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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 16

               Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe confers ICCR Distinguished

        Indologist Award to Dr. Vishwa P. Adluri and Rajiv Malhotra

                President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations compliments the winners

                                                  for enriching the field of Indology

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            meeting,  discussed  how  to  take  In-
                                                                                                              dia’s spiritual and cultural traditions
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              to a wider audience. Later, President
             resident of the Indian Council                                                                   ICCR met Mr. Max Hollein, Director
             for Cultural Relations (ICCR)                                                                    of  the  Metropolitan  Museum.  Cur-
        PDr.  Vinay  Sahasrabuddhe  un-                                                                       rent ongoing joint projects and idea
        dertook a two-day visit to New York                                                                   for possible future cooperation were
        from  28-29  June  2022.  On  28  June                                                                discussed. On 29 June 2022, President
        2022,  President  ICCR  conferred                                                                     ICCR met officials from the Deccan
        the  ICCR  Distinguished  Indologist                                                                  Heritage Foundation and commend-
        Award for 2019 to Dr. Vishwa P. Ad-                                                                   ed their work, especially in the field
        luri and for 2020 to Shri Rajiv Mal-                                                                  of  restoration  and  conservation  of
        hotra  at  the  Consulate  General  of                                                                Indian heritage. The meeting was fol-
        India in New York. The ICCR Distin-                                                                   lowed by two roundtables at the Con-
        guished Indologist Award was set up                                                                   sulate. The first roundtable was with
        in 2015 by the Indian Council for Cul-                                                                scholars of Indian languages and fo-
        tural Relations to recognize and hon-  not just for scholars and academicians,   levels. In the mid-1990s, he decided   cused on promoting India’s linguistic
        or scholarly works on India undertak-  but for all Indians and India lovers.  to quit and dedicate his time to the   traditions abroad.
        en  abroad,  one  that  illuminates  her   In  his  acceptance  speech,  Dr.   study of Indian thought. He has writ-  The second roundtable was with
        civilizational  wealth  and  knowledge.   Vishwa  P.  Adluri  thanked  his  men-  ten eight popular yet scholarly books   organizations  that  work  with  the
        The Awards for 2019 and 2020 were   tors,  colleagues,  and  students.  He   on  the  state  of  Indology  worldwide.  Consulate General of India for pro-
        declared but could not be conferred   expressed confidence that the field of   The event began with a welcome   motion  of  Indian  art  and  culture.
        due to the Covid-19 pandemic.     Indology has a bright future and that   address by Consul General Randhir   During the meeting, a mobile appli-
            In his special address, Dr. Vinay   the upcoming young scholars are full   Jaiswal,  where  he  spoke  about  how   cation  by  the  Mallakhamb  Federa-
        Sahasrabuddhe  congratulated  the   of  promise  and  shall  take  the  disci-  the discipline of Indology developed   tion  of  USA  –  a  New  Jersey  based
        awardees  and  paid  compliments  to   pline to newer heights. Dr. Vishwa P.   in the United States. His address was   organization that works for the pro-
        them for enriching the field of Indol-  Adluri, the recipient for 2019, is an ac-  followed by a Kathak recital by Ms.   motion of the sport of Mallakhamb
        ogy.  Speaking  on  the  discipline,  he   complished scholar with three PhDs, a   Pallavi Degwekar on the Shiva Pan-  –  was  launched  by  President  ICCR
        said that the Indian tradition does not   lifetime of distinguished service to the   chakshara Stotra. The ceremony saw   Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe. Through
        see  development  and  environment;   profession, and publications that have   participation  from  members  of  me-  the  Mallakhamb  application  –  or
        or  individualism  and  collectivism   changed the field of Indology. In his   dia  community,  academia  including   app – basics of the traditional Indian
        as binaries and can strike a balance   acceptance remarks, Shri Rajiv Mal-  students, diaspora, cultural organiza-  sport can be learnt. President ICCR,
        which  ensures  everyone’s  welfare.   hotra, the recipient for 2020, under-  tions, and American thought leaders.  during  these  meetings,  appreciated
        Dr. Sahasrabuddhe emphasized that   lined that study of India must be un-  Earlier,  President  ICCR  Dr.   the contribution of the organizations
        we need ‘’New Indology’, which con-  dertaken with Indian Drishti, or from   Vinay  Sahasrabuddhe  visited  the   and  scholars  towards  promotion  of
        nects India’s past, present and future   the Indian point-of-view. Shri Malho-  Ramakrishna  Vivekananda  Center,   Indian culture and languages in the
        with the spirit of nitya nootan, chira   tra is a trained physicist and computer   and met Swami Yuktatmananda, the   United States and encouraged them
        puratan. He concluded his address by   scientist who had a successful career   Minister,  and  Spiritual  Leader  of   to celebrate Azadi ka Amrit Mahot-
        reminding that the field of Indology is   in corporate America at the highest   the  Center.  President  ICCR,  in  his   sav with great fervor.

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