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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

         Shangri-La Dialogue 2024: Balance

                    of Power or Display of Power?

        The 2024 Shangri-La Dialogue witnessed intense discussions on regional security dynamics

         and heated debates between the USA, China and the Philippines. In addition, a number of

                         issues vital to India’s interests in the Indo-Pacific were also discussed


              resident Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
              of the Philippines delivered a
        Pkeynote  address of  profound
        significance at the 21st edition of the
        International Institute for Strategic
        Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue.
        His speech, a powerful testament to
        the Philippines’ unwavering commit-
        ment to peace and stability, under-
        scored the importance of ASEAN
        centrality and the rule of law. He also
        highlighted the pivotal role of middle
        powers in maintaining regional stabil-
        ity and expressed the country’s intent
        to  pursue  robust  collaboration  with
        India and other nations.
            The Philippines President went
        on to declare that the killing of Fil-
        ipinos would verge on an “act of
        war.” Concurrently, US INDOPA-
        COM Commander Admiral Samuel
        Paparo emphasized the importance
        of deterrence as a duty, highlighting
        military, economic and diplomat-
        ic dimensions. The admiral further
        stressed the role of reassurance in
        building trust and confidence among   The United States and China are striving to stabilize their relations, yet numerous factors fuel concerns about an inevitable confrontation in the
        allies and partners and, in the pro-
        cess, countered claims made by a                                   South China Sea over Taiwan (File photo/Agency)
        former Chinese envoy to the United
        States, Cui Tiankai, who stated that   rity, highlighting the tension and   defense cooperation, leading by ex-  future enactment of a new maritime
        the necessity of deterrence needs to   complexity of the region’s security   ample in maritime security cooper-  zones law.
        be opposed, advocating for coopera-  landscape. On June 1, U.S. Defense   ation and improving governance in   Thailand  called  for  enhanced
        tion to prevent conflict.         Secretary Lloyd Austin outlined a   newly emerging security domains),   cooperation  between  ASEAN-led
            Newly elected Indonesian Pres-  vision of increased connectivity with   warning about Taiwan’s situation and   frameworks and organizations like
        ident Prabowo Subianto introduced   Europe and the Middle East, under-  cautioning against provocations in   IORA, BIMSTEC, PIF, and the
        a comprehensive Peace Plan on the   lining upcoming initiatives such as a   the South China Sea.      Mekong Cooperation Framework.
        Israel-Gaza  conflict,  reiterating  his   trilateral U.S.-Japan-ROK military                         It highlighted the importance of im-
        call for peace  between  Russia  and   exercise plan and establishing a new   Fundamental Datapoints from   proving maritime domain awareness
        Ukraine amidst their ongoing war.   regional defense industrial base.   an ASEAN Perspective          (MDA) in search and rescue, hu-
        Meanwhile, Ukrainian President        After  that,  Chinese  Defense                                  manitarian assistance and disaster
        Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged global   Minister  Dong  Jun  articulated Chi-  he Philippines emphasized the   relief (HADR), climate change, and
        leaders to participate in the forth-  na’s  regional  security  framework   necessity of amplifying ASE-  environmental degradation. Fur-
        coming Peace Summit on June 15-16   through a six-point plan (the plan  TAN voices in the Indo-Pacific,   thermore, Thailand underscored the
        in Switzerland, emphasizing the ur-  consists of defending the legitimate   particularly regarding issues such as   advancement of a maritime security
        gency of collective action to resolve   security interests of all nations, work-  lethal autonomous weapons, space,   roadmap in collaboration with the
        current conflicts.                ing together to build a just and rea-  and cyber domains. It also announced   US through the ASEAN Defense
            At the dialogue, China and the   sonable international order, utilizing   its pursuit of a non-permanent seat   Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) Plus
        United States presented starkly   the framework for regional security,   on the United Nations Security   Working Group for 2021-2024.
        contrasting visions for Asia’s secu-  promoting transparent and practical   Council for the 2027-28 term and the

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