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NATION                                                                   JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                        INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024

                                Musk, hacking and toaster:

                EVM row takes a dramatic turn with

                                       allegations of OTP use

          Tesla and Twitter chief Elon Musk has advised against using Electronic Voting Machines
                                      and said that these machines should be eliminated

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            so he should say that the EVM ma-
                                                                                                              chine was faulty everywhere and he
        Mumbai/New Delhi
                                                                                                              should resign and contest the elec-
              mid a raging debate on Elec-                                                                    tion again,” Shinde slammed Gandhi
              tronic Voting machines, Ma-                                                                     while addressing the media.
        Aharashtra Congress President                                                                            “According to him, where they
        Nana Patole on Monday said that                                                                       get  good  seats,  the  EVMs  are  fine,
        ballot papers must replace EVMs                                                                       and where they get fewer seats, the
        and  emphasized that the  Congress                                                                    EVMs are faulty. Will this happen?”
        party has been constantly raising the                                                                 Shinde added. Earlier in the day,
        demand for ballot papers but the                                                                      Labelling EVM’s as “black box” the
        center has shown reluctance to it.                                                                    Congress MP, Gandhi said that no-
            The row was sparked by a re-                                                                      body is allowed to scrutinize them.
        port by a Mumbai-based newspaper                                                                          As the controversy continues to
        stated that Shiv Sena leader Ravin-                                                                   rage, Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal
        dra Waikar’s  relative was carrying                                                                   declined to comment on the Elec-
        a  mobile phone inside a counting                                                                     tronic Voting Machines, saying that
        center in Maharashtra’s Goregaon                                                                      it is a “big issue” as he took a dig
        that was allegedly used for generat-                                                                  at  the  Supreme  Court’s  ruling  on
        ing the OTP that unlocked the Elec-                                                                   EVMs. “When the Supreme Court
        tronic Voting Machine (EVM), the                                                                      of India said that we must trust our
        Returning Officer dispelled such re-                                                                  machines, and we must trust the
        ports and clarified that no OTP (One                                                                  Election Commission of India if the
        Time Password) on mobile is needed                                                                    Supreme Court itself is trusting them,
        for unlocking EVMs.               A security personnel guards a room where Electronic Voting Machines (EVM’s) are kept during   why should I comment on them? If
           “There is no OTP (One Time                                                                         we start trusting the government and
        Password) on mobile for unlocking                       the General Elections 2024 (ANI)              the machines, then all work should
        EVM as it is non programmable and                                                                     be done through the machines. Why
        it has no wireless communication   about the possibility of hacking elec-  ing to somebody who is sitting in the   do courts exist then? If we start trust-
        capabilities.  It  is a complete lie be-  tronic voting machines (EVMs), BJP   US and does not know what the In-  ing the government, then what is the
        ing spread by a newspaper, which is   leader and former Minister of State   dian EVM is. I think Elon Musk has   use of giving verdicts? This is a big
        being used by some leaders to create   for Electronics and Information   not understood what Indian EVM   issue; I’ll comment on it later,” Sibal
        false narrative,” Vandana Suryavan-  Technology,  Rajeev  Chandrasekhar,  is,” he said                told ANI on Sunday when asked
        shi,  the  Returning  Officer  of  27   stated that the billionaire CEO was   In a related development, Maha-  about the EVMs.
        Mumbai North West Parliamentary   factually incorrect.              rashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shin-   Kapil Sibal also suggested that
        Constituency said in a press confer-  Chandrasekhar said, “I think   de criticized Congress leader Rahul   the matter on the integrity of EVMs
        ence on Sunday. “Criminal case has   he  is  factually  incorrect  in  saying   Gandhi’s  recent  statements  regard-  should be raised in the Monsoon
        already been filed by the Returning   that anything can be hacked. A cal-  ing  Electronic Voting  Machines   Session of the Parliament and not
        Officer,” she added.              culator or toaster cannot be hacked.  (EVMs) stating that he should resign   in the upcoming session because the
            Meanwhile, Tesla chief Elon   Therefore, there is a limit in terms of   and contest the election again if he   matter needs “elaborate discussions.”
        Musk has advised against using Elec-  where this paradigm of hacking can   believes EVMs are unreliable.  “In this session, there will be the
        tronic Voting Machines and said that   extend. Elon Musk does not under-  Shinde also lamented the Con-  President’s address followed by a dis-
        these machines should be eliminated.   stand what the Indian EVM is. Indi-  gress MP saying that he had won   cussion on it. It may come up in the
        The remarks of the Tesla CEO came   an EVMs do not lend itself to being   elections from two constituencies,   Monsoon  Session.  I  think  this  issue
        amid a growing debate on the securi-  hacked because it is precisely very   Raebareli and Wayanad, where the   should not be raised in this Session
        ty of EVMs around the world.      limited intelligence devices.”    same EVMs were used. “Rahul       because there should be elaborate
            In a sharp response to Tesla and   “This was not so much about an   Gandhi has won from two places.   discussions on this issue,” the Rajya
        SpaceX CEO  Elon Musk’s claims    argument as much as we are clarify-  The same EVM was kept there also,   Sabha MP said.

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