted to murdering Lal, apparent-
        ly belong to groups that believe that
        the  “punishment”  for  “blasphemy”
        must be death. Indeed, the most chill-
        ing aspect of what Riyaz and Gaus did
        was  the  videography,  reminiscent  of          MI Road market wears a deserted look during the Jaipur Bandh called to protest against the killing of
        ISIS-style brutality. Clearly, what hap-                      Kanhaiya Lal by two men in Udaipur, in Jaipur on Thursday (ANI)
        pened in Udaipur requires a multi-lev-
        el and multi-agency response.     and majoritarian communalism to be                                  confronting fake news, and are brave
            The other crucial job for investi-                                       Media Matters
        gators is to figure out whether Riyaz   overtaken by an obsession with trans-                         enough to challenge an authoritarian
                                                                                                              government  are  being  punished  for
                                          national Islamism. It would be naïve to
        and Gaus are part of a deadly pattern   pretend that there is no issue here. We   orking in the media has not   their work. But this is not something
        that  will  emerge  over  time.  If  that’s   are certainly doing our best to create a   been  easy  for  many  jour-  that should be surprising given the fact
        the case, it’s imperative that agencies   society where anyone can light a fire,   Wnalists around the world in   that  authoritarian  regimes  and  popu-
        are proactive in their response.                                    recent years. There are many reasons
                                          and  create  a  conflagration.  The  per-                           list leaders around the world see the
           -- Editorial, The Times of India   petrators’  gruesome  execution  works   for this — from political polarization   media in black-and-white terms: ‘with
                                                                            to  online  trolling,  from  some  media
                                          as  a  strategy,  because  they  know  we                           us or against us’. If you do not support
                 The Aftermath            will make a political business out of it.  outlets  normalizing  hate  speech  to   a  regime  or  its  leaders,  you  will  be
                                              The psychological impact of see-  authoritarian  leaders  expecting  com-  called  a  ‘sell-out’,  ‘paid  tout’,  ‘agent’,
              he  biggest  danger  is  that  the                            plete  pliancy.  The  media  landscape
              BJP and other parties may suc-  ing  a  video  where  someone  walks   has, thus, changed globally. Journalists   ‘traitor’,  ‘fake  news’  (Donald Trump’s
        Tcumb to the temptation to use    into  a  tailor’s  shop,  for  a  quotidian   who try to do their jobs — reporting   much-loved rhetoric for all media orga-
                                                                                                              nizations he disliked) and much more.
                                          transaction,  and  executes  them,  is
        this  incident  to  target  and  question   horrifying. What produces such a sin-  facts and analyzing issues critically —   We have seen this in Pakistan as
        the existence of minorities. Rajasthan   ister  method  of  execution?  Can  we   face the brunt for doing their work in   well. On the one hand, social media
        has  an  election  coming  up.  The  con-  comfortably treat it as an exception?   an ethical manner. The recent arrest   has given voice to many marginalized
        duct of political parties, the perception   These will be unasked questions. The   of  the  co-founder  of  Alt  News,  Mo-  communities but on the other, it has
        of  arbitrariness  in  police  forces,  has   short answer is, we don’t really know   hammed Zubair, in India for a tweet   also  weaponized  hate  and  misinfor-
        created  unprecedented  communal                                    from  2018,  critics  of  the  Narendra
        tensions  across  the  state,  which  even   with  any  confidence.  And  this  situa-  Modi government allege, is yet anoth-  mation.  Fake  news  is  not  a  genuine
                                          tion is compounded by the fact that
                                                                                                              mistake by a journalist but a lie that is
        the  Congress  is  helplessly  presiding   there is a breakdown of trust. On the   er instance of authoritarianism and of   spread intentionally and systematically.
        over.  Condemning  an  incident  is  not   one hand, there is the state that finds   the Bharatiya Janata Party’s policy of
        an  answer  to  the  endless  narrative   even a joke as evidence of complicity   silencing those who stand up to power.  -- Mehmal Sarfraz, The Telegraph (India)
        of  revenge  and  counter  revenge  and   with ISIS, and will spread the net of   In India, Twitter has withheld several
        feigned  victimhood  that  will  be  cir-  suspicion  incredulously  wide.  It  will   handles of journalists, including that of   Every week, we look at what the top
        culated  to  use  Kanhaiya’s  execution                             Rana Ayyub, due to objections raised   commentators in the Indian media are
        as  an  opportunity  to  polarize.  This   cast this as a war against a global ide-  by  the  Indian  government  and  local   talking about and bring to you a slice
                                          ology of Islamism and terrorism.
        incident  will  very  quickly  allow  con-                          laws. It is quite appalling that Indian   of their opinions and comments
        cerns  about  authoritarian  repression  -- Pratap Mehta, The Indian Express  journalists  who  are  reporting  facts,

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