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NATION                                                                   JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                                 CONGRESS PARTY

             With Priyanka’s debut in electoral politics,

             Waynad set to become another family seat

         If Priyanka Gandhi wins from Wayanad, three members of the Nehru-Gandhi family will be in Parliament -

                   Sonia Gandhi in Rajya Sabha and Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi in the Lok Sabha

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
             inally, the suspense is over. Priyanka Gand-
             hi Vadra will make her electoral debut from
        FWayanad Lok Sabha constituency, a deci-
        sion that marks a significant stride for the leader
        who was appointed Congress general secretary in
        2019. Priyanka Gandhi will make her debut in a
        Lok Sabha by-poll with her brother Rahul Gand-
        hi deciding to retain the Rae Bareli seat in Uttar
        Pradesh of the two he contested and won.
            Party president Mallikarjun Kharge announced
        that Priyanka Gandhi will contest from Wayanad
        at a special press conference on Monday. Rahul
        Gandhi, who contested from two seats -- Rae Bare-
        li and Wayanad, won from both the constituencies.
            For long years, Priyanka had preferred to stay
        away from the limelight while taking care of the
        family strongholds of Amethi and Raebareli, rep-
        resented by Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi re-
            Since entering active politics, Priyanka Gandhi
        has canvassed for the party in different parts of the
        country. There had been speculation from time to
        time that the party may send Priyanka Gandhi to
        Rajya Sabha but she has decided to contest a Lok
        Sabha bypoll for her Parliament debut.         Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses the press conference on contesting from Wayanad Lok Sabha
            If Priyanka Gandhi wins from Wayanad, three   seat while her brother and party leader Rahul Gandhi retains his Rae Bareli seat, in New Delhi on Monday. Party president
        members of the Nehru-Gandhi family will be in                Mallikarjun Kharge and party general secretary KC Venugopal are also seen (ANI)
        Parliament - Sonia Gandhi in Rajya Sabha and Ra-
        hul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi in the Lok Sabha.
            Though Priyanka Gandhi’s efforts in the Uttar   be present in Rae Bareli and Wayanad,” Priyanka   la said Rahul Gandhi has deceived the public of
        Pradesh assembly polls in 2022 did not yield the   Gandhi said at the special press conference in the   Wayanad. He further alleged Gandhi family dis-
        party desired results, she has been a popular cam-  presence of Kharge and her brother Rahul Gandhi.  criminated between son and daughter by sending
        paigner for the party. Priyanka Gandhi campaigned   Rahul  Gandhi  said  both  Raebareli  and   Priyanka Gandhi to South India to establish her
        extensively in this year’s Lok Sabha polls. Congress   Wayanad will get two MPs. “I have an emotional   political journey.
        put up a far better performance compared to its   connection with both Wayanad and Rae Bareli. And   Taking potshots at Congress, Poonawala stat-
        2014 and 2019 tally and won 99 Lok Sabha seats.  for the last five years, being an MP from Wayanad   ed, “It has been proved that Congress is not a party
            In her election speeches, Priyanka Gandhi has   has been a fantastic experience and enjoyable expe-  but rather a family-run company. Sonia Gandhi will
        sought to raise the issues concerning common man,   rience. I thanks people who stood with me, I thank   be the MP from the Rajya Sabha, and Rahul Gand-
        especially those pertaining to women. Priyanka   the people of Wayanad who gave me love and af-  hi will keep the Raebareli seat. They have decided
        Gandhi said on Monday that he will contest by-poll   fection. They gave me the energy to fight in a very   to contest Priyanka Gandhi from Wayanad which
        from Wayanad but her decades-old association with   difficult time. So, I will never forget that,” he said.   means the whole family will be in parliament, which
        Amethi and Raebareli will continue.              Following the Congress’s announcement BJP   is a notion of familiarization.”
            “I am very happy to be able to represent   leader Rajeev Chandrashekhar on Monday hit out   Slamming Rahul Gandhi’s decision to leave
        Wayanad  and  I  will  not  let  them  feel  his  (Rahul   at the party, alleging that there is “shamelessness”   Wayanad seat, the BJP leader said, “He has de-
        Gandhi’s) absence. I will work hard and I will try   and the party is imposing one member after anoth-  ceived the public of Wayanad by leaving the seat.
        my best to make everyone happy and be a good rep-  er of their dynasty on voters of Wayanad.   Even he didn’t tell the Wayanad public about his
        resentative. I have a very old relationship with Rae-  Lashing out at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s   contest from two seats. The left parties had con-
        bareli and Amethi and it cannot be broken. I will   decision to keep Raebareli seat and not Wayanad,   stantly iterated that he would leave Kerala and the
        also help my brother in Rae Bareli. We will both   Bharatiya Janata party leader Shehzad Poonawa-  same thing happened.”

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