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P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                  JUNE 21, 2024

          Mayor Adams Administration Implements

             Critical Tools to Address Housing Crisis

                   Part of Ongoing Effort by Adams Administration to Achieve Moonshot Goal

                                            of 500,000 New Homes Over Next Decade

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams and New
              York City Department of Housing Preser-
        Nvation and Development (HPD) Commis-
        sioner Adolfo Carrión today announced the imple-
        mentation of two critically-needed tools to address
        the  city’s  housing  crisis.  The  tools  —  secured  as
        part of the Adams administration’s successful ad-
        vocacy in Albany this session — will incentivize
        the construction of multifamily rental construc-
        tion through a new program called “Affordable
        Neighborhoods for New Yorkers” (485-x), which
        replaces the previous 421-a (16) tool, extends the
        421-a (16) deadline for projects already underway,
        and creates a program to incentivize conversion of
        commercial buildings to affordable homes. The im-
        plementation of these tools — paired with the most   liver for working families.”          projects that participate in the extension.
        pro-housing updates in the history of the city’s   “As New Yorkers deal with rising rents due to   The “Affordable Housing from Commercial
        zoning code through the administration’s “City   a historic low in available homes, we must imple-  Conversion  Tax  Incentive  Benefit”  (467-m)  pro-
        of Yes for Housing Opportunity” proposal — will   ment every possible tool to build more housing.  gram will also be implemented by HPD. Last week,
        help meet demand for new housing and get clos-  Our administration’s rapid implementation of   the city released information including an expres-
        er to reaching Mayor Adams’ “moonshot” goal of   these new tools will not only deliver the homes   sion of interest form and guidance to inform the
        500,000 new homes by 2032.                    New Yorkers need, but ones they can afford,” said   establishment of a project’s commencement date.
           “To meet the challenge of our housing crisis,  New York City Executive Director of Housing Lei-  The tax exemption benefit size was structured to
        we need to use every tool in toolbox to complete   la Bozorg. “I am grateful to the incredible public   encourage owners to start construction quickly to
        one simple task: build more,” said Mayor Adams.  servants at the Department of Housing Preserva-  meet the urgency of the housing crisis.
        “The implementation of these new tools in such a   tion and Development and the Housing Develop-  The majority of underused office space is lo-
        short amount of time is another example of the   ment Corporation for their fast, thoughtful, and   cated in Manhattan below 96th Street, known as
        rapid pace in which our administration is moving   tireless work to address our housing crisis and de-  the Manhattan Prime District. This includes many
        to deliver affordable housing faster, smarter, and   liver for New Yorkers.”               neighborhoods with higher-than-average rents, ex-
        more effectively. But we are not stopping there.   “Today’s announcement represents an essen-  tremely low rental vacancies, and particularly ex-
        ‘City of Yes for Housing Opportunity’ is not only   tial step in our mission to combat New York City’s   pensive construction costs associated with the ar-
        the most ambitious zoning reform in our city’s his-  unprecedented affordable housing shortage,” said   ea’s density. In other words, it iss difficult to build
        tory but presents another potential tool to help us   New York City Housing Development Corpo-  new housing in an area that sorely needs new af-
        build our way out of this crisis. Working families   ration President Eric Enderlin. “I want to thank   fordable apartments, which is why the program of-
        need affordable housing now — and we are ready   our colleagues in Albany for providing us with the   fers the highest tax benefits to conversions in Man-
        to answer their call.”                        resources that  will expand  the  city’s  affordable   hattan below 96th Street. Regardless of location,
           “This year, our partners in Albany gave New   production and strengthen our ability to meet the   the tax exemption decreases as the program ages.
        York City powerful new tools to address the hous-  housing needs of New Yorkers.”             The Adams administration successfully advo-
        ing crisis, and the city is wasting no time in putting   For  new construction projects that com-  cated for new tools in this year’s New York state
        them into action,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing,  menced construction prior to June 15, 2022, the   budget that will spur the creation of urgently need-
        Economic Development, and Workforce Maria     state budget also extended the completion dead-  ed housing. These include: a tax incentive program
        Torres-Springer. “The steps we’re taking today will   line for qualifying projects seeking 421-a (16) tax   to encourage office conversions to create more af-
        encourage new, permanently-affordable housing   benefits from June 15, 2022 to June 15, 2031. For   fordable units, lifting the arbitrary “floor-to-area
        across the city and new homeownership opportu-  projects that participate in this extension, this   ratio” cap that held back affordable housing pro-
        nities across the outer boroughs. Our message to   change also removed the controversial Options C   duction in certain high-demand areas of the city,
        New Yorkers is clear: The Adams administration   and G, which allowed all affordable units in a proj-  and the ability to create a pilot program to legalize
        is using every tool to lower housing costs and de-  ect to be restricted at up to 130 percent AMI for   and make safe basement apartments.

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