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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 08, 2022 | The Indian Eye 28
BAPS Hosts Unity Forum for
faith-based organizations
OUR BUREAU security challenges, experts from lo- es of worship. May our collective hyaya Bhadreshdasji said was very
cal, state, and federal agencies con- communities thrive spiritually, eco- valuable.”
New York, NY
veyed the importance of maintain- nomically, and socially. May we grow It was an uplifting experience to
APS hosted leaders of faith- ing awareness and being prepared, closer to the divine power within us.” meet Swamiji and get encouraged to
based organizations at its cen- as well as provided best practices His Holiness Mahant Swami work more for our community and
Bters across North America in for security in places of worship. In Maharaj, the spiritual leader of cause. Hinduism has a lot to offer to
‘Unity Forums’ to have a dialogue on addition, question and answer ses- BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha sent the world. As Swamiji rightly said,
protecting and preserving Vedic Sa- sions were held with the respective his blessing for the event, which let’s all work together to usher in a
natana Dharma and to discuss public experts, allowing community mem- mentioned, “In the spirit of “Vasud- better world,” said, Nimesh Dixit,
safety and other challenges affecting bers to voice concerns and receive haiva Kutumbakam,” meaning the Outreach Director, Hindu Swayam-
places of worship in the presence of further guidance. world is one family; let’s extend the sevak Sangh (H.S.S.).
renowned scholar of Hindu Philos- Addressing the assembly, Ma- circle of global harmony.” Swami Vigyanand Ji of Asamai
ophy and Sanskrit, Mahamahopad- hamahopadhyaya Bhadreshdas Swa- Attendees of the event were Hindu Temple (Hicksville, NY) said,
hyaya Bhadreshdas Swami. mi said, “There is a need for continu- pleased with the information shared “Establishing a solid foundation of
In the Northeast region, three ous dialogue and cooperative efforts during the event. Expressing his Hindu practices is very essential. We
events were organized: Long Island, not only for physical safety but also appreciation Natarajan Iyer, Secre- offer our support to the initiative.”
NY, Robbinsville, NJ, and Washing- for establishing a solid foundation tary, Rajdhani Mandir (Chantilly, Everyone who attended these
ton DC, attended by representatives of Vedic Sanatana Dharma practices VA), said, “I am happy to have at- forums left with pride for Vedic Sa-
from over 100 mandirs and organi- anchored in scriptural teachings and tended the event and this initiative natan Dharma and appreciated this
zations. principles. We are fortunate to have to foster social harmony and peace. new initiative to promote harmony
In light of current safety and taken this step in bridging our hous- Every word that Mahamahopad- and unity.