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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                          JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 14

                        WORSHIPPING THE


             anatan Dharma or Hinduism is a                                                                 holy feet of God. Just as an iron nail
             goldmine of sublime spiritual sym-                                                             that is firmly affixed to an iron surface
        Sbolism. Some of the most inspir-                                                                   can never be separated, similarly, one’s
        ing symbols relate to the form of God.                                                              mind should be fixed firmly at the feet
        Every atom of God’s apparently human                                                                of God.” This is articulated in Vachana-
        form is divine. When one worships with                                                              mrut Gadhada III-7.
        this belief one attains great spiritual                                                                 Thus, the feet of God are wor-
        heights.                                                                                            shipped with the utmost reverence, and
            And in this form, the charanarvind,                                                             in doing so, one progresses spiritually.
        holy feet, of God carry the most pro-                                                               Yet, even when one attains the elevat-
        found significance.                                                                                 ed God-realized state, one still remains
            Even from a secular viewpoint, in                                                               subservient to God.
        the olden days, people would bow at the                                                                 Bhagwan Swaminarayan describes
        feet of a ruler as an act of submission.                                                            this characteristic of devotees in
        This act of surrendering oneself and                                                                Vachanamrut Gadhada II-67, “Those
        seeking refuge ‘at the feet’ of someone                                                             devotees of God who become brah-
        more  powerful  and  capable  provides                                                              marup still behave as God’s servants
        one with protection and support.                                                                    and engage in his worship. In this way,
            So, to surrender at the feet of God                                                             devotees of God attain qualities simi-
        and dedicate oneself totally to him is the                                                          lar to those of God, and yet, the mas-
        ultimate acknowledgment of one’s sub-                                                               ter-servant relationship between them
        servience to God, the cause and creator                                                             is maintained.”
        of all. This sentiment has always played                                                                This principle is exemplified in the
        a central role in the Bhakta-Bhagwan                                                                lives  of  the  Gunatit  gurus  –  the  suc-
        tradition of Sanatan Dharma.                                                                        cession of God-realized Sadhus estab-
            In the Padma Puran, in the form of                                                              lished by Bhagwan Swaminarayan and
        a dialogue between Brahma and Nar-              Charanarvind of Bhagwan Swaminarayan displayed at    through whom he remains manifest on
        adji, Veda Vyasji describes the sixteen                                                             earth. His Holiness Pramukh Swami
        holy signs that are present on the feet of       BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham, Robbinsville, NJ     Maharaj and His Holiness Mahant Swa-
        God: Eight on the right foot and seven                                                              mi Maharaj have repeatedly taught and
        on the left. The sixteenth may be pres-  your body makes us think you are   He then accepted initiation from   practiced this principle of servitude to
        ent on either foot. Elaborating upon   human. We’ve seen many assem-  Bhagwan Swaminarayan into the   God as a key pillar in the philosophical
        this, Shrimad Jivagoswami writes in his   blies  like  this,  but  nowhere  have   sadhu-fold and was named Brah-  doctrine of BAPS. Their every thought,
        Vaishnavtoshni Tika, “When these six-  we seen so many people intent-  manand Swami.                word and deed reflects worship at the
        teen signs are present on the feet of a   ly  focused  on  one  person.  Please   Many such incidents were   feet of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
        person, understand that person as the   explain the significance of this to   witnessed by not only his param-
        manifest form of Parabrahman Puru-  us.” Bhagwan Swaminarayan re-   hansas  and devotees but also  by   The charanarvind of Bhagwan
        shottam Narayan. If an avatar has two,   plied, “Vairat Brahma prayed for   non-devotees, testifying to the fact
        three,  four,  five  or  more  signs,  then   50 years and 1½ pahor days of his   that Bhagwan Swaminarayan was   Swaminarayan can be seen at the
        understand the increasing glory of that   time (one day and night of Brah-  the manifest form of Purna Puru-  BAPS Swaminarayan Akshard-
        avatar.”                            man equals 8,640,000,000 human   shottam Narayan.
            Bhagwan Swaminarayan gave dar-  years) so that these charanarvind   Bhagwan Swaminarayan man-   ham in Robbinsville, NJ which is
        shan of the sixteen holy signs on his feet   manifest on this earth. Now you   ifested on earth in human form   open daily except Tuesdays, from
        to the paramhansas and devotees innu-  may conclude as you wish.”   from 1781 to 1830. A measure of
        merable times,  thus convincing  them   Bhagwan Swaminarayan was    his divinity is gauged by the fact   9:00 am to 7:30 pm. While ad-
        that he was the manifest form of Purna   in Gadhada, when the renowned   that over  3,000  sadhus  and  two   mission is free, reservations are
        Purushottam Narayan.                poet Ladudanji came to test him.   million devotees worshipped him,
            Once, Bhagwan Swaminarayan was   Ladudanji had made four wish-  with  the  firm  conviction  that  he   necessary for visits on weekends,
        seated under a mango tree in Vartal.   es for Bhagwan Swaminarayan to   was God incarnate. He taught the   US national holidays, and Hindu
        The paramhansas were keenly observ-  fulfill, among which was “If Swa-  Vedic philosophy that one has to
        ing  the  divine signs  on his  feet. Four   minarayan is God, let him show   become Aksharrup and worship at   festivals to minimize wait times.
        wellwishers approached for Maharaj’s   me the sixteen signs on the feet   the feet of Purushottam. Describ-    For more information, please visit
        blessings. He stretched his legs and   of God described in the shastras.”   ing this doctrine, Bhagwan Swam-
        seeing the sixteen sacred signs on his   All  four  of  his  wishes  were  ful-  inarayan explains in the Vachana-
        feet, they said, “Maharaj, seeing your   filled  by  Bhagwan  Swaminarayan   mrut, a sacred Hindu scripture
        feet makes us think that you are Purna   and Ladudanji was convinced that   of his teachings that “a devotee   Amrutvijaydas Swami
        Purushottam Narayan. But looking at   Bhagwan Swaminarayan was God.   should firmly keep his mind at the   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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