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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                     INDIA-US RELATIONS

         BACK on TRACK?

            US NSA Jake Sullivan goes to engage with India’s top leaders even as the main

                          suspect in the alleged Pannun plot is extradited to New York.

                Can New Delhi and Washington come over their differences over Ukraine?

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/New York/Berne
           n a dramatic development on
           Monday, Indian national Nikhil
        IGupta, who is accused of being
        involved in the alleged failed mur-
        der plot of India-designated terrorist
        Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New
        York City was extradited from the
        Czech Republic to the US to stand
        trial. The US Justice Department has
        alleged that Gupta (52) is an associate
        of the Indian government and that to-
        gether they and others helped plot the
        assassination of Pannun.
            Gupta’s US-based lawyer, attor-
        ney Jeffrey Chabrowe said that his
        focus would be to pursue Gupta’s
        defense vigorously regardless of “out-
        side pressures.” “We will pursue his
        (Gupta’s) defense vigorously and en-
        sure he receives full due process, re-
        gardless of outside pressures,” Chab-
        rowe firmly asserted.                     Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets with US National Security Advisor (NSA) Jake Sullivan in New Delhi on Monday (ANI)
            New Delhi has firmly dissociated
        itself from the plot against Pannun,   day refrained from commenting on   add to the conversations....” said John   on other defense cooperation sectors
        saying it is against the Indian gov-  the question of the plot to kill Pannun   Kirby.                between the two nations.
        ernment’s policy. It has said it would   came up in National Security Advis-  Sullivan’s visit to Delhi, from June   The key points that were high-
        formally investigate security concerns   er (NSA) Jake Sullivan’s meetings   17 to 18, marks the first trip to India   lighted in the fact sheet were Signif-
        raised by Washington. Earlier in No-  in India and if it will be part of the   by a senior Biden Administration offi-  icant Funding Commitments, NA-
        vember, the US Justice Department   discussions. In a White House press   cial after the Modi government came   SA-ISRO Collaboration, Defense
        unsealed an indictment against an In-  briefing,  National  Security  Spokes-  to power for the third term. Earlier in   Space Technology, Telecommunica-
        dian national for his alleged involve-  person John Kirby said, “I don’t have   the day, Sullivan and Indian National   tions Advances, Semiconductor Part-
        ment in a foiled plot to assassinate a   more to add on the conversations that   Security Advisor Ajit Doval attended   nership, Quantum and AI Coopera-
        US-based leader of the Sikh Separat-  Jake Sullivan is having. He is still over   the annual meeting of the Initiative   tion amongst many others.
        ist Movement and a citizen in New   there having these conversations.”  on Critical and Emerging Technology   In an important move, India and
        York.                                 Kirby said that the main focus of   (iCET) between the two countries.   the US Monday launched a new stra-
            The discovery of alleged assassi-  his visit was to look for ways to deep-  The delegation-level talks were held   tegic semiconductors partnership to
        nation plot against Pannun in the US   en the US-India bilateral relationship,   in the national capital. This was the   co-develop semiconductor design and
        has brought the India-US relationship   particularly when it comes to emerg-  second iCET meeting between the   manufacturing processes for preci-
        under the spotlight.              ing technology. “He is still over there   two countries and is being held over   sion-guided ammunition. “Launching
            Gupta  was  extradited to  New   having these conversations. But the   two days on June 17 and 18.  a new strategic semiconductor part-
        York the same day when US National   main focus of his visit, as I said, was   Following the Critical and Emerg-  nership between General Atomics
        Security Adviser (NSA) Jake Sullivan   to look for ways to deepen the US-In-  ing Technology initiative talks in New   and 3rdiTech to co-develop semicon-
        was  in  New  Delhi  to  hold  meetings   dia bilateral relationship, particularly   Delhi, India and the US released a   ductor design and manufacturing for
        with India’s top leaders.         when it comes to emerging technol-  joint fact sheet which highlighted the   precision-guided  ammunition  and
            But the White House on Mon-   ogy. I don’t have anything more to   progress on MQ-9B acquisition, and    Continued on next page... >>

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