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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        other national security-focused elec-                                                                 laboration with Department of Ener-
        tronics platforms,” read the fact sheet                                                               gy entities; Advancing Indian collab-
        issued by the US and India.                                                                           oration with U.S. organizations and
            Semiconductors (essential for de-                                                                 companies for carrying out research
        fense, automobiles and telecommuni-                                                                   studies  for  beneficiation  of  critical
        cations sectors) have grown into a key                                                                minerals, including lithium, titanium,
        geopolitical battleground, with the                                                                   gallium, and vanadium,” added the
        US, Japan and China investing heavi-                                                                  fact sheet.
        ly in developing domestic capabilities.                                                                   The two countries agreed to build
            “Celebrating the conclusion of a                                                                  a collaborative program between the
        joint Semiconductor Readiness  As-                                                                    Geological Survey of India and the
        sessment through a partnership be-                                                                    US Geological Survey on exploration,
        tween the US Semiconductor Industry                                                                   characterization  and  evaluation  of
        Association and the India Electronics                                                                 rare earth elements and critical min-
        Semiconductor Association, which                                                                      eral deposits.
        identifies near-term industry opportu-                                                                    But there are still several hiccups
        nities and facilitates longer-term stra-                                                              in India-US relations. One of the big-
        tegic development of complementary                                                                    gest problems is the conflict in Ukraine
        semiconductor ecosystems,” the fact-                                                                  and India’s refusal to join the West
        sheet added.                                                                                          in criticizing or sanctioning Russia.
            This engagement with Indian and                                                                       In a further sign of India’s differ-
        US investors in the semiconductor in-                                                                 ences with the US, India on Sunday
        dustry in India aims to continue build-                                                               refrained from associating itself with
        ing India’s robust semiconductor and                                                                  any communique emerging from the
        information communication technol-                                                                    Swiss summit on peace in Ukraine
        ogy ecosystem.                                                                                        and reiterated its consistent approach
            Notably,  India in  March ap-                                                                     to facilitate a lasting and peaceful
        proved three semiconductor plant                                                                      resolution to the conflict through di-
        proposals, aiming to  bolster  India’s                                                                alogue and diplomacy. “India did not
        semiconductor manufacturing ecosys-                                                                   associate itself with any communique/
        tem. The projects entail an estimated                                                                 document emerging from this Sum-
        investment of Rs 1.26 lakh crore and                                                                  mit,” read the Ministry of External
        are expected to significantly contrib-      Jake Sullivan meets NSA Ajit Doval in New Delhi on Monday (ANI)  Affairs press release.
        ute to India’s electronics manufactur-                                                                    Pavan Kapoor, Secretary (West),
        ing sector.                       tional laboratories, and private sector   als Memorandum of Understand-  Ministry  of  External  Affairs,  repre-
            Tata Electronics and Taiwan’s   researchers.                    ing between the US Department of   sented India at the Summit on Peace
        Powerchip Semiconductor Manufac-      “Deepening industrial and com-  Commerce and the Indian Ministry of   in Ukraine, hosted by Switzerland at
        turing Corp. (PSMC) will establish   mercial coordination for critical min-  Commerce and Industry and the Min-  Burgenstock on 15-16 June 2024. The
        India’s  first  semiconductor  fabrica-  eral supply chains under the India-US   istry of Mines, and driving additional   Indian delegation attended the Open-
        tion plant (fab) in Dholera, Gujarat.   Commercial  Dialogue  between  the   areas of cooperation in critical miner-  ing and Closing Plenary Sessions of
        Tata Semiconductor Assembly and   US Department of Commerce and     al supply chains such as for graphite,   the Summit. “India’s participation
        Test Pvt Ltd (TSAT) will set up a   the Indian Ministry of Commerce   gallium, and germanium.         in the Summit, as well as in the pre-
        semiconductor unit in Morigaon, As-  and Industry, with private sector input   “Exploring opportunities for col-  ceding NSA/Political Director-level
        sam. CG Power, in partnership with   from the India-US CEO Forum,” the   laboration in the critical minerals sec-  meetings based on Ukraine’s Peace
        Renesas Electronics Corp., Japan,   fact sheet stated.              tor like bilateral collaboration in tech-  Formula, was in line with our consis-
        and Stars Microelectronics, Thailand,   They also committed to quickly   nologies for Neodymium-iron-boron   tent approach to facilitate a lasting
        will establish a semiconductor unit in   conclude a bilateral Critical Miner-  metal, alloy and magnet making, col-  and peaceful resolution to the conflict
        Sanand, Gujarat.                                                                                      through dialogue and diplomacy,”
            US and India also aimed to work                                                                   added the release.
        together to ensure a reliable supply                                                                      Now the US has taken its diplo-
        of critical minerals, which are essen-                                                                macy to India as Modi government
        tial for clean energy technologies and                                                                begins its third term. The White
        other important industries.                                                                           House on Monday reiterated that the
            “Promoting India’s  vital role in                                                                 visit of US National Security Advi-
        the Mineral Security Partnership, in-                                                                 sor Jake Sullivan to India will further
        cluding through co-investing in a lith-                                                               deepen the already strong partnership
        ium resource project in South Ameri-                                                                  between the two countries and create
        ca and a rare earths deposit in Africa,                                                               a more prosperous Indo-Pacific. “As
        to responsibly and sustainably diversi-                                                               the world’s two oldest and largest de-
        fy critical mineral supply chains,” read                                                              mocracies, the United States and In-
        the fact sheet.                                                                                       dia share a unique bond of friendship.
            The two countries agreed to es-                                                                   Jake Sullivan’s trip will further deep-
        tablish an India-US  Advanced Ma-                                                                     en the already strong US-India part-
        terials R&D Forum on the margins                                                                      nership to create a safer, more pros-
        of the India-U.S. Joint Committee                                                                     perous Indo-Pacific,” said John Kirby.
        Meeting on Science and Technolo-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the side-  It seems the phase of a mild fric-
        gy to expand collaboration between                lines of the G7 Summit in Apulia on Friday (ANI)    tion in the India-US relations may be
        American and Indian universities, na-                                                                 coming to an end now.

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