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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                          JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 12

                   Celebrating Juneteenth with a New

          Heritage Walk, Landmark, and Progress

          This Juneteenth, I call on all New Yorkers to learn about and honor our city and nation’s

            inspiring and troubled past and continue to build on the progress we have made. Let us
                celebrate American ideals, American freedoms, and American potential, together

                   ERIC ADAMS
              s the second Black mayor of
             New York City, I am proud to
        Acelebrate Juneteenth, a day
        that  commemorates  June  19,  1865,
        when every enslaved Black Ameri-
        can was finally free. This is a day of
        importance not just for Black Ameri-  New Yorkers walk through neighborhoods like Brooklyn every day, unaware of the history right under their feet and surrounding them. To tell that
        cans, but for all Americans. It is a day          history, we launched “More Than a Brook: Brooklyn Abolitionist Heritage Walk” (File/Agency photo)
        when the promise of freedom finally
        matched Black Americans’ lived real-  walkable path incorporates 19 stops   Park  is  the  only  non-sectarian  cem-  rate for Black New Yorkers is at its
        ity. It is a day when the freedom for   highlighting the many landmark sites   etery founded by — and specifically   lowest point in half a decade.
        which America is known for around   that capture the borough’s rich aboli-  for  —  New York  City’s  Black com-  This  marks  the  first  time  since
        the world finally became available to   tionist history.            munity. The  memorial park opened   2019 that the Black unemployment
        a wider group of citizens.            Along the way, in addition to   in  1935,  offering  a  dignified  ceme-  rate in New York City has been be-
            However, as we all know, that   seeing famous abolitionist sites, you   tery for Black New Yorkers at a time   low 8 percent. And between January
        was only the start of a longer strug-  can learn about important local   when discrimination and segregation   1, 2022, and April 1, 2024, the Black
        gle — a struggle for equal access   historic  figures,  including  business-  excluded them from other burial sites   unemployment  rate  in  the  five  bor-
        from housing and health care to the   woman Elizabeth Gloucester, pio-  and limited them to substandard facil-  oughs decreased from 10.7 percent to
        ballot box and boardrooms that con-  neering sisters Dr. Susan Smith McK-  ities and services. In a time when oth-  7.9 percent — a 26 percent decrease.
        tinues to the present day. In honor of   inney-Steward and  educator  Sarah   ers turned their backs on Black New   While our work is never done, our city
        Juneteenth and the progress we have   J. Tompkins Garnet, and Plymouth  Yorkers, this park chose to open its   is making real progress in delivering
        made over the past centuries and de-  Church preacher Henry Ward Beech-  doors. The 14.88-acre burial site me-  economic equity.
        cades, our administration wants to   er. The tour can be accessed on your   morializes Black heritage and honors   This Juneteenth, I call on all New
        play its part in using the present to   smartphone, tablet, or other device   the generations of Black Americans   Yorkers to learn about and honor our
        reckon with our past so we can build   through the Landmark Preservation   who are buried there. Frederick   city and nation’s inspiring and trou-
        a better future.                  Commission’s website. With this in-  Douglass Memorial Park offered a   bled past and continue to build on
            New Yorkers walk through neigh-  teractive tour, our city can celebrate   dignified and dedicated space for the   the progress we have made. Let us
        borhoods like Brooklyn every day,   the heroes who stood up against in-  Black community to honor those who   celebrate American ideals, American
        unaware of the history right under   justice, risked their lives, and fought   transitioned. But, our remembrance   freedoms, and American potential,
        their feet and surrounding them. To   for the freedom they deserved.  of Juneteenth cannot be just symbolic,  together. And let us start right here,
        tell that history, we launched “More   The city’s abolitionist history   but substantive.             in the most diverse city on the globe, a
        Than a Brook: Brooklyn Abolitionist   lives across all five boroughs. In Stat-  As recently as last January, Black   place where those from all walks of life
        Heritage Walk,” an interactive audio   en Island’s Oakwood Heights, we are   New Yorkers were four times more   live side by side, proud to call them-
        tour that explores Brooklyn’s history   commemorating our shared history   likely to be unemployed than white   selves by one name: New Yorkers.
        as a critical neighborhood for the Na-  by designating the Frederick Dou-  New Yorkers, but, thanks to our ef-
        tional Abolitionist Movement and the   glass Memorial Park as a landmark.  forts, we have been able to narrow   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        Underground Railroad. The 4.5-mile   The Frederick Douglass Memorial   this gap, and now the unemployment     New York City, NY

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